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Leader of the Werewolf Clan

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Back at the station...


"What is this?" Asked Police Chief Joe Richardson.


Harding and his superior were in a private office, also with one other man, who was oddly cloaked in darkness.


"That's my question sir. I have no idea. What do you have in mind to handle these creatures."


Richardson sighed,"Well, they don't seem to be harmed, but they must being held against their will, and we have to get 'em out. But I don't know what these 'wolves' are."


The man cloaked in black that was sitting in the corner, stood.


"I may know. I am a hunter of what some may call the supernatural."


Harding coughed in disbelief,"Right, who are you? Van Helsing or something?"


Richardson took a sip from his coffe.


"No, Harding, this guy is known only as 'Velmer.' He really does hunt the supernatural. He came over as soon as he heard about this situation."


Hardin put his hands on his hips and sighed,"So, what are we going to do. How many men will we have? Will we have SWAT?"


Velmer spoke,"No, I have my own men to handle the job..."


"...more like a private army..." Richardson muttered to himself.


Velmer continued,"My plan is to extract the humans...and exterminate these....werewolves."


Richardson coughed his coffee,"Wha? Werewolves? You've got to be kidding me."


"Anything is possible, Chief Richardson. I will gladly do this mission...with your man Harding's help."


Harding sighed again, Here we go again....

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"What are we gonna do, Trace? What if the Alpha doesn't listen? You know how he is. Why can't everyone understand that war isn't the answer?"


Trace listened to Melissa, not really certain of what to say. He sighed, wondering if Kalvin would ever tell her how he felt. He wasn't counting on it, even if Kalvin was quick to act he wasn't one for change. Then he remembered his cell phone he kept in his pocket. He pulled it out and started to dial the local police stations number. With any luck some one would pick up.


"Don't worry Melissa I've got a plan, lets hope the police station isn't on his hourly doughnut run." he said to her trying to give her a reassuring smile.


The phone rang, Trace tapped his foot on the hard stone floor hoping that the urgency he felt for some one to pick up would reach the station and some one would answer.

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Richardson stood and was about to usher Harding out of the room, until the phone rang.


Richardson picked it up.


"Chief of Police here."


"Sir, we have an unidentified caller on the line. Should we patch it through?"


"Unidentified? Why is that?"


"The caller is somewhere near uncharted forests, sir."


"Patch it through..."


Harding chuckled,"Hopefully, we can figure this situation out, if that is who I think it is."

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Nick finally reached were the werewolf took the human. he was surprised that humans would even talk to werewolves, but his thoughts were interrupted when he saw the pack leader leaving the cave. just than he heard the humans arguing about pack leader and the person who attacked the huts, but he doubted they could change anything but he did admired them for there courage. "I will just follow them and see if can find a good fight, but before he could do anything he had to wait for the sun to rise before he could follow them

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He changed his mind but still decided to go to the police station "I'm going to need some supplies if there is going to be a war and no matter any vendetta i am loyal to my own kind."But this is not my war i will offer my help that's all. the humans deserve everything that they get.

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Baldur stood from a great distance, and watched as the hut burned down. Looking ahead into the distance at the near-by plateu, he saw a figure standing and unleashing the wrath of an ancient craft: magi.


Baldur smiled. "Hmph... Bloodhound, leader of the Lycan clan. I wouldn't be suprised, having witnessed his skills!"


All the commotion came to a halt. The distraction had worked at least... He glided through the village and entered the cave that was wihtout a doubt the residential complex of the werewolves.


He followed the path of the tunnels and stood. He waited, and heard it: a howl coming from the same werewolf. But this howl seemed... pained. "He'll be transforming soon..."


He continued onward and pulled out his gunsword. "Hopefully I'll be in time to rescue the humans, if they havent been yet converted."

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((PK, you lost me ^^))


Bloodhound clashed against a tide of blood-stained fur, claws raking against his hide, seeking to penetrate it. Within seconds he had cut down the front lines of the Ebon-Claw Clan, pushing deep into their ranks. His own warriors were thick in the civil war, attempting to preserve their race against the Bloodcall. Bloodhound then witnessed something that made him howl in rage. His life-mate was cut down before his eyes, her blood still freshly drawn from the wound. His claws glew a invincible silver, shining with the intensity of moonlight. His eyes transformed, becoming huge silver orbs.


The rest of his Clan became enfused with the moonlight, becoming free from the bloodpact. This power was bestowed upon them for breaking the pact and it would be theirs for eternity. The Werewolves had shunned blood and now bowed only to the moon. Those of the other Clans simply crumbled under this renewed vendetta of strength, instantly being torn to pieces by such deadly foes. Bloodhound's pitch black coat became white, reflecting his victory over the bloodpact.


Now everywhere the surviving Werewolves adorned similiar traits, betraying the bloodpact of old and becoming true beasts of the Lunar rays. Within seconds the civil war had become a revolution. Only the Lunar-Tooth's remained. Silverhound roared, embracing his new identity. But then he was overwhelmed by a emotion he had never before had felt the sting of. Loss . . .


He stared over the still-black coat of his mate, tears welling in his eyes. A drop fell upon her graceful coat, transforming it into dust. The heavenly substance rose from the ground, flying out the tunnels and into the air. "My love . . . my life . . . until I see you again." The race had shunned the pact, but at a great cost. Many now fell to the ground in grief, in agony . . . Even Silverhound was stung by the pain. The war had started only a few minutes ago . . . and concluded with the death of thousands.


He stared at a nearby wall, his eyes spinning like a vortex. Within seconds a rift appeared, ensnaring the sight of those nearby. The very substance of the Werewolves was drawn into it, transforming them into nothing more than rays of moonlight . . . The Werewolves disappeared from the forest--



--Within seconds the entire race was at home in a new cavern, already scurrying about to transform these empty caverns into a haven for their like. Silverhound deeply regretted leaving the children behind and ending any chance of learning about their race, but it was not such a issue. This new cavern however was only a short while away from their last . . . but very well hidden. Only one with a Lunar Medallion could find it . . . only one . . .

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While Trace tried to phone the police station, Melissa still sat on the rock nearby, looking up into the nightly sky. The moon began to glow brightly somehow. Suddenly, howls and whimpers could be heard from afar. It was strange. But then again, the Werewolves were at war.


The medallion she wore also became bright with a white glow. Melissa glanced down at the lunar-shaped medallion. Then she stood up. "Trace? Trace, look at this. The medallion... it's glowing!" the young woman whispered.


All of a sudden, her eyes began to glow white as well. The vision of her surroundings were outlined white, but she was the only person who could see such a thing. Then, there was a white trail, leading to something. Sadly, she was the only one to see something strange like this. Melissa gasped. "Trace. Follow me." And with that, she began to follow the white trail.

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Just then Nick was enraged all of the sudden he grew more vicious, and more stronger his claws extended his teeth grew several inches more, and no more waiting he was going to the police right then and slaughter every person in the police station. he didn't care about fear, vanity, rage, or any self loathing thing people worry about but there was one thing that his brain kept on telling him and that was REVENGE. He would be lucky if he survived the encounter

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nick jumped from building from building while being as stealthy as he could he was very close to the police station but very far away from it he saw a police car and decided catch a ride or take it.he landed on the car car and ripped of roof and grabbing the man on the left with his teath and threw him as far as could while the other opened the door and rolled out of the car. Nick dashed out on all fours

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((Are you guys still in the cave))


Baldur continued onward through the passage, holding his gun ready to strike down any opposing threats. Eventually he came across three figures in his path, and raised the gun at them. It took him a moment to realise they weren't Lycans. The humans he was assigned tor rescue.


He pointed his gun down, and smirked. "Well, this is unexpecting. Looks like I came all the way here for nothing..."

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((Well, we were headed to the new cavern. But no worries! I can arrange that. :) Oh, and it's only me and Trace. Kalvin went to look for Bloodhound aka Silverhound.))


Melissa walked down the path of the white light trail. Where was it leading to? And how could all of this happen? "The medallion..." she thought to herself. As she continued to walk, hoping Trace followed as well, she noticed the trail was now leading upward. Melissa's glowing eyes glanced up.

She then climbed on the rocks, following where the trail led. It was dangerous, but she had to try and get up to the top. Finally, within about five minutes, she made it to the top. She only hoped that Kalvin was all right by himself. Thy young woman was getting worried.


Suddenly, Melissa heard a voice. It sounded kinda scary. "Well, this is unexpecting. Looks like I came all the way here for nothing..."


When all her surroundings became normal, as well as her eye sights, Melissa turned, and saw a man wearing all black. She gulped. "Wh-who are you?"

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Richardson shook his head as he heard nothing on the telephone. He put his hand on the phone and looked at Harding and Velmer.


"Harding, show Velmer the place you saw. I think we're running out of time, the public want's those kids back, and we're going to give them. Now move it, and go kick some wolf-"


"...Thank you for your permission, Officer, my men and I will be quick," Interrupted Velmer in his thick European elitist accent.


The man did an about step and left the room, Harding following close.

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"Wh-who are you?"


"I'm with the Harker Organisation: I've been assigned to rescue you. We've had numerous reports about a Lycan infestation in this forest, but we chose to ignore it until now. Right now, they have already brutally murdered a police officer outside this forest."


He looked down at the glowing medallion. "Its all ready begun. The bloodpact has been broken, and another war has begun."

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Nick ran on all four legs so hard they made foot prints in the road.

before he knew it he was near the police station he stopped and scouted the area for more police but none were found so he kept on going.

He saw the police station, Nick ran as fast then jumped as high as he could and made a huge thump on top of the roof and howled as loud as he could so ever body could hear him.


Nick then got to a door and smashed it open knocking several people unconscious. "i do love my strength". until then he was like a ninja always in the shadows silently killing everybody at the top floor soon he will be able to sneak to the next level down. Then he finally realized what had happened to him and all werewolves the blood pact was broken he howled in rage werewolves weren't suppose to fight each other.


He knew now he had to choose a side so he got out of the police station and tried to see the leader he heard about."I will go back to the cave were he found the humans and see if they were dead yet or knew were the leader was.

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By daybreak the settlers were well established, turning some empty caverns into a home worthy of royalty. Fine silk was hung upon the walls and huge carpets strung across the floor. With the pact broken the Werewolves found a new artistic calling, immediately betraying the traditional empty cave feeling. Huge pictures were adorned upon the silk walls, portraying amazing attention to detail with no failings.


With the end of the bloodpact many Werewolves fled the Shadowlands to join Silverhound's clan, escaping the inevitable death that awaited them. The Werewolves now stood upright, clad in fine vestments or flowing robes. The raw meat that once was the Werewolves diet was discarded in favour of a much more balanced pallet. Such changes seemed to come naturally to the Werewolves, almost as if it was their everyday lives. Not one spoke out against the changes, nor did anyone oppose it. Silverhound however was nowhere to be found . . .

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"I'm with the Harker Organisation: I've been assigned to rescue you. We've had numerous reports about a Lycan infestation in this forest, but we chose to ignore it until now. Right now, they have already brutally murdered a police officer outside this forest."


Melissa gasped, and placed her hand over her mouth. It was terrible. One victim was killed by the Werewolves! Where was Kalvin? Where could he have been? "But... but we've gotta find Kalvin and get away from this horrible place! We just gotta!" Suddenly, she heard a great howl from the distance. She couldn't tell whether it was Bloodhound's or another Werewolf.


"Its all ready begun. The bloodpact has been broken, and another war has begun."


The young woman glanced down at the medallion. Then she looked at Trace and the man. "Broken? Another war? Man, this is not good! We totally have to get out of here!" Melissa said, beginning to panic.

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Nick was running through the forest when the sun finally came up his great green coat gone, his fangs shrinking, his claws turning in to fingernail he made a big grunt. cause of the pain. he was able to suppress it with the years gone by, but it still hurt like hell.but he was always use to pain, pain from the other werewolves, from police, from the hunters, and that day when that human girl helped him Nick smirked. "if i ever see her again i must thank her and repay her for her kindness, but thats the only human i will ever thank".


Nick laughed he will never see her again once the war was over humanity was next he just hopped he would not have to put her down."Got to keep moving I'm vulnerable in the daylight". He got his shotgun and his sword ready while moving on foot hopefully people would think that he was a hiker or a veteran of a war trying to protect himself than think he's a big bad wolf.he soon was at the cave were a girl and and a man dressed in black were talking. he knew the man was dangerous, but he had to find the leader so he got closer every step he took taking his shotgun and strapping it behind his back.

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Harding looked out at the small army assembled in front of him.


"So, Velmer, how do you get funding for this? It looks like an army of a couple thousand, with heavy equipment."


Velmer nodded and continued toward a light tank that was nearby.


"In Europe, we have worse problems wiht the super natural. There are many people, wealthy people, that want these problems handled. This buisness is actually quite lucrative."


Harding nodded. He was speaking to a mercenary monster hunter.


"Anyway, Officer, let's handle these werewolves."


Velmer hopped on the top of the tank and gave a signal. Harding got onto the tank as well, and the column of heavily armed troops moved forward towards the forest. They moved also with the cover of attack copters. These guys didn't mess around on an assignment.

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As Melissa began to panic, the Lunar medallion she wore began to glow again. The young woman raised her eyebrow. "Huh?" Why was it glowing? Was it a sign of warning? There must've been a reason why the medallion was glowing.


"Why is it glowing again?" Suddenly, she could've promised there was another man, coming inside the cave. Luckily, it was morning now, so she didn't have to worry about the dark anymore. Strange. The moon was up... but daylight came. Bloodhound must've had powers connected with the moon.


Melissa looked closely. It was a man! The young woman backed away a little, with that man and Trace behind her. "Who are you?! What do you want?" That panic state was coming back again.

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"Who are you? What do you want?"


"I'm Nick Rangel are you the only people here? The girl sounded upset or terrified "I'll not push it" Nick thought."why are you in a cave in the middle of the forest you should get out of here it's not a safe place here lately". smooth one hot shot he said to himself they might think I'm the danger, but where have i seen that man in black before".


Nick walked closer into the cave to see the faces of the humans more clearly but then him sense's were sensing something that will put him in danger so he stood his ground and if she will talk

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Baldur eyed the man walking closer to the group. He smiled and chuckled. "I smell a rabid dog!"


Baldur began to approach Rangel but stopped mid way. He kept his sinister smile in one piece. "Why aren't you with your family, dog? Arent you aware that the bloodpack has finally been broken. Even that medallion tells me all the information I need."


"Why are you really down here, Lycan?" his hand itching towards his Gunsword.

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As the two men did the talking, Melissa kept staring at the newcomer. Something about this man was... familiar. She looked closer, but still stood where she was at. "That face... It feels like... I know it from somewhere," the young woman thought to herself.


She closed her eyes slowly, trying to remember that face. Going back to her childhood, as a little girl, she saw a man covered in scars and badly hurt. Melissa wanted to help him, so she called the hospital at a nearby phone booth, and tried to heal him with cool water. Then her mother took her away from that man. She was only about... eleven, twelve-years-old, she thought.


Melissa opened her eyes again. "You... you look familiar..." she said to the man named Nick quietly.

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well well well looks like we have a scared baby bat in are presence", but the girl looked very familiar". "And get your gun i may not be as powerful during the day but i can kill you faster than you can kill me Vamp." "Miss may i ask who are you and why are you with the likes of this mongrel let me guess you were on a date with him and he lured you out here typical vamps never knew how to control there urges"


Nick drew back his hand to get his sword and shotgun ready to shoot the vampire

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"Miss may i ask who are you and why are you with the likes of this mongrel let me guess you were on a date with him and he lured you out here typical vamps never knew how to control there urges"


Before both guys could kill each other, the young woman came in between them, stopping them. "Wait! Please, don't kill each other!" Then she turned, and looked at Nick. "My... my name is Melissa Jenkins. My friends and I," she gestured to young man Trace, one of her friends, "were kidnapped by Werewolves. Luckily, this man saved our lives. And now, we have to go search for my other friend."


Suddenly, she remembered him calling the other man a Vamp. Meaning Vampire. Then the man in black called Nick a dog. Melissa bit her lower lip worryingly.

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"werewolves you say they normally turn you or kill you why would they kidnap you and friends are you sure he had nothing to do with it because i would really like to break his fangs".Fine i'll him be for now but i make no promises at nite.as he was talking to Melissa he put his sword and shotgun away."alright he said with a sigh were are the wolves that kidnapped your friend i guess i will help just to make sure he dosn't kill you or turn you

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Baldur cackled. "Scared? I know no definition behind the word "fear", furball!" he smiled with insane eyes. "I am nothing like any nosfaratu you have ever encountered."


He let go of his gun, safely tucked away in its sheath hidden in his coat.


"My... my name is Melissa Jenkins. My friends and I," she gestured to young man Trace, one of her friends, "were kidnapped by Werewolves. Luckily, this man saved our lives. And now, we have to go search for my other friend."


"By the looks of things, you saved your self. If I had more time, I would have come to rescue you and your friends from the clutches of Bloodhound. But we have more matters to face: where did you get that medalion?"

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