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Andrei's Dynamic Jedi Classes (ADJEC)

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If I may just quote the review at KotORFiles (Marius):

This mod is very interesting and something tells me that it's going to be quite popular here. Throughout the game, you are able to turn some of your Party Members into Jedi. However, you were stuck with whatever class that Obsidian decided to give the NPC you were training. Andrei obviously thought this was wrong, and has created this mod that lets you choose which Jedi Class, (Guardian, Sentinel or Consular) that each NPC will become.


This is an interesting, well executed mod, which will have a place in my personal Override folder for quite a long time.



Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2


Download at KotORFiles


This mod is small, compatible, and in my humble opinion as the mod maker there is simply no reason not to have it, but that's your decision. I made this mod mostly for myself anyway.


Have fun.

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