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Chapter 1

In the heart of Mandalore, the final son of Mandalore the great was born.


Mandalore's wife Jessica was in pain, she had just given birth, and was dying a very painful death, but while she was dying got visions of the futer of her son of all the honor. he will resolve and then she saw what she wished she would never see her son do he was killing his father with a bright blood stand red light saber through his heart and another purple light saber cleaving off his head, but disturber her the most was that he enjoyed it then everything stopped her heart her brain then she started to crash but there was one word that spaced her mouth before she died, and that was Revan.


this is a better preview for my first chapter there will be more emotion when i really do it but i hope you guys like it

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You need to check your spelling as it truly it quite bad. Futer? Resive? Such things are easily noticed. You may want to hold off on releasing more until you learn to spell . . . and use grammar. No offense.


Not quite the way i'd put it, or possibly the way it should be put, if one is to encourage the writer further. Try to keep criticism constructive.

@ Lord of Destruction,


It's very short, but, given that you say it's a preview, the brevity isn't an issue. I would recommend proof-reading and spell-checking your work, however, and possibly getting someone else to check it beforehand.


If you want the opinion of one of the writers here before you post the finished chapter, you can use the Beta service - if you ask one of the writers there they should be more than willing to oblige you. ;)



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Sorry, I was tired when typing that. It came out slightly . . . offensive. Sorry about that. But to help you advance you may wish to check your work twice before submitting meaning someone wont have to point out these mistakes. Apart from the that the story seems to have a nice foundation, I'll probaly keep track of this. Good luck with your Fan-Fic LoD :)

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