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Quick Question


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I seem to be full of questions, lol


If i delete a few files from the tslpatchdata folder belonging to a mod which utilizes the patcher, need i make alterations to the changes configuration settings file within that folder? or will it simply ignore the missing file with no negative repurcussions

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I believe that depends on what kind of files they are. Out of curiosity, why are you wanting to do this? It seems easier to probably just change just change the configuration file.


.dlg files, and i'm working on making a few mods compatible for a pre-TSLRP playthrough

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I see what you are working on - I have a suggestion.


Patch your mods in normal, and simply replace the dlg's in question with your modified ones. I think you will waste less time.... If you know the conflicting dlg's in question, it would be easier for you to merge them yourself and insert them after.


How? Easy - copy and rename the dlg's from your tslpatchdata to merge into a new folder for your little project, open both original dlg's with dlgedit and compare side by side, open a third instance of dlgedit with a blank page, and cut and paste til your fingers bleed :)

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