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Leader of the Werewolf Clan

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Kalvin felt one of the werewolves pick him up over it's shoulder. The pain he felt in his side was horrible, almost felt like it would cripple him. His vision was blurry he couldn't really make out where he was being brought to or where he was thrown. He tried to sit up but fell to the ground, and just laid there.


He felt a soft hand touch his back, and knew it was Trace.


Grinning softly he said "Guess my hot shotness is going to be my downfall" he started coughing with some blood coming out. He realized that the blow with the tree probably broke a rib or two, and most likely he had internal bleeding. He laughed slightly at his predicament.


Slowly he sat up and heard Melissa's voice "Guys!", shortly after he felt her hug him. Pain surged threw his body again forcing him to make a slight hissing noise at the pain, but he managed to hug her back.




Trace sat there next to Kalvin, worried for him. They couldn't stay in this compound much longer if he wanted his best friend and brother to survive. He noticed that the other guy was planning something, but he hopped that he didn't go threw with it. If that man tried he'd be torn to pieces before he could make the first blow.


He smiled at he saw Melissa approach. When she hugged him he held on tight, over whelmed with happiness to be reunited with her. Now that all three of them were together, he knew they had to come up with a plan.


Trace turned his head towards the other hostage "Hey, do you have a name?"

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The Alpha observed the Humans carefully, but then dismissed them as old thoughts began anew. A Elder slowly advanced and deliberately kicked a rock to get his attention. Without turning the Alpha let off a quiet snarl then piped in with a inquisitve tune. "The Humans . . . why do we let them live?" The Alpha had thought the Elder would've known better. "For the same reason we captured them. So we can understand their race. They will be released in due time, with some of our artifacts as a apologetic gesture."


The Elder observed Bloodhound, analyzing him for any hint of a jest, but none was too be found. "Your serious!?" Bloodhound turned to the Elder, his red eyes glowing menacingly. The Elder realized the folly of his outburst, bowed his head and scurried down the corridor. Bloodhound turned back to oberserving the Humans from this dark watch-point. Then he saw the Elder direct two brutes at the Humans.


Immediately the brutes began to advance, claws raised and barking furiously. The Elder had cheated him . . . he dived from the rockface and smashed straight into the brutes, then swiftly informed them of the Elders treachery. They acknowledged the occurance and dipped their heads in homage, hoping for forgiveness. He granted them it, then turned to the Elder. "You dare betray me? You would dare put these Humans in harms way? HOW DARE YOU DEFY ME!!!" Bloodhound brought both his claws up, instantly raking through the Elders flesh and bone. The Elder tumbled back, roaring in agony but Bloodhound did not relent. He through him into a shadowy corner, out of eyesight but not earshot.


Within seconds blood sputtered from the corner, covering most of the walls nearby the corner. Then he dragged the Elder by the neck to a nearby pit. "You will not live to regret your choice!" He tightened his grip, instantly breaking the Elders windpipe, killing him. He then discarded the corpse into the pit and roared.


Suddenly his eyes ceased to glow and instead began to radiate a pulsating blue. He slowly approached the Humans, trying not to frighten them. "You will not be harmed--" He raised his voice so all nearby could hear. "--And any who attempt to bring that upon you will forfeit their lives." The Werewolves stared for a couple of seconds, then dipped their heads in obedience. One of the Elders then barked at them, ordering them back to their buisness. Quickly the cave was emptied, leaving only a few guards and servants to tend to the Humans.


"Humans, you may leave whenever you want to, but if you stay and help my kind learn about your people then I can assure you that we will never bother you or your kind again. Also if you stay we will grant you some gold and artifacts from our treasury . . . well if your kind values such trinkets anyways." Behind Bloodhound a few attendants were scurrying around to create beds for their guests and prepare a banquet. Though Werewolves knew little of Humans they had learned alot from simply studying the captives camp. Bloodhound waited for a response.

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Kalvin grinned at the idea of the werewolves wanting to learn about the humans. Out of all the stories he's read, and myths he was told never once did it mention that they were passive beings. Kalvin started to cough again with a little more blood coming out, this time he was certain he had broken ribs, and was certain one had at least punctured his lung.


His breath was labored and heavy as he said "I don't know mate, for me what you see it what you get" he gave a faint smile to the pact leader and laughed slightly only to cough more.




Trace stayed kneeling at Kalvin's side, noticing how weak Kalvin's breathing was becoming. He was becoming worried that with out proper medical attention he would die and the thought of losing him was to heavy for his heart to bare. Quickly he turned towards the pact leader, his eyes swollen with sarrow and pain for Kalvin.


"Please, I think he might have some broken ribs. Is there anything you can do to help him?"


Maybe some one had some kind of magical powers or something. Since they've been here the behavior of these werewolves has been different then what the stories has told him. As he looked upon the leader he hoped that something could be done.

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Bloodhound nodded and gestured to a nearby Sage. "Heal him." The Sage dipped his head and then gestured two claws at the wound. Within seconds the wound had been sealed and the damage undone. The nearby attendants hurried to help Kalvin stand, seeing if he had made a full recovery. Bloodhound nodded his thanks to the Sage and then began to walk towards the door.

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Kalvin stood up, amazed by the recovery. He smiled at the thought of testing his recovery, he sorted threw his head at the moves he could do to test it. With the excitement building inside him he did a back flip, then did several kicks and punches in the air. Then he abruptly stopped remembering something his father had told him,


"Do not dishonor our family by showing off such weak movements. You will become the master of this Dojo, it is time you start acting like one."


Kalvin lowered his head got down on his knees towards the leader, placing his palms flat against the ground he lowered himself until his forehead touched the ground.


"Thank you. I am very grateful." he said to Bloodhound.

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At the Humans thanks Bloodhound simply grunted, then departed from the complex to the Council Hall. Already the Sages and Elders had gathered, waiting patiently for their leader. As Bloodhound began to seat himself one of the Sages brought forward a small gem. Bloodhound closed his eyes and allowed the gem to be put into his opened palms. He cupped his hands and brought it to his face, inhaling deeply. He then cast it down, the crystal shattering into a haze of azure dust.


The entire council did likewise with their own crystals and the meeting began. "The Humans are a threat to our security."--"I agree, they could be dangerous."


"Nonsense they are--" "No thats--" I can't believe--"


The Council erupted into debate, all save the more refined Sages and Elders. Bloodhound allowed the debate to climax before interupting. "Are you quite finished? Yes the Humans are a threat, a damn great one. But if we simply waited for them to find us then they'd likely slaughter us without concern. If we can show at least some Humans that we have more depth that just a ferocious maw then perhaps we can buy enough time to flee back to the Shadowlands."


This comment was greeted with a diverse array of responses, ranging from snarls to submissive whimpers. "Well fine, shall we slaughter the Humans and just wait for their blood-kin to hunt us down for vengeance? Oh yes what a wonderful idea! Brilliance at its most potency. That is sarcasm, a term of the Humans. I have learnt much of them, whilst the rest of you sit in ignorance thinking yourself superior. Now stop acting like pups and speak up like the wise-wolves you are!"


Most of the council hung their heads in shames, at realization of their folly. A select few cast a shadowy look upon Bloodhound, glaring at him with contempt. Others simply nodded. "Now then, if there isnt anything further to debate in this minute council then I will be retiring to my cave." The instant the Alpha turned was the breaking point, as the select traitors leapt at him, teeth bared ferociously. Bloodhound turned, his eyes yet again boiling crimson. He snarled in his language, barking archaic phrases and terms, barrating the foolish few.


He brought a single claw upon their ranks, cutting and raking through those foolish enough to oppose him. Then at last the Clan was rid off its traitorous Elders, allowing Bloodhound to take the reigns. He carried out his statement, retiring to his cave. Little more was heard from him for the rest of the night.

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The young woman was relieved that Kalvin was all right now. After the Werewolf leader's departure, Melissa wanted to have a meeting of her own with her friends and the other captive. She sat on a bed the assistant werewolves made, and looked down. Then she glanced at the trio.


"Guys? We need to talk. The Leader said if we stay, and let them learn more about the Humans, they won't bother us again." Melissa picked up a blueberry from a small bowl and examined it. "Now... I'm not much of a talker, but... what if the Leader is right? Maybe... just maybe... this might be an opportunity to tell others that some Werewolves aren't bad as the stories say they are."


Melissa ate the small blueberry, thinking. Then she looked at Kalvin, Trace, and the other captive for a response.

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Baldur and Stark paused as they saw dim lights up ahead. They from a small camp of huts nearby. But Baldur knew there had to be more inhabitents. A cave system, beneath the the camp. The huts were probably for show: werewolves needed a proper residence.


"Stark..." Baldur barked to his companion. "Hand me a clip of explosive shells..."


The Harker Soldier pulled from his pouch a metalic clip of bullets for Baldur's Gunsword. Baldur snatched the clip and smacked it into the weapon. "You wait here as backup! These puppies need a bit of a diversion..."


Baldur disapeared into the darkness. He moved silently towards one of the huts and aimed his gun at one of the gas heaters. He took a safe distance, aimed and fired. The combination of the explosive shell and a tank of gas made a devastating mushroom of fire, destroying the cabin. Baldur disapeared from site, and found a safe distance to watch as the tribe of werewolves came to investigate.

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Nick Rangel was running through the forest looking for the screaming that he heard, but all he saw was a bunch of humans. he peared his head to look at them more carefull, but as soon as he stuck his head out he heard some explosion. so he dashed to the location while hoping the humans didn't see him, or go to the explosion cause he knew what it was it was the hunters, and he had no desire to help humans at this moment.

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((Before I do this post can you all please note that magic can be spelt with a k and I prefer to spell it such, so dont complain when you see the word "Magick" in my post))


Bloodhound was atop his plateau when the explosion occured and knew full well what had happened. The Humans had declared war. He understood the Human mechanics of war and had already prepared his people against it. Bullets would bounce uselessly off of their thick hides, explosions would simply daze them and vehicles would be shredded by them. Not only that, but they had the ways of the Magi to aid them. With a wave of his hand he summoned a Magi from the Nether-Realms and directed the Magi's spellwork at the camp. Within seconds a fierce moonlight crackled overhead, bathing the camp in a luminous glow. Werewolves materialized in thin-air, dropping into the wilderness and scouring the tree-tops for the intruders. The Werewolves gathered around the camp roared their approval, as lightning struck harmlessly at a invisible barrier. The wind picked up and the Werewolves stood in awe as their leader glew a brilliant azure. His radiance spread across the nearby landscape, bathing it with a warm glow. His people were inspired and looked upon him with respect, admiration and endless loyalty.


With a wave of his hand the Magi ceased his spellwork causing the Werewolves to vanish into the shadows and the light to cease. The lightning stilled in the sky, but thunder echoed miles away. The glow that had previously encompassed the Alpha's massive form had now desisted and vanished. The Magi slowly faded, becoming little more than a illusion, then vanishing. The Alpha did not give this occurance a second thought, having seen the magick done a thousand times over before. Whoever these trespassers were, they would be captulated with little effort and little strain. He did not want war with Humanity, he simply wanted for his kind to be left alone. After witnessing the magnificent spectacle, Bloodhound turned and retreated back into the shadows of his cave. The sparkling waterfall from which the river was produced still spurted out the calm azure life-fluids that made Bloodhound feel so calm. The river ran smoothly, diverting its course around any obstacles that might just stand in its way. The image was soothing and calm, the only sound the whistling of the water or the rustling of the occasional bat.


Bloodhound stood and reached up for a nearby lantern, opening it and drawing a crystal from its depths. He snorted onto the small mineral and there were no immediate effects. Within seconds however the blue crystal had become silver and gave off a heavenly moonlight. He placed the crystal back in the lantern and once again settled at the banks of the river. Every now and again a Werewolf would pass him, but he paid his companion little attention as he diverted his focus to the sparkling waters. After a whilst he grew complacent and found it hard to remain still, so he once again sought to divert his focus to a new area. He got onto all-fours and almost instantly his form became identical to that of a regular wolf. He followed the river downstream, all the way outside. Upon leaving the caves he was greeted with the sight of many plants and animals. The mountains surrounded this small valley, making it impossible to access, even by air. The reasoning for this occurance was all due to the Magi, whom castle protective spellwork to hide this valley from view. It was a beatiful place, amazing sights and creatures perhaps once akin to the native creatures of Earth. The great garden was a amazing thing, one of the many achievements of his kind. They were proud of it and its creations.


After a while he came across a Werewolf who seemed to be waiting for him. "Alpha--" The Werewolf dipped his head in homage. "--You wished to see me?" Bloodhound nodded and directed his companion to a nearby stone, which protruded from the ground adjacent to the river. "I wish for you to return to the caves and retrieve the female Human, then escort her here."


The other simply nodded and set about doing his task, quickly grasping a small medallion upon the stone and then sprinting towards the cave on all fours. Bloodhound closed his eyes and brought about all the things so wonderful and full of life, though his people were full of bloodlust they could be brilliant and beatiful in their own way. He only wished that the council saw such things, such beatiful things . . . if only life were so simple to see.

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Before Kalvin and Trace could answer, Melissa could see something glowing outside. The young woman got up from her bed, and went to the entrance of the main complex. What she saw astounded her eyes. It was like a magical wonderland in the nightly but bright forest. "I've never seen anything like it..." Melissa whispered.


While she stared in awe, a Werewolf came inside the complex. Then he turned, and looked at Melissa. The young woman could see that he had a small medallion with him. "Young lady? Will you come with me, please? I have no intention on harming you nor your friends. My Leader wants to see you." Melissa thought on this. Then she glanced at Kalvin and Trace.


Going to her friends, she hugged them. "Don't worry, guys. I'll be okay." The Werewolf nodded. "She's right, lads. No harm will come to her. I promise."


After this, Melissa went to the Werewolf, and hopped on his back. Then, they ran back to the Leader. Everything was so fast to Melissa's eyes. But she let the wind blow her long blonde hair. It felt refreshing. Finally, they reached the Alpha. The Werewolf bowed, while letting Melissa down. "I have her, as you requested, my lord."

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Harding had been here long enough.


Having fallen asleep, the policemen wasn't feeling too great about missing some of the action.


He shook the feeling off and took a small camera from his pocket.


He then snapped off several pictures of these wolf-people camps. He'd be back later...


...and with a LOT more fire-power.


He stood and slowly back away from the camp, and then he broke into a mad-dash back to his squad car that was not too far away.

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Kalvin hugged Melissa back as she went willing with the werewolf. This time he didn't put up a fight, he would of rather not have got thrown against something again. As the werewolf and Melissa walked out of the door, Kalvin quickly dashed over and shoved a stick between the door and its frame preventing it from shutting. What ever that explosion what, and what ever those lights were, this place was now dangerous and he didn't want Trace to stay here a second longer.


He motioned his hand for Trace to move closer to him as he slowly opened the door a little to peer out. It seemed the like werewolves were to busy preparing themselves for some type of battle to notice his actions. He also hoped they would be to busy to notice Trace trying to escape.


"Trace" Kalvin whisper to him "See if you can get the other captive, and get the hell out of here"


He kept his eyes focused on the outside of the door making sure no danger was coming their way. He didn't really like fighting, but he would if he had to if it meant to protect his friends.




Trace heard what Kalvin was telling him but he knew he couldn't leave, not while Melissa was still with the pact leader.


"And if I leave, what do you think he'll do to Melissa. Probably kill her. So there is not a chance in hell that I'm leaving." he said to him defiantly. He knew he could be stubborn more times then he needed to be, but he wasn't goign to risk the safety of one of his friends just to save his own hide.


Trace noticed Kalvin trying to grip the ground, thinking of some sort of argument but he knew he couldn't think of a one. The fact remain if they tried to escape any one of them, it could put Melissa's life in jeopardy. He heard Kalvin sigh and give in. However Kalvin kept his vigilance on the outside of the door.


Trace sat down next to Kalvin sighing. They both were stuck here, possibly about to be ripped to shreds or blown to pieces, and that thought made him laugh if only slightly.

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The Cell Guard sighed at the childrens pathetic memory span. "As the Alpha says you can leave of your own choice whenever you like and your companion will not be harmed according to those choices. Didn't he tell you that only a few hours ago?!" The Guard exhaled, deeply irritated with these Humans. The funniest part was that all Werewolves were telepathic on some level and as such had the ability to read minds and hear thoughts.


The Alpha watched as the Werewolf approached with the female in tow. The servitor dipped his head in homage to the Alpha and then placed the medallion around the girls neck. He immediately departed, likely seeking to fulfill some other duty elsewhere. "Consider the medallion a gift, it will bring you peace of mind and if that were your wish, great money in your land." Bloodhound decided to leave out how greedy such a choice would be, preferring to not upset his guests opinions of him. "Its beatiful isn't it?" He opened his arms as if to embrace the moonlight, encompassing the entire valley. "We sowed the seeds of the garden, we nurtured them and this valley into being . . . you Humans play God in your own world, but you also work against him . . . undoing his work and wreaking havock unto your lands. I will never understand that aspect of Humanity, but beyond that little need be said in that area. . ."


He sighed as if his soul was burdened with some great sadness. He looked up to the moon as if seeking consul, as if seeking some special sign. But there was no answer to his silent calls, his pleas fallen upon deaf ears. "Melissa, your friends are a inigma too me, but you are strange in the sense that you are different. Perhaps its to do with gender amongst your kind. Kalvin is defiant, he will not accept reality nor think of the consequences of his actions. But Trace evens the scale, ensuring the safety of both his friends and directing Kalvin when needed. Yes, I know your names and I remember them easily." With but a shadow of a thought he had instructed the guard to bring the others before him.


"The Alpha wishes to see you, your friend is also there. You can either stay here, leave the caverns altogether, wonder round . . . or simply accept the request and go to him. The choice is yours. Simply say yes and you will find yourself there. What is your choice . . . Humans?"

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Kalvin smiled, he had no intention upon running he happened to like it here more then back home. At least here he was absolutely aware of his inferiority, instead of being back home knowing his was better then his father, with no way to prove it. And besides he had no intention on leaving Melissa here alone, especially with every thing that is going on.


He stood up slowly looking at the werewolf guard and smiled at him. Kalvin held out his hand to the werewolf saying "You probably already know my name is Kalvin, but I would like to know yours if that's alright"


Kalvin figured he was going to be here a while, possibly fighting what ever threat attacked they're little community along side them it wouldn't hurt to get to know some of the inhabitants by name.




Trace didn't wait for Kalvin, he started to walk towards where he believed the leader and Melissa would most likely be. After a while how ever he realized he was lost and had no clue where he was. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a werewolf walking around and decided to ask for some sort of directions. He tried to pull of Kalvin's I'm a completely dumb human routine by rubbing the back of his head and laughing a little at himself.


"Uhh...excuse me. The leader of your pact wanted to see me, and well I really don't know where he is. So if it wouldn't be so much trouble maybe you could help me" he hoped that it worked, he didn't like the idea of wondering around here for hours trying to find a place he didn't know how to find.


Trace swore he heard the wolf chuckle a little, almost sounding female. The werewolf nodded saying "follow me".


To Trace's surprise it was female. He started to mentally kick himself in the butt for not realizing the whole you need a female for mating. To some extent the werewolves weren't to much different then some humans. They all had they're own personality and views on things. Maybe perhaps he could learn some more about them, if they learned more about him.

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"Ahh Trace isnt it? Welcome to the Gardens . . ." A few moments later Kalvin materialized only a few feet away, having been teleported by the more-than-agitated guard.The Female smiled at the Humans and then made a hasty departure. "Perhaps you can learn of us whilst we learn of you hmm?" Bloodhound realized the mutual advantages of such a agreement. He also suspected that the Humans insatiable curiosity would likely hold them here, much more so than fear. The Alpha made little more noise, awaiting his guests reactions.

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Kalvin laughed when he realized what the guard had done. He made a note to himself to try and talk to the guard again. The guard may kill him for being a continuous pest but he was willing to take the chance, something was interesting about the guard. Then he realized where he was, he was with Trace who was escorted by one of the werewolves, Melissa and the pact leader.


"Sorry..." he mumbled.


He listened to what Bloodhound had to say "Perhaps you can learn of us whilst we learn of you hmm?"


Kalvin thought about it for a while and nodded "I like the idea. I could learn a few fighting techniques maybe."




"Perhaps you can learn of us whilst we learn of you hmm?"


Trace thought that was interesting, he swore he could of thought of something similar to that line. He shrugged it off it didn't really matter who came up with the idea first, just as long as learning from one another remained a possibility.


He looked over and Melissa seeing her approval of the situation, Trace nodded and said "What ever information I can offer I will."

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"Perhaps you can learn of us whilst we learn of you hmm?"


Melissa stood there, standing quiet and smiling sadly. Although she missed her family in the Human world, the young woman wanted the Werewolves to learn about the Humans, that way they wouldn't bother them again.


She nodded slowly, keeping her mouth closed. When Trace and Kalvin also agreed, she smiled. Melissa sighed quietly. Then she stepped up to Bloodhound. "I'm sorry if we did anything wrong, Alpha. It's just that..." She looked behind her at the forest. "My family... everyone I know..."


Tears formed in her eyes, but they didn't drop. Then she looked up at Bloodhound again. "You may think Humans don't care about life. Yes, some are careless. But there are others who love the Earth so much, they can't stand to see it fall. Everyday, people risk their lives to keep their world in balance. There are even some people who appreciate God's creation. I should know. I'm one of the few. And so are my friends."


Melissa felt a slight strength rise up in her, telling even the most feared Werewolf this.

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"Well . . . the main issue is that one of your kind has learnt of our existance and is likely seeking military action against us. Whilst we can resist weaponry and most things they chuck at us, I will not condone a course of action that leads to war . . . it seems that you three are the only things standing between a war of our races. . . Do know this however, if war is undeniable then we will not relent . . ."


Bloodhound hoped it wouldnt come to that, knowing full well of the bloodpact made so long ago. Should the Werewolves embrace the bloodlust they would be forever commited to scouring Humanity from the Earth. For a second his resolve faltered and his eyes burned a furious crimson. He salvaged what little sanity remained and once again took a hold of himself. If they were given the chance the Werewolves could deny the bloodpact, forever transforming them into creatures of beauty and accomplishment. If they were forced to embrace it . . . his eyes flashed crimson yet again.


The sudden possibility of war made his stomach turn, his resolve falter and the very fibre of his being shake. He sat down and crossed his legs, his eyes constantly changing from crimson to saphire. Every time he attempted to speak . . . the conflict grew greater. With great strength he managed to speak. "I have resisted the bloodpact . . . and so will my clan. The resistance is determined by its leader, not its members. But know that the other clans have been seduced by its charm . . . I must go now . . . the Werewolf clans are now at war . . ."


His eyes burned crimson and he let off a fiercesome howl. Within seconds a grotesque spectacle emerged from the tunnel, as huge beasts collided with claws and teeth raking their foes. All semblance of order lost, Bloodhound could do little but charge. He charged . . . into hells embrace.

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Melissa bit her lower lip with worry. Then she turned to Trace and Kalvin. "We've gotta do something! The Leader doesn't understand that both lives are important. Either way, we've gotta stop him!" The young woman turned to go, but stopped. Something inside her told her to not make it worse. She touched the medallion that was around her neck.


Then she turned to her friends once again. "Guys? You go and stop our people from hurting the Werewolves, and tell them you're alive and found." Melissa turned to look up. "I'll face the Alpha... if I can."


Melissa began to walk to find Bloodhound. She knew it was a crazy idea... but she had to stop him.

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Nick was searching the ruble of the once hut, and wondered why they would openly attack werewoles on there own ground it would be suicide. they must be very stupid, or just stupid, but it didn't really matter to him as soon as he found what he was looking for he be out of here. and he knew he couldn't afford another blood frenzy, but he was the luckest werewolf in the world because every police that tried to solve his case were idiots and kept saying it was just a wolf attack

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- what he saw was the strangest thing he ever saw. because a human was talking to a werewolf about being lost so he went and followed them maybe they will lead me to the place i'm looking for

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Harding reached the squad car without problem.


He imediatley commed the radio.


"CP 1, I think I found the people we're looking for."


CP 1 crackled to life,"That so, Harding?"


"Yeah, but I think I need to speak to you in person, I've got something you may want to see."


"Then by all means...show me at the station."

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Kalvin saw Melissa starting to pursue Bloodhound, quickly Kalvin stepped in the way placing his hands upon her shoulders. He wasn't sure what he was about to say, but he knew she wanted to at least see her family again, him on the other hand could care less. A verbally abusive father, and a mother that just doesn't care, made him glad he was living in the dorms at school. Part of him still wanted to impress his father, to at least be noticed for a moment that he wasn't such a screw up a failure.


Kalvin quickly shoot his head "Melissa, I'll go after the Alpha, it be better if you and Trace talked to the rest of our kind, they'd understand you two better, then they'd understand me with him. Besides i'm a mindless fight machine."


He started to run backwards away from her smiling "Great! I'm glad you understand"


Kalvin turned around and ran out of sight searching for Bloodhound "I just can't let her get hurt. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to her..." He said to himself as he ran away.

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Suddenly, she was stopped by a hand touching her shoulder. Melissa looked back and saw Kalvin.


"Melissa, I'll go after the Alpha, it be better if you and Trace talked to the rest of our kind, they'd understand you two better, then they'd understand me with him. Besides i'm a mindless fight machine."


The young woman thought about this. Then she looked back at him, and smiled.


"Great! I'm glad you understand"


After she saw Kalvin run off to find Bloodhound, Melissa walked back to Trace, and sat on a rock, her facing hunged sadly and hands together. "What are we gonna do, Trace? What if the Alpha doesn't listen? You know how he is. Why can't everyone understand that war isn't the answer?" Tears fell from her eyes, as she closed them.

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