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Splinter Cell Convictions

Revan 411

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Well, it seems that Conviction will finally be released this October. I've been a long time fan of Splinter Cell since I was 10, and I'm really excited for the 5th installment of the series. I definitely know that I'm picking it up on Christmas alongside Assassins Creed II. :D


Anybody else have an opinion?

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I loved the first two in the series, and I haven't played the third or the fourth yet. I might play conviction, but I'm kinda disappointed that Sam seems to be less a hero and more of a vigilante in this upcoming release. I kinda like the political/military/spy stuff as I'm a huge Tom Clancy fan, but the game seems to divert from that.

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Definitely going to get it, the game looked sweet at E3. One could argue it's another "easy" Ubisoft Montreal game (after Assassin's Creed and Prince of Persia) with how you it does things for you, but I don't really care about that if it's fun.

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