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The Atheist/Religious conflicts of Kavar's

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Okay for those who have only been observing the events within Kavar's, I was interested in knowing what people OUTSIDE the threads thought of the subjects.


Were those debating science and religion just playing games on paper? Or was it entertaining to just watch a bunch of fools comparing biochips to holy hand grenades? (apples to oranges)


As a part of all that, I must say I was hoping to get some insight into how people could dismiss science for faith, but I have gotten a greater understanding as to why some do. I won't say anything that could be interpreted as an insult against people's beliefs. I just want to know what other people thought of the science/religious debates.

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Well DY, I have been reading the threads of heated debates on religion and science, etc.


But I have a few rules in life that I try to live by most of the time. That is:


1. Never discuss religious and political topics with anyone, if you can.


2. And don't get caught up in the drama or emotions of others if you do somehow get on those subjects with someone. In other words, keep the discussion short and don't take the whole thing too serious.


What it does is, cause nothing but resentment over nothing of importance.



I've seen those kind of discussions break up good friends; very rare but I have seen it happen.


You see what I'm saying?





Edit: I was gonna say on top of that...that it would be better to talk about something Star Wars, but I see that it's about to get ugly again.

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You know that you got kicked out of Kavar's because you refused to drop this very subject and just let it go after being warned several times. And you still won't take a hint. Do you really think that they're going to let you drag it out here?



Oh, and, REPORTED. This is only the second or third time that I've reported anyone in the 3+ years that I've been here, but you've graduated from mere nuisance to genuine menace. You've even eclipsed Garfield, and I never thought that was possible. Congratulations! :dozey:

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But I have a few rules in life that I try to live by most of the time. That is:


1. Never discuss religious and political topics with anyone, if you can.


Normally I would agree, but when it comes to online; the situation is much different than face-to-face. Besides I sought not to change people's minds so much as seeing how they react to given stimuli. And I can see that the burden of proof often is shifted towards someone else in those type of debates. The question is always based on a certain assumption and no one is willing to give the other side the benefit of the doubt because that makes them forfeit their only ground to stand upon. Science is not spiritual enough to declare god doesn't exist. Religion isn't scientific enough to prove god exists. There is no means to move beyond any differences as long as these barriers aren't overcome.


Whenever the burden of proof is shifted to the other side, no progress can ever be made towards a resolution or understanding. I could believe in creation(ism) so long as it is accompanied by a God (not the assumption that there is). Science can't explain what started evolution, so it can't shoot down the notion that god started it all.


And neither side would be willing to comprehend what made the other side come to their understanding.

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