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Strict Laws

Christos K

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I will probably be flamed at or something but I dont care and I hope no one takes this personal but I feel that the administration is WAY to strict. I recently posted in the Revans flowing cape mod showing the modder support and that if the modder needed any testers that I was up for it and that many people would love to help. I got a PM telling me it was spam. I dont see how and it wasnt "bumping" the thread either as it was alread the 3rd or 4th thread on the page not including stickies. I dont want anyone to take this personal. And I have looked over the rules. But can the adminitrators and moderators please just bring it down a notch. Once again I hope no one takes this personally.

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I would suggest sending a PM to a moderator/Admin. They'll address your concerns (they're terribly good).


It would be a better idea to have someone address you concerns privately, especially regarding what it essentially a private matter. than dragging this sort of thing into the open.

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