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Heavy Midnight 2 - Shards

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Heavy Midnight 2





Year: 2011


After the downfall of the Anti-Werewolf Organization (AWO), along with it's leader named Conrad Stevenson, humanity was once again in peace. Moxie Stuart, a young metalhead girl, is part of an organization called Supernatural Society (SS). It helps any Supernatural beings that need help and means no harm to the Human race. They also take down the creatures who wants to harm anyone they please.


Now, a new threat is arriving. A cold-hearted Vampire biker leader, along with their fellow Vampire bikers, are causing real problems for the Human race and other Supernatural beings.


It is up to the Supernatural Team to stop this evil gang, before the Vampire leader rounds up rebellious Supernatural beings to take down humanity...

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((... ok, seeing as we have no real setting for the opening scene - may I? :) ))


Tears of rain poured down into the city below, where Baldur was overlooking. He was sitting on the edge of tall building, looking down at the small lights moving across from one street to another. People continuously pursued with their social life - Bar Taverns, Movie Theatres, Strip Clubs were infested with the dominant species: Humanity.


Baldur wasnt Human - in the biblical sense at least. Nor was he exactly labelled as a monster. His own definition of a monster was a being without a concience - a mindless beast. Which is why he takes pride with hunting his own kind - most Vampires nowadays have become reckless and barbaric, killing innocent people for fun and without proper reason.


"I see him..." he muttered to his earpiece, connected to the communication network with Moxie, Ashtin and other members of the Supernatural Society. "He's entering the nightclub. Bearded Man with Black Jacket."


After many months of investigating, the Supernatural Society had finally got their first lead on the Vampire Biker Gang. The bearded man, or so he appeared to be, was known for his relations with the gang - drugs, weapons, even stolen bags of donated blood from the Red Cross foundation. "Whats you're status?"

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"I see him..." he muttered to his earpiece, connected to the communication network with Moxie, Ashtin and other members of the Supernatural Society. "He's entering the nightclub. Bearded Man with Black Jacket."


In the alleyway, from across the street of the nightclub, was a person, sitting on the ground wearing a long navy blue jacket and wearing a red hat. The voice replied in their earpiece, "Yeah. I got him."


Looking at the entrance of the nightclub, the face revealed to be Moxie Stuart. She grinned, holding on to her weapons she hid in her prop bag. Posing as a homless person, she pretended to cough when people walked pass her.


"Whats you're status?"


"The boss back at the base told me that one or more of our guys are in that nightclub as well, watching him closely. They're gonna give us the signal to run in there."


After speaking with Baldur, Moxie started to communicate with Ashtin. "How you doing, Ash? Seen the target go in?"

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The noise inside the night club was loud and annoying. This wasn't a social event Ashtin would ever indulge in if ever given the choice. He was here on a mission, some one threatened the peace the Supernatural Society (SS) was trying to create between the supernatural world and what was designated as the human world. Ashtin ran his ringer around the top lip of his glass. Water wasn't really the thing he enjoyed drinking, ususaly fresh blood packs delivered to the head quarters would sufice enough, but nothing beat the power of fresh blood drained from a frightened victim.


Pulling forward on his black leather jacket he listened to the other communicate to one another. Ashtin shook his head at the noise until he heard Moxie say his name, which usually demanded some sort of responce on his part. As he spun in his chair to lean his back against the bar in the nightclub he pulled out his cell phone and placed it against his ear giving the illusion he was talking over his phone. He spotted the man walking over to a distant booth in the corner. Ashtin had to focus intently to be able to listen to the specific conversation that might take place over all the noise this pathetic piece of human indulgance seemed to bring.


"How you doing, Ash? Seen the target go in?" he heard Moxie say over the ear piece.


"Fine. I see him. He's sitting in the far distant corner booth waiting for some one." He responded to her in a deep tone, there was a hint that he was aggravated by all the noise the club needed to produce. "I better be allowed to hunt after this" he finished saying to her.

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Darius wasn't sure which was worse, the looks he was getting for his outfit or the lights in this place. He'd have to put up with it for just a bit longer. He watched as the vampire he was waiting on entered the club and took a seat. He began looking around the club detecting a few other supernaturals in the club as well.


What, is it Free Freak night tonight?


He fumbled around with the pockets of his trench coat for a few seconds. As the song changed he slowly pulled out his trusty rifle. He took off his coat and wrapped it around the rifle and placed it on his lap as he sat down. For a more dramatic effect, he would wait until the next song started to make his move.

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The man was seeing through Russian binoculars, the best kind in the world. He was in a building overlooking the nightclub, which was virtually nameless, but the locals dubbed "Moonshine". The name's origin would forever remain a mystery.


Vladimir Cheryenkov was here overlooking an operation, that of annihilation of a vampire disguised as a man, named Johnny Black. Over the distance, he could see his PHA operatives scouting out the area in disguise, surrounding the man casually.


Vladimir talked into the microphone that hung out from his ear.


"I've got a visual on him."


After a few seconds, a man's voice replied. "Roger, I'm onto him."


"Stay on him."


The communication ended that abruptly, with General Cheryenkov always having the last word. Today, he was leading a 5-man team, armed to the teeth under their facades of innocence. The first one, the one who replied to Vladimir's comm, was Dmitiy Trankeyov, a co-Russian officer of Vladimir who was in the outfit of a businessman going to the strip club for a late gig.


"All others, sweep the area for other spies as well. We ain't the only ones here, that's for sure."

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Black, the suspicious individual with the beard, sat into the cubicle of the night club. After waiting around for a few minutes, his contact finally arrived. He was a pale, balding man with piercing eyes, and he always wore a black suit jacket. Black reached his hand within his jacket.


"I dont think I've been followed..." Black began, with constant movement within his eyes. He took out a package from his inner jacket pocket, and placed it onto the table.


"Main ingrediant for the Syrup - the root had to be grinded into a powder so it can survive longer before being mixed..." Syrup was a form of Opiod - a drug used exclusively to Vampires which had to be injected into the blood stream.


"This is only experimental - if you're still interested, I can produce mass quantities of the root and... why are you looking soo serious?" Black observed. The contact looked back at him.


"Are you sure you havent been followed?" the contact glared. Even with the loud techno music in the background, even with the crowd of dancing people, he could smell something that didnt seem right.




"Fine. I see him. He's sitting in the far distant corner booth waiting for some one."


Baldur sat quietly upon the rooftop, continuing to observe the scene below. He pressed his finger onto his earpiece. "Mr. Dezreil, keep you're distance. We wouldnt want to scare Mr. Black away..." he stood up.


"I dont think we're alone, people. Keep a watchful eye. I'm going to the backdoor for standby. Mr. Dezreil, if anything extremely abnormal occurs, make you're move!"


Baldur clapped his hands together, and disintigrated into a fine red mist. The mist then reappeared at the backdoor entrance, and solidified to reform Baldur. A form of teleportation, an ability some vampires have learned through heavy study of their own text.

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"Fine. I see him. He's sitting in the far distant corner booth waiting for some one."


Moxie nodded, keeping her eyes on the entrance door. Continuing to sit on the ground, the young teenaged girl wondered if this was going to turn out good if they caught the Vampire... or bad if they didn't.


"I better be allowed to hunt after this" he finished saying to her.


She glared, smiling. "No! You remember our deal, Ash. Hunt only animals or bad people." She silently giggled. But she stopped when she heard Baldur's voice.


"I dont think we're alone, people. Keep a watchful eye. I'm going to the backdoor for standby. Mr. Dezreil, if anything extremely abnormal occurs, make you're move!"


"Copy that," Moxie replied. After that, she sighed, hoping to see some action soon.


In all her life, Moxie was just an ordinary girl. Now, as an agent trainee, she was the first teenager to join in the Supernatural Society. Her friends, however, tried to tell her not to do it. But she didn't listen. All she wanted was the Supernatural and Humans to be at peace...


Moxie sighed sadly, and looked at the nightclub.

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Darius stared right at the bearded man and his contact. His hands kept a tight grip on his rifle as he listened to the music. He had the odd feeling he wasn't the only one who was after this guy, he'd have make the move before they did. A few more minutes went before he heard the song change. He smiled from underneath his mask and cracked his neck.


Well, its show time


Darius stood up and dropped his coat in one swift motion. He raised his rifle high into the air and fired a few shots off.


"So sorry folks, but it looks like were closing early. Please exit the club at this time, we've hoped you've enjoyed your stay and hope to see you again real soon."


Darius began to make his way over to the booth.


"Now don't think you're going anywhere woolly mammoth. No, were going to play my favorite game called Shooty Shooty Death Bang!"

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San Quentin Maximum Security Prison

Outside San Francisco, California

2300 Hours



"Clear the corridors in Hall 13, clear the corridors in hall 13..." Blared the gaurd tower's speakers. Even at an hour to midnight, the bloody announcements and orders still came.


But tonight would be the last time...at least, that's what Conrad Stevenson promised himself.


He moved slowly and looked out the tiny 20 inch tall by 4 inch wide window, trying to get a good look at any of the Federal gaurds patrolling the fence.


There were none, to Conrad's pleasure, as he stroked the stubble on his face.


Conrad had been in San Quentin for around 4 months by now, but that was all the time he needed to plan his escape. His mind moved faster then before, too, entirely because of his lust for revenge on those who had exposed his organization. They'd torn it apart once the evidence for the Cops were provided. Years of work destroyed in a single police raid...but Conrad knew exactly who to blame for it.


His mind snapped back to the present as the heavy footsteps of the hall gaurd clumped past his cell.


Luckily, the darkness hid Conrad's movements as he took out a self-made knife, which had been ingeniously been made by melting plastic forks at the nearby furnace and shaping them down to a sharp point.


He carved at the small ventilation shaft next to his bed, the protective rim coming off easily. Conrad then crawled into it, and just like that, he was loose into the facility.


He crawled quietly along the shaft, breathing shallowly and being completly cautious of any sound of detection....then he saw his goal. One of the shafts leading to the main ventilation system, and the outside. Conrad pulled himself forward, smashing the mesh between himself and the room, sending him tumbling over into a ventilation machine. Luckily, the loud bang was muffled by the loudness of the machine's parts.


Conrad picked himself up, shook his head, and immediatley began the next phase of his escape...surprised that the gaurds hadn't even picked up his attempt yet.

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Cheryenkov heard shots. Gunshots. He quickly asked, "What the bloody hell is going on there?"


One of the agents, a woman named Dasha Fedorov, who was dressed in tourist clothes replied, "Sir, it seemed somebody fired a few shots with a rifle, and is threatening to kill our target."


"What? Two of you go and distract this man. The rest, pick him up, and send him to our rendezvous area."

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Taking out the initial gaurds in the main ventilation room was easy...and was so was obtaining 5 canisters of lethal gas, and a mask for his own protection.


Conrad pulled the pin on one of the cans, rolling one can into each of the ventilations hafts that filtered air into the complex. He fastened the mask around his head and grabbed one of the unconcious gaurds rifles.


He smiled, the rest would be easy.


Conrad opened the door...


....and practically walked out of the prison, having only to fire a few rounds at the gaurds who survived the initial gas attack.


He then commandeered a vehicle, an armored car, from the nearby police garage, and made his way towards the Bay Bridge. He needed to find the biker gang he'd made a deal with much earlier on.


Vengeance was once again within grasp.

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((Sorry, had some personal issues come up))


Ashtin was upon his feet as soon as the first shot was heard. The humans around him were scattering like cattle trying to escape a slaughter. If it wasn't for the promise he made to Moxie, Ashtin would have certinely enjoyed this feast upon fear. He started to wonder if his heart still held anything, would he to be afraid like the people running for the exit. Moving his head side to side trying to see who fired the shots, his right hand moved to his sentinal premier hand gun located on his pants along the belt line.


Then Ashtin saw it, some one was pointed some kind of rifle at his target. He could hear some chatter come over the ear piece but chose to ignore it. He knew for some reason this mission wouldn't be easy, it never goes easy. Thinking quickly or maybe relying on his predator instincts, Ashtin jumped backwards onto the bar and over the rampaging heard of frightened humans. It was difficult for him to ignore the euphoric sense of human fear was producing in the air. But he had to ignore it, if not for the sake of the mission then for Moxie's trust in him.


Clenching his teeth tightly while feeling his saliva fill his mouth he reached and grabbed a bean and threw himself further. Ever since he could no longer feed on humans, the withdrawls had been incredibily difficult. It was something he had kept hidden, but there were times when his cravings would get the better of him. The only way to control himself was to think of something he desired more.


Ashtin landed on his feet and quickly moved to point his gun at the man who fired the shots. Ashtin's blood red eyes stared at the person who thought it was a good idea to try and threaten his target. The fact that something like this was happening never failed to annoy Ashtin to some great extent. He could sense his fellow agents near by hiding in the shadows.


"Get him our of here" Ashtin yelled keeping his eyes and his gun on the man who fired the rounds from earlier. "And as for you" Ashtin continued "I'm in a good enough mood that I may just let you run out of the back door like the coward you are."

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"And as for you" Ashtin continued "I'm in a good enough mood that I may just let you run out of the back door like the coward you are."


Darius used his peripheral's to find the source of the voice. He quickly rolled to the left and stood up again. His rifle was now pointed at the man who threatened.


"Oh really now? Mr. Pretty face over here is in a good enough mood to let me go?!?"


Darius quickly pulled out one of his machine pistols and pointed it at the man at the booth without looking.


"Oh were not finished here beard face. First I'm gonna take out you're little henchmen here and than I'm coming back for you."


Darius continued looking at this man who threatened him.


"Oh goodie you're a vampire as well. I should have figured as much. I do have to thank you though, I thought this was going to be boring but you just changed the game up. You know there's two kinds of fighter among our races, that's one thing we have in common. There's the one who enjoys a fight and the coward who tries to end it quickly. So which are you, a fighter or the blood sucking coward who goes for the throat?"

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((ooc: I just want to first say that I was waiting for the ideal moment for my character to enter and that I'm good at throwing my characters in and complicating things. So if this totally messes things up, then tell me and I'll delete my post.))


The air thinned for just a second as a tiny spark erupted near the booth where the two men sat. The spark brightened and very suddenly a figure appeared, a blue current of electricity still sparking over the figure''s hands. Her jacket still whipped about as if she had just been in a wind storm. The light of the power cast a reflection off her pure black eyes and even in the nightclub one could distinguish the dark veins pronounced at her temples, stretching towards her eyes like thorny branches. Her hair was long and fell to the small of her back, and was black just like her eyes. The power dissipated and she stood motionless.


The woman staggered forward, catching herself on the table just before her face made contact. Her body convulsed as her eyes slowly changed from black to a more normal green, the veins too faded away. She began to cough violently as if she had just tasted air for the first time. A trail of bright red blood ran from the corner of her mouth down her pale skin.


"Mara, how good of you to show up at your own convenience. " The balding man commented sarcastically. She replied by simply grabbing him by the throat. The movement was quick and the man was visibly unnerved by it, even more when she spoke.


"We had a deal..." Her voice was rich and her accent foreign. She loosened her grip just a bit to allow him to speak.


"Get me out of here and I'll throw in a bonus." He motioned with his eyes towards the two vampires in the center of the room. She barely glanced at them before her eyes went black. She moved quick, pulled the man to his feet and ran towards the mirrored part of the dance floor.

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Darius stopped as he felt himself move forward a bit. He turned his head around to see a woman grab the man by the throat and start to walk off with him. He looked over at her slightly confused. He could tell she was some type of supernatural but he wasn't sure what. He pointed his machine pistol towards her now.


"Sorry Vamps, we'll have to put the fight on hold for a sec. Hang on a sec lady, you can't just come here and take that guy. I need something from him first. After that do whatever you want with him. Sound like a deal to you?"


Darius lowered his aim but he didn't put his gun away.

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Before Ashtin could respond to the cocky half breeds remark something else appeared into what seemed to be some sort of glittering light. This whole mission was starting to become out of hand. For once Ashtin wished things would just go according to plan, the target shows up, you confront the target, the target comes along. But no, if it ever worked out that way Ashtin figured he would most likely be back to hunting kids at concerts. Watching carefully his gun still pointed at the annoying pest who shot off shots earlier as the light turned into a female who walked over to the man he was suppose to take captive for interigation.


The bearded man, and the female had a slight conversation before he stood up and started to walk with her. Ashtin couldn't really understand what was going on, nor did he really care. That man was going with him or he was going with no one at all. A slight growl formed in the back of his throat as he watched the contact walk passed them with the female who interupted what could of been an interesting fight.


"Now hold on. That man" Ashtin said gesturing his handgun towards the man with the beard, his voice in a low growl "Is coming with me. He has vital information that I need to collect so don't either of you think I'm just going to let you take him."

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A vampire, a woman with magical abilities, and himself all after the same man. Darius wasn't sure of the woman's motives however he found the vampire's words more interesting. They could be after two different people, or in Darius's case a group of people. The point was both of them shared the same goal and neither of them worked for this guy. Darius holstered his pistol and put his rifle on his back.


"Okay, so we all want something from this guy. I really don't see a three way fight ending well for any of us so let's try to be reasonable here. Look um...Mara all I need to know from this guy is where I can find a very dangerous vampire gang. Once I know that I'll be out of both of your hairs."


Darius looked back over at the vampire and gave a little chuckle.


"I guess I owe you an apology there Vamps, I thought you worked for this piece of garbage. Say you wouldn't happen to be looking for the same gang as me now would you? Or maybe you just want to share recipes for blood."

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Conrad had passed quickly across the bridge, leaving the Bay Area extremely quickly and getting onto the main highway out.


He looked at the radio inside the armored van and tuned it to the police frequency, and unsurprisingly, they were talking about the complete collapse of San Quentin Prison. It would take them a while to figure he was the one who did it..it would take nearly a week to get through all the paperwork for the casualties before they even thought about Conrad.


He kept changing area frequency until he reached the channel he'd hoped for.


"...currently observing situation at Wolf's Lair Nightclub...it's a raid for sure, probably authorized by local police chiefs, over."


Hmmm..if they know it's a raid, but don't know who is raiding who...then it can only be the Supernatural Society...for sure...only they could move with such authority.


Conrad took a map out of the glove compartment and immediately plotted a course to intercept his next 'victims.'

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As soon as the Chaos had begun within the night club, and all the people had left from the noises made from the shotgun, the balding contact blended with the crowd and proceeded to the backdoor exit where nobody else was heading - not before grabbing the envelope with the powdered root.


The hunters appeared to be after the Black, the bearded man and dealer for the Vampire Gang. The Contact was from a different party of Vampires, so he rather not get involved with the Vampire Biker Gang.


As soon as he opened the door, he immediatly stopped when he saw the dominating figure stand right infront of him. The figure pointed a very large pistol at him.


"Congratulations, you have hit dead end..." he grinned evily. Baldur grabbed the man by the collar and slammed him into the wall. "The Bearded Vampire; what business did you have with him?"


"The root for the syrup we synthesise and produce mass quantities of to other vampiric parties." the contact grunted. "He's still in the club. But your not the only one looking for him, you know! You're business is with him, right? I am of no value to you..."


Baldur threw him aside. "I cant afford to waste my time with the likes with you... But I wont be finished with you yet!" he entered the club, and blended in with the darkness. He soon arived at the scene. Ashtin was pointing a gun at a Half-Breed Merc, whom was pointing a rifle at Johnny Black, the Bearded Vampire - whom was with a rather peculiar human girl.


Baldur chuckled. Then his chuckle turned into a mild laughter. "So... the party has finally arrived? How exciting!" the sound of his boots echoed within the now silent club. His figure finally appeared from the darkness and into the spotlight. "I see you have made some dangerous, yet friendly relations, Mr. Dezreil."


He approached Black. "We have some business to take care of." Black spat onto his boot. Baldur looked grimmly at Black, and wrapped a hand around his neck. He lifted him up off the floor. "Mr. Black is coming with us; whether he wants to or not. What is your business with him, Merc?"

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Darius smacked his palm against his head at the arrival of yet another vampire. Not only did he make a large entrance like the rest of them but he too wanted the bearded man. He was a little surprised to learn that this new vampire knew the other guy that had previously pointed his pistol at him. However unlike his friend it seemed this guy was willing to reason with him or at least hear him out.


"Well finally, a vampire with class. See I'm looking for this very dangerous vampire biker gang. I have no clue where they are but I know this guy has some relations with the gang."

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"Well finally, a vampire with class. See I'm looking for this very dangerous vampire biker gang. I have no clue where they are but I know this guy has some relations with the gang."


"What a coincidence..." Baldur glared into Black's eyes with piercing red eyes. "You and I are after the same thing. Myself, Mr. Dezreil and the people I work for."


"Let go of me, freak!" Black spat. "I've got friends, you know!"


Baldur chuckled. "You and that pathetic gang of cockroaches? They arent even worth the lowest category of Vampire! And neither are you, especially!" Baldur slammed him into the floor below, which caused the tiles to crack. He slammed a boot into his chest to pin him down.


"Who do you work for, Merc? I need to see if I can trust you, if we are to share the same information we seek..."

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((I'm back guys! Whoo! Looks like you guy's been havin' fun with this. :D ))


After Moxie heard the gunfires, she stood up, and threw off her disguise as a homeless person. She wore blue jeans, brown boots, a violet-red skirt, a violet corset shirt, and a bright lavender jacket.


Taking her Pistol Browning SFS weapon from her bag, Moxie walked towards the nightclub. Entering in, but not seen, she peeked through the corner. There she could see Ashtin and Baldur, along with two strangers and the Bearded Vampire.


Before she could reveal herself, she froze. Something came through her like a dagger. As if... she was scared.


Moxie sighed quietly, and walked out of the nightclub. She sat by the door's entrance, staring up at the night skies. Suddenly, her walkie-talkie came off.


"Manson to Stuart. Manson to Stuart, do you copy?"


The young girl took out her walkie-talkie, and replied, "Stuart to Manson, sir. I copy."


William Manson, a stout 58-year-old man with grey hair and leader of the Supernatural Society, asked, "How did it go? Do you have the Vampire?"


Moxie bit her lower lip. "Yes sir. Um... but there appears to be two other people who wants him for some reason. A woman and a Mercenary. But Baldur and Ashtin has it under control. Sir."


"That's good. What about you, Stuart? How's your training going?"


There was an awkward silence. Moxie didn't want to tell the leader of her fears, but she had to. "Well, sir... I was... I was afraid. Afraid to face this as well..."


Manson sighed from the walkie-talkie. "See Moxie, this is why I wanted you to participate. To let go of your fears. In life, people aren't going to feel sorry for you. You're eighteen, right? Don't let fear be your friend. It's really an enemy."


Moxie rolled her eyes, not wanting to hear this. But deep down, she knew it was true. "Yes sir. Stuart out." After their conversation, Moxie continued to sit by the entrance until they came out.

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"Who do you work for, Merc? I need to see if I can trust you, if we are to share the same information we seek..."


Darius smiled from underneath his mask at what appeared to be this vampire's proposal. He began walking towards the vampire and the man he was beating into the ground.


"Darius Wilson, and I work for no one. I mean I use to work for a couple people mainly the AWO. Unfortunately I found out they were harming humans as well so I had no choice but to help some group take them down. So now I just work solo."


He looked down at the bearded vampire and pulled out one of his swords.


"You know these swords were my father's...he was a minister. These blades have been blessed by one of God's servants. Now you're gonna tell my friend here what he needs to know or I'm going to slowly carve you in half and watch you suffer." Darius said in a now serious tone. He looked up at the vampire with his boot on the bearded one. "I ain't in this for the money, I just want to take down as many as I can."

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