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Leader of the Werewolf Clan

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Baldur approached the body where Mellisa was crouching beside. Why she would even mourn over this werewolf in particular was beyond him.


"Peh... a member of the proud Lycan clan and he cant even heal his bullet wounds!"


Baldur knealt down beside Nick, his grin spread across his face with his fangs the most distinctive feature. "I have uses for you, dog!" He pulled his glove off and sunk his fangs into his palm. The bite marks drew blood out, and Baldur raised his hand infront of Nicks open mouth.


"You're not ready to be put down just yet, you detesting beast. Once my blood runs down your throat, you will be given a choice: provide me with your services, or suffer a gruesome fate in the Underworld!"


A drop of blood fell into Nicks mouth...

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Velmer put his rifle back down.


He had succesfully shot one of the running human/werewolves, but to Velmer it didn't matter.


A nearby Merc nodded,"Excellent shot, sir!"


"Danke. There's more where that came from."


Suddenly, a small group was gathering near the body, and a young woman was kneeling by the recently shot man.


Velmer's eyes flashed with recognition as he knew the other figures.




Velmer raised the rifle again, he would shoot the women first.


Harding saw his intent, and recognized the woman as one fo the missing college students. The college students he had to save.


He whacked Velmer's rifle out of alignment right as he fired, sending him off target angering the man.


"I can't let you shoot them, I need her and her friends ALIVE! GOT THAT, VELMER!"


Velmer calmed down, but didn't respond, he only glared angrily.

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Nick shot up angrily "think before you react vamp, and you humans if you dare hurt her you are dead DO YOU UNDER STAND ME" Nick said with a blood red color in his eyes


"where have you been you're supposed to be out of the forest don't care for a mutt do you understand me"


"Baldur protect her better she almost got shot"


Nick then got up and walked away to some place she wouldn't be in danger. then a thought came humans, humans they were the problem the disgusting vermin, but then thought of Melissa came up, and he was confused she just a human that saved my life i don't care for her. no human needs my compassion

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((Again, be careful with the grammers and spellings, Destruction. Thank you. :) ))


Melissa was suddenly startled by the gunshot she heard. Maybe they were the ones who shot Nick. She glanced around the forest, but saw no one. Nick could probably sense them. After all, he was a werewolf.


After Baldur healed him by using his blood, which made her twitch a little, Nick looked angry.


"where have you been you're supposed to be out of the forest don't care for a mutt do you understand me"


After that, Melissa watched Nick walk away, angry with blood red eyes. Her heart sank with sadness. Why was he always angry? Something must've bothered him deeply.


Sitting on the ground, Melissa bowed her head with tears. Then she said to Baldur, "Now I remember. He was the one I helped when I was a little girl. He looked badly hurt with scars, and... I wanted to help him." She bit her lower lip, and stood up. Then she glanced up at Baldur. "I can't stand to watch him be angry at the world. He must know that... there can be people that care about him. Even if they're different."


Melissa turned to catch up to Nick. Then she stopped. "Can you come with me, just in case, Baldur? I have to help him. I want to help him."

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Trace walked to Melissa's side looking at the direction Nick ran off too. If they wanted to catch up they better leave soon. Things were becoming more and more strange. If werewolves where enough, now vampires. Trace knew his day was in for a long run, part of him was glad Kalvin wasn't around. He could imagine how Kalvin would be handling all of this, and it wouldn't have been calm and collective.


"I'm going to see how Kalvin is doing" Trace took out his cell phone and started texting a message to Kalvin "I'll catch up eventually."


The message was a simple one, since he knew Kalvin would attempt to text him back. Trace just hoped the message didn't get lost in the process. This forest seemed to have a habit of wrecking his signal.




Kalvin was still wandering around the forest, still completely lost. In the distance he could hear running water. His mouth was dry, and he was pretty desperate for something to drink. His direction changed towards the distant river. He was surprised at how close the river actually was, it only took him a good ten minuets to get to it. Slowly Kalvin knelt down beside the river dipping his hands into the water when his phone started to go off.


"Who could this be..." he said to himself kind of irritated and tired.


He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at the message. A smile came across his face, the message was from Trace.


Hey Kal, you still living or have you finally done something to get yourself killed? Anyways, me and Melissa are alright, we've ran into some others. I'll explain in more detail when we meet up again?


Kalvin starting writing a message back to Trace, Yea, still alive. its good to hear from u. U 2 better stay safe.


Once the send button was hit he closed his phone and looked at his reflection in the water. Every part of him reminded him of his father, ever feature of his face. He wished so hard that he could alter how he looked, so he wouldn't be reminded of the person he wished loved him but never would.


"Damn old man probably doesn't care I'm missing." he said to his reflection.

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Baldur kept his calm as Nick yelled at him. He smiled. "The fact that my own blood runs through your bodily fluids aggrivates me, dog. You could at least thank me for saving your life."


Nick ran off. Mellisa started to follow.


"Can you come with me, just in case, Baldur? I have to help him. I want to help him."


"He is a lost sole. I wouldnt even try to bother with the likes of him." He walked towards her. "Besides, I saved his life. I offered him a blood debt, and he chose to accept it. He oughta make good on that oath in due time! If you choose to still follow him, then I will accompany you for your protection. But first..."


He looked angrily at the two humans, and approached the one with the rifle. Baldur shot him an insane grin on his face. "You tried to attack a human head-on. She had no weapon or showed any sign of hostilities!" he snatched the rifle from Velmer. Holding it by the barrel he crushed it against his grip. "Your lack of honor disgusts me!" he dropped the disfigured rifle onto the ground. "My mistress has already ordered you to cease fire! Why havent you?!"

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Nick heard everything about Baldur talking to the person and about his Mistress. "so they were ordered to stop, and didn't then that means i can some fun with, or just eradicate them. and why is she trying to follow me didn't i make it clear. fine, but she won't want to see me at night. hopefully at that time she will learn" Nick than ran as fast as he could to Baldur and back flipped over him and drew his sword out trying to scare everybody there to follow me means you die but, humans were never smart

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Harding flinched at the man who approached, something about him didn't seem human.


Velmer did not flinch, and kept a straight face the entire time.


Velmer put his hand inside his combat vest and withdrew a metal stake.


"We'd never listen to your mistress. You tell me about honor, Vampire!!" Velmer shouted.


He then swung the stake at the man's chest. Harding took a couple feet back and got out his Glock pistol, though he really didn't want to use it, he didn't know which one was the enemy.

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Kalvin could hear alot of commotion in the background as he wandered aimlessly threw the vast forest. He started to think he was losing his mind until he noticed Trace and Melissa standing in the distance, and further up there was some kind of commotion. He couldn't clearly make out anything so he carefully approched the situation. Kalvin was kind of laughing at himself, if this was any other day, in any other place he probably would of walked away from something that could be dangerous. But he didn't know if his friends were in any danger because of what was going on. He made a secrete vow to himself one night that he would protect the ones he loved dearly, even if it cost him his own life.


"Not sure what Im getting myself into" he mumbled to himself "But I just hope it wont be the last thing I ever do."


He walked closer, and saw guns pulled out. He knew for certain that he just walked into a dangerous situation and if he didn't speak wisely he'd lost his head.


"Uhmm. Hi" Kalvin said with a half smile waving "I don't suppose there could be some kind of peace talks. hehe"

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Nick got behind the person with the stake ,and said "so your the captain i figured somebody taller, but it doesn't matter". as he said this he drop kicked him to the ground, and punched him square in the chest. "and, you" .he said to the second vampire. "there is already one of your kind hear so scat before i make you scat". "i should of just stayed in North Cal". nick thought


as he said the word he noticed that he missed somebody with a sigh he said. "drop the gun or you'll end up like him do you understand".

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((Thrawn, you are obligated to make another character sheet without having to transform your current one.))


Baldur let the stake pierce through him and stab into his heart. He looked down at the wood crafted weapon and grabbed it. He chuckled, as he yanked the stake out. His wound healed.


"Heh heh ha ha ha ha.... Ah, I havent felt the sensation of wood piercing through my body for some time!" He snapped the stake in half. "I said this once before: I am different from any vampire anyone has ever encounted. How else would I be able to survive out here in the daylight?!?"


Given from his hybrid status, Baldur was immune to many vamperic weaknesses, as well as ordinary mortal inflictions. He was however vulnerable to Silver and Garlic, which he dared not expose infront of his enemies. He pulled out his Gunsword and pointed the tip of the blade at the fallen captains chest. "Try another bold move, and I'll end your life quickly!"

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((Yeah, Thrawn. You can make a 2nd character sheet with your Human-like form. Or you could just add it to your previous character sheet by editing and adding Vandur Darkclaw as in Human form.))


Melissa saw all that was happening. When all guns were pointed, she became really scared. This was her first time ever having guns pointed at her or seeing anybody else being pointed with a gun. The young woman gulped, and stood by Trace. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice.


"Uhmm. Hi" Kalvin said with a half smile waving "I don't suppose there could be some kind of peace talks. hehe"


She turned and looked. It was Kalvin! But then she heard Nick speak. "there is already one of your kind hear so scat before i make you scat".


Melissa came by Kalvin's side, and grabbed his arm. "No! Leave him alone! He's a friend of mine and Trace! The one we were looking for." She smiled, and hugged Kalvin tightly, relieved to see him again. After she let go, she stared at the newcomer clothed in black like Baldur, but a little different. She wondered who he was.


Suddenly, Baldur was stabbed on the chest by the stake a man plunged into him. As Baldur yanked the stake out, Melissa fainted towards the ground. She saw enough.

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Kalvin hugged Melissa back as he felt the warmth of her body against him. He was happy to see his friends again. It seemed like everyone was acting like barbarians, not using the minds evolution had given them. Kalvin always acted foolish in stressful situations usually not helping the matter at all, but when he saw Melissa faint from the violence he had, had enough.


Quickly Kalvin caught Melissa before she could land on the ground and picked her up in his arms holding on to her tight. She had been threw a lot he could see that.


"So is this what evolution gives us. More blood crazed idiots!" Kalvin yelled out. "Is this all we are honestly capable of doing? Killing everything until nothing is left? If you want to start a war, then you can leave me and my friends out of it, I don't want any part of people who refuse to think with they're minds first. Once your willing to have a peaceful conversation, then you can talk. But violence, violence has never, never solved anything. and in the end no one will be the winner."




Trace watched as Kalvin held Melissa in his arms, and started yelling at the ones fighting and pointing they're weapons. He agreed with what Kalvin was saying, they knew the werewolves wanted peace. So why not be willing to hear them out and work on it. Trace stepped forward standing next to Kalvin, keeping his face still, his breaths shallow.


"If you only destroy because of stories you have heard. Then you destroy for the wrong reasons. If you destroy because of certain few, you destroy for the wrong reasons. You shouldn't destroy until you know the whole truth. So be willing to hear out all parties. Then come to a solutions. And if that can't be accomplished, then it wont only be humanity that gets destroyed.." Trace stopped and pointed to the burned area of the woods "then you sacrifice everything this world has given us."

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"leave and take her out of this place now, and hide when ever there is night or else you will die, and i don't wish that on her". Nick then walked into the burnt forest hiding in the shadows of the forest where no one could find him until he wanted to be found.


Nick kept running and running all his life he's been running from humans from wolves from himself. but now he's made a conclusion he will destroy the humans. "the deserve death, a death they longly deserved".


As the day went on his anger got worse, and worse and it was all connected to the humans nothing else mattered. but he still missed Melissa, and he wished that her friend would take her out of this place cause it would get very ugly very soon.

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Velmer's eyes flahsed with a furious anger and Harding backed away slowly, still checking his targets, maybe there was a peaceful way out.


But Velmer may cause a problem to that.


Velmer spoke,"You...Baldur wasn't it? You wouldn't remember me? Would you? A pity.."


Velmer drew it his pistol, like all of his troops, his weapon was loaded with silver bullets.


"A pity..."


Velmer was about to pull the trigger, but Harding ran over and swatted the weapon out of Velmer's hands. He reacted to Harding by swinging his fist into the officer's face, and then moved to grab the pistol again.


Harding struggled back up, and changed priorities, he had to find the humans before a full-scale war broke out.


Harding heard the rumbling of tanks coming from behind, and he knew that there wasn't much time.


Harding spotted the direction the humans went, and he sprinted that way.


Velmer picked up his silver-bullet loaded gun.

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Gerris Kershaw had been dispatched to aid Operation Burning Fire. He could not have picked a worse assignment. After a slow march through the wood's after what he thought was simply terrorist's or some-such he found the truth. Werewolves. As soon as the forest burst into flame's, he realized what was actually going on. He ordered his troop's to hold fire and follow him, double time. After seeing a stake plunge into this shady creature's chest he was overwhelmed by shock and confusion.


He raised up his rifle and loaded, ready to do whatever it take's. When the creature drew out the stake, with the wound sealing, Gerris was pushed across the line. He ordered his unit to withdraw from the operation and he ordered it fast. Then he made the decision of a lifetime and advanced upon the gathering. He sighed and quickly examined his companion's. "Gerris Kershaw, Sergeant of the US Military. What the hell is going on?!"

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While passed out, Melissa looked awake in her mind. She was in a green meadow with trees and hills, and the sun shone brightly. Suddenly, an elderly woman walked towards her with a warm smile. She wore a blue dress and a long blue veil on her head. Melissa smiled with tears in her eyes.


"Grandma?" Julia, her grandmother, smiled and replied, "Hello, my dear." Melissa ran to her to give her a hug. But to her surprise... Julia picked her up and hugged her! Melissa could now see herself as a six-year-old girl before her grandmother died. This was strange. However, she was still inside her mind while fainted.


Melissa looked at her grandmother. "Grandma? I have to ask you something. My friends and I ran into some scary people. And... some are planning to destroy the forest! What should I do?" "Well," Julia started, walking towards a bench and sitting on it, "Forests are part of nature, right? So... you must convice them that it should be treated like a loved one. Even if something inside is being washed away."


The little girl who sat on her grandma's lap nodded in thought. Then she asked, "But... what about Baldur, Nick, and Bloodhound? How can I help them find the right path?" Julia thought on those three mysterious yet tough guys.


"I've seen what they can do so far. Bloodhound may be a fierce leader... but he may know what he do sometimes is wrong. He's probably afriad to admit it. With Nick, he's tough to get to. Even though he wants to destroy humanity, deep inside he's hurt, and needs healing. When that healing helps, he'll understand that Life is more important than anything. And Baldur... strong and sometimes feared, is a good person. There may be something more that you don't know about. But I leave that to him."


Melissa nodded. Then she and Julia began to fade apart. "Grandma! Please don't go!" she yelled, tears falling from her eyes. " I'll always be with you, Melissa. And remember... all Life is important. Together... everyone stands as One." After this, everything was back to normal.


Back in reality, Melissa, now in the present, was in Kalvin's arms. She moaned, and opened her blue eyes slowly. "What... what's going on?"

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"You...Baldur wasn't it? You wouldn't remember me? Would you? A pity.." Velmer aimed a pistol at Baldur's face. He saw Harding grab the gun away punched Velmer, knocking him to the ground. Baldur approached him.


"Should I? I knew too many humans in my lifetime, most who are a lot like you I have put down!"


Baldur eyed Velmer grabbing his pistol again, but Baldur slammed his boot down on the gun before the man could aim it. Baldur smiled. "The problem with Silver bullets is that, though lethal, are less penetrative then Lead Bullets."


Baldur staked the blade of his Gunsword through Velmer's leg. "My rounds however are specially customised Lead Bullets infused with Silver Nitrate: specifically designed for hunting Werewolves!" Baldur fired his gun, blood splattered as the bullet pierced through Velmer's leg.


"Gerris Kershaw, Sergeant of the US Military. What the hell is going on?!"


Baldur glanced over at the Gerris. "Designated BAL2501, Baldur Illumine of the Harker Organisation." He pulled his blade from the injured Velmer. "You were given orders to cease fire on the bombardment, but Captain Velmer failed to comply."

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Gerris laughed sadistically at the pair. "This isn't a Military operation. I was simply dispatched to find out the situation." He didn't give the nasty wound Velmer recieved a second look, having seen worse many'a time. He cocked his head and grinned again, this time lowering his rifle slowly. "So Baldur, a ceasefire is needed?" Gerris pulled out his radio and spoke quickly into it, lowering his voice so much so as to make it indistinguishable from muttering. After finishing he replaced the radio to his belt and once again eyed the pair. "Harker huh?" After considering the word's Baldur had said he quickly turned on Velmer. "Well sir, I'm going to have to place you under US Military arrest, for err . . ." He quickly examined the nearby forest. "Arsonism and failure to comply with your superior." Gerris didn't give a damn, as he thought little of taking this situation seriously. Someone had marched a Private Army into a forest and begun burning the place down, that was enough for Military action on his part.


He leant against the burnt stump of a tree, awaiting the pair's next action.

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Harding finally spotted a couple of humans, all grouped together around the blonde woman. The officer finally felt that he could get something done right, provided Velmer didn't do anything stupid. He ran towards the group and kneeled next to them.


"My name is T.J. Harding, I'm a policeman with the MPD, I was sent here to find you guys. Is there anything I can help with?"


The irony of the situation wasn't lost on Harding, but he hoped that these people would be cooperative, he needed them back at the station alive and healthy. The Media would have a field day if they didn't come back like that.



Velmer spat at Baldur, he then looked angrily at the wound in his leg. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't a scratch either.


He then looked at the American officer,"No, I will not be arrested. You have no jurisdiction over an international peace keeper. I will kill these creatures if it is the last thing I do."


Velmer took out a small grenade, he then grabbed the gunsword in his leg, wrenching it out. He leaped with what strength he could, activated the grenade, and tossed it. He then rand towards one of his mercenaries tanks. He'd be back.

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"My name is T.J. Harding, I'm a policeman with the MPD, I was sent here to find you guys. Is there anything I can help with?"


Still in Kalvin's arms, Melissa looked up at Harding. "W-well..." Suddenly, from a few distance, she could see that the man who got wounded by Baldur threw a gernade. She gasped, and struggled out of Kalvin's arms. Running towards Baldur and Gerris, she shouted, "Gernade! Watch out!!!"


Melissa then bumped the two men into a nearby ditch, while the gernade exploded from a few feet. All of a sudden, Melissa's back was a little burned from the explosion. She fell on the ground, screaming in agony. Luckily, she wasn't dead.

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Harding tried his best to grab the woman as she ran past, but she had moved too quickly.


Harding had taken cover behind a large burnt rock, and he then ran into the ditch.


He saw the woman screaming in agony in the ditch, the two other men safe from the explosion.


Harding sighed,"Why!? I've got to get you guys out of here safely, but here you go jumping on grenades? My jobe is getting harder all the time..."


Harding kneeled next to the woman and took out a first aid kit, immediatley surveying the extent of her wounds. He was happy to see it was only burns on her back, and he could handle that with the right type of anti-burn creme.


He withdrew a small canister of creme and began applying it, at the same time, taking out a small syringe loaded with morphine. She wouldn't be hurting that much longer now, the morphine was a powerful anesthetic. Harding pressed the syringe into her back.

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All of a sudden Nick heard an explosion. it came where Melissa was. Nick rushed over there with anger, and vengeance in his eyes. He dodged tree by tree not caring if it were a trap. all he cared about is that Melissa was alright, and killing who ever hurt her. by that time he was in the middle of the forest trying to track Melissa, but it was hard for him sense her with all the tree burnt and broken


He finally got where Melissa was, making known to everybody that he was there. he walked over to her knelled down to face, and muttered some thing underneath his breath as he left her he then traced were the shot came from, and saw the man who stabbed Baldur. and grabbed him of the collar of his shirt, and yanked him up. then shoved him to the ground not caring if there was anybody there

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Baldur walked through the smoke caused by the grenade. He approached a fallen Melissa and the knealing T.J Harding. The burn wound across Melissa's back was very inflicting. He couldnt heal her with his Vamperic Blood, because she wasnt what some people might consider to be a monster.


He approached Harding. "Look after her wounds. I'm going after Velmer... with that injured leg of his, he wont be going far." he raised his Gunsword. "As soon as I come back, fill me in on her condition incase it gets worse..."


((Can I kill Velmer :) or did you have further plans to use him? ))

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((Well, I did have a few plans for him, so don't kill him...yet:D))


Harding nodded to Baldur, still in slight wonder onto what this guy was, monster or human? It didn't matter now, the girl needed help, andhe was the one with the first aid kit.


He finished applying the treatment and began bandaging some of the scratches from the shrapnel that had zipped past her during the explosion.


He looked behind him and noticed that Velmer's forces were still moving forward with murderous haste.



Velmer looked the man straight in the eye as his military collar was pulled up, he then kicked the man off using his good leg.


He hopped back up and continued to limp away, a nearby tank waiting for him.


Three mercenaries jumped off the tank and began firing their weapons at the man chasing Velmer.


Velmer looked back as he neared the tank, right in time to see Baldur in his line-of-sight.


The man growled under his breath and grabbed a nearby weapon off of the tank.


The three mercenaries took positions protecting Velmer.

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