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Request for modders for my Expanded Galaxy mod


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Ok, then we will have the blockade runner beginning to attack, then immediatly switching to when the ebon hawk is being pulled in by the leviathan (when you can't see the leviathan).


Where exactly did you find the videos? I use kotor tool, and am having trouble.

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Ok, anyways, back to the mod, what have we got established, cause i'm confused. For now, we need to just work on the Mandy cruiser/blockade runner. thats gonna take a while as is.


I think before we get to work, you should recruit some more people because this isn't an easy or short mod.

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Ok, no one has commented on this lately, but it WOULD be nice if we could start putting together the mandalorian cruiser. I only have a rough idea of it, any help would be appreciated.


My idea: like the leviathan, you are sucked out of hyperspace? into a tractor beam. You see the same video as when you are being taken in by the leviathan, and you see what is taking you in, a foray-class? or hammerhead class? cruiser. skip to ebon hawk, you discuss who you will take on board when you enter the vessel. you find yourself outside the hangar, in the module used for the final battle with malak there (with all the red doors). You see a transmition, that the mandalorians know you are there, and you begin fighting. You fight to the bridge (the bridge-like place on that same module) and then to the elevator. There are 1-2 other places to go: the escape pod area from the endar spire, and any other ship modules to make it more full. In the hacking, you finally make the way to the escape pods as the mandaloriana leader and his henchmen are trying to leave. (DS) You attack, he cries for mercy, you kill him, you get some good drops. (LS) You try to engage in conversation, he attacks, you fight back, he cries for mercy, you accept the plea, and he jettisons away, after giving you 1-2 rare mandalorian items.


Thats my idea.....any comment?


Moving to Holowan Labs as this is more of a Project thread. -RH

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Howdy folks.


I be darthriddick your friendly nieghborhood... uh... well... nevrmind that. ;)




I'm totally willing to help you out with this.

My actual modding capabilities are somewhat lacking,

(Though I can do moderately interesting re-skins).


I Am however willing to help draw up the outline/script/dialog for you, I'm

a professional screenplay writer and i have written several short plays, (one of which is about to be officially shown),

and I have written dozens of screenplays, (One of which is being produced by an independent film company right now),

So I might be a good asset. (I can send you a resume if you really want.) ;)


Ok ok, enough self promotion...


So If you need some help let me know!


I just started playing kotor1 again, and I'm loving it. (Plus we all need to have fun once and a while right?)



Send me an email at Filmzforrevolutionz [AT] Gmail [DOT] Com

Or simply PM me becuase I'm not sure If the mods will delete the email I just posted. (The [AT] and [DOT] usually confuse Spam-senders but whatever.).







(Note: I'd suggest you go with a grandson if the player is female and a granddaughter if the player is male. It'd add a new concept to the game and would improve the replay value of the mod.)


Well, if we can get a blockade runner by itself (possibly firing) and then show the ebon hawk being pulled in a tractor beam, thats all we'd need. We'd also have to redo some of the going to/from planets once you get the ship. This would be that you see the Ebon Hawk leaving planet (the galaxy map will be removed and transported to the runner/cruiser). Then you appear on the bridge of the _______. You click on the galaxy map, there is a flash of light (there is no hyperspace video) and you are in orbit of the new planet. You go to the Ebon Hawk, and where the galaxy map used to be, there is a screen that says to go down to planet and go to ship. You click go down, and you see the correct entrance scene to the planet. Confusing, hard, but the only possible way. Since the galaxy map will be on the bridge, and there will be at least 2 more planets, there will be an entrance screen to the galaxy map, asking if you wish to go to Concord Dawn, Rhen Var, or one of the ones already listed. Better than simply opening a computer consol and selecting a list of planets, walking away from the consol, and without videos, being on the new planet (like most mods).

I think there might be a movie somewhere in the game where a republic cruiser drops out of hyperspace. If you wanted to go the whole tuna you could even find someone to make a new movie for the hyperspace jump.

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Hey, thanks for the comment. Please read my updated ideas about the cruiser.

Also, what size is a good size for a modding team? So far, theres you, 2 others, me, DarthDac, and Te Mirdala Mand'olore (i think I spelled that right). I was thinking about it being male for both female and male revans, but that is an idea to consider. We would need names that sounded a lot alike (ex. Andrew, Andrea, those are not Star Wars names, just an example), and the scripting would be harder. I would like to have people who can make custom movies and modules, but what I have thought out is for the likely chance that we can NOT :( find people capable of that, and must resort to taking things that have already been used in the game...

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No problem! Just glad to help.


So first off modding team. You need to make sure that you have all the right positions filled. You need at least two of each if you want things to go at a semi-reliable pace.


2 Skinners, (Hopefully both or at least one is a world skinner).


2 Scripters, (at least one needs to be pretty damn good since scripts are rather importaint for a mod like this.)


2 Modelers, (Not actually required but it makes everything more interesting and fun if you have a few new modeled items in the game, and plus if you have a couple of good modelers you can create new world spaces/objects.)


2 Writers/dlg editors. (that'd be you and me I guess?)


??? Voicers. (Depends on how many custom NPC's you place in the mod.)

Ok, no one has commented on this lately, but it WOULD be nice if we could start putting together the mandalorian cruiser. I only have a rough idea of it, any help would be appreciated.


My idea: like the leviathan, you are sucked out of hyperspace? into a tractor beam. You see the same video as when you are being taken in by the leviathan, and you see what is taking you in, a foray-class? or hammerhead class? cruiser. skip to ebon hawk, you discuss who you will take on board when you enter the vessel. you find yourself outside the hangar, in the module used for the final battle with malak there (with all the red doors). You see a transmition, that the mandalorians know you are there, and you begin fighting. You fight to the bridge (the bridge-like place on that same module) and then to the elevator. There are 1-2 other places to go: the escape pod area from the endar spire, and any other ship modules to make it more full. In the hacking, you finally make the way to the escape pods as the mandalorian leader and his henchmen are trying to leave. (DS) You attack, he cries for mercy, you kill him, you get some good drops. (LS) You try to engage in conversation, he attacks, you fight back, he cries for mercy, you accept the plea, and he jettisons away, after giving you 1-2 rare mandalorian items.


Thats my idea.....any comment?



Well this sounds like it might be a fun diversion from the game it poses a couple of problems. First off voicing. This mod will have terrific interest from the community if it is voiced. So my suggestion would be to find a way to simply remove your party members. I.E. Like you outlined the Ebon hawk is captured, everyone is incapacitated *Don't ask me how* ;) and the mandalorians capture you.


Then your mission throughout the rest of the mod is to try and save your crew or something like that.


I also just had the possible idea that maybe the PC is captured and brought aboard the ship all by his/her lonesome that would remove the need for any partymember interaction at all and therefore would remove the need to figure out a way of fudging the dlg.


Mainly I'd say try to stay away from anything involving Existing NPC Dlg.

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Thats a good idea. For voice-overs, my friend has a mic and can do about anything with it I want him too, so he can maybe take charge of that(though he doesn't play kotor). I am working on writing a full-scale diagram/walkthrough of the mod, and my idea was to fight, fight on another module, get a keycard, open a door, open a consol, open a door, fight, defeat mandalorian leader. This is a much better idea, as there ARE barracks in the hangar module of the Leviathan. My idea could be that you do all I mentioned, but when you defeat the mandalorian leader, he gives you the keycard that opens their cells. How does that sound?


For voiceovers: Mandy leader

Mandy Captain

Random Civilians

2-3 Shop Owners

Female Fett

Male Fett

Elderly Male Fett

Child Fett

Random "Ruffians"

A Foreign Trader


A Fake Mandalore

A Evil Corrupted Bounty Hunter

Female Slaves

Male Slaves

Male Gaurds

Republic Troopers

Republic Captain


Sith Troopers

Sith Captain

A bunch more....

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Ok cool. Just one question... where does ULIC QEL-DROMA come in? ;)


Also alot of the voices, (I.E. slaves and random Mandalorians), can be alien voices. (Since Alien dlg sound files are already in the game).


If you need me to look at anything just send it to me at the email in my first post. I will not be around much the rest of the week, (Until Monday or so the week after next, But I'll definitely do what I can.)


Also just another note. For a mod this size Set Aside one year before completion. It will probably take less then that, But I'd say that having a year as a guideline might help.

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This mod has gained a lot of interest! If need be, I can provide some of the voices for different minor characters. I can mimic the voices of most of the aliens in the KotOR games, as well as a few unique ones.

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This mod has gained a lot of interest! If need be' date=' I can provide some of the voices for different minor characters. I can mimic the voices of most of the aliens in the KotOR games, as well as a few unique ones.[/quote']


As I said, my friend can do some of the non-specifically star wars characters, ie. Civilians, Fetts?, and ruffians. I'm glad its gained a lot of interest, its going to need it.


Ok cool. Just one question... where does ULIC QEL-DROMA come in? ;)


Also alot of the voices, (I.E. slaves and random Mandalorians), can be alien voices. (Since Alien dlg sound files are already in the game).


If you need me to look at anything just send it to me at the email in my first post. I will not be around much the rest of the week, (Until Monday or so the week after next, But I'll definitely do what I can.)


Also just another note. For a mod this size Set Aside one year before completion. It will probably take less then that, But I'd say that having a year as a guideline might help.



About Ulic Qel-Droma, if you have read ALL of the before posts, you see that there are 3 sections so far: The Mandalorian Cruiser, Concord Dawn, and Rhen Var (Which is the planet where Ulic Qel-Droma's tomb is). The Basis on Concord Dawn is to establish rule over the land by either: The Grandson/Daughter of Cassus Fett, The Current self-proclaimed Mandalore, and a Bounty Hunter, who is yet to be named.

On Rhen Var, you land, expecting to establish a Republic Outpost there, and in doing so, must destroy the Sith one. However, to get from the Republic to the Sith's, any curious Revan will take a look at the vast temple of Ulic Qel-Droma. When he enters the tomb via one of the 5 entrances (which means 5 modules on level 1) , he must fight through a few tarentateks, force ghosts, that kind of thing. After clearing level 1, he makes his way to level 2 (Only 3 modules this time), and do the same. Finally, he makes his way to level 3, a lone module, the deepest and most hidden sight of the burial of Qel-Droma. There, he opens the sarcophagus (expecting rare items of mass destruction like most mods) but instead finds him/herself "Blacked out" and appearing in the world after death, staring face-to-face with Ulic. Ulic says that he is unhappy with the sith on the planet too, and to achieve rest, you should wipe them out. (DS) You overcome with anger, and strike him down. You leave the realm of death and enter back into your own body, and continue to defeat the sith in the conventional method. (LS) You do what he says (this is the part for hard scripting) and take the body of a force ghost-a spirit that passes between the two worlds (you will appear like Ajunta Paul, except with your face and armor). From there, you will simply walk to where you would destroy the station, and well, destroy it. Like stealth, if you stay away from the Sith Troopers, they will not notice you. If they DO, you have like, 2 seconds to get away from them before you die. After making them all go boom, you go back to Qel-Droma, where he rewards you with more custom items (what you would find in the sarcophagus, but slightly more) and assume your role with your old body. How's that sound?

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Hey, thanks! We need all the help we can get! I see you enjoy making custom Mandalorian armors, so we'll need a armor that ALMOST looks like mandalore's (its fake) and and custom cool-looking stuff would be awesome too! (They need to be neo-crusader though). And remember, this is a KOTOR 1 mod, not TSL. I really like your weapons, they are also things that have never been seen in kotor :)


Here are some pics of Mandalorian armor from the time, that you could use as a base:


Crusader MKIII:



Basic Neo-Crusader:



Neo-Crusader Shock Troop:



The old style of Crusaders:



Another interesting picture of a Rodian in Mandalorian Armor:


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Also, I just realized, the Unidentified Mandalore (Fake Mandalore) is a Taung, the last Taung to claim the title of Mandalore.


Taung look like this:



Taung in the armor of Mandalore:



*The Unidentified Mandalore would NOT be wearing armor that nice*

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Vod is Mando'a, for brother, sister or comrade. So calling someone ner'vod is essentially calling them bro.


I love the Taungs. I was dissapointed to learn that they (much like the ancient Sith -species-) died out.

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