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None223's Crazy & Slightly Impossible Projects (Which means I need help)


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Ok, as some of you may or may not know, I am somewhat of a newbie to the forums here.


However, despite my previous attempts to create modding projects (see Expanded Galaxy and Psychadelia: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=198406&highlight=expanded+galaxy and http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=200421&highlight=psychadelia )


I still want to become a part of the modding community. I have decided to make this single thread where I can post on all of my projects, instead of having mini-threads for each project. Since Expanded Galaxy is WAAAAYY beyond my modding skills, and my G.I.M.P. 2.6.7 is really messed up, I have had to almost ditch the two above mods, and have decided to do an easy mod (hopefully) and transfer many of the armors/weapons/items from TSL to K1. No, I will not be LITERALLY transferring them, I will be making duplicates using K1 resources. If I should not be doing this, please post.


I hope that eventually I will be able to mod more complex things, but I am starting with this unless ANYONE would like to begin work on the other 2 XD

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If you're taking textures from K2 and putting them into kotor1, I think that's technically still porting... even if they're override.

No "technically" about it, I'm afraid - that's very definitely still porting and against the rules here and at KotORFiles.


Otherwise, if you're just duping items, that should be fine.

If it involves creating from scratch duplicates in KotOR 1, yes, it should. :)

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Well, first of all, I don't think I am even CAPABLE of porting between the 2, especially when it comes to new models...


What I have done is gone to TSL and K1 on GameBanshee, and looked up all of the item lists. Basically any interesting helmet I have made by taking the an item that uses the same model as the one I am duplicating, and then changing the tags (to be COMPLETELY different from anything else), making the price the same as TSL, giving the same bonuses, and changing the description. And, for the first time EVER, my .uti edits FINALLY WORK!! IDK what I have been doing wrong. So what I am doing IS ok?


EDIT: ^^so far this will only work for headwear, gauntlets, belts, most guns, and very few armors, because with the armors, they are either the same as before, or use a completely different model (with exceptions to things like the electro armors).

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umm... im kinda confused about what you are doing... are you taking the models from k2 and putting them into k1 or are you just giving them names with the same stats as k2? and possibly a reskin? due to the .uti files? cause if you are doing the first thing... im pretty sure that is against teh rulez like Darth InSidious said.. but the second one is fine as long as they are your reskins

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Umm, I'm using the default skins such as: The Arkanian Blinders from TSL use the exact skin on the exact model as the Vacuum Mask from K1, so I opened the Vacuum Mask, changed the file name, changed the stats, changed the description, and saved it as something different. That is all I am doing. This means that very few of the armors will be in-game, but I am not porting.

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No "technically" about it, I'm afraid - that's very definitely still porting and against the rules here and at KotORFiles.


Oh yeah, I know. Porting is porting. I guess I just used "technically" because most people think of models when it comes to porting. Textures fall in to this category too as well as soundfiles, no?

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Yes, and I will post my first pictures soon..


And I know that some will not be re-createable, such as Nihilus's Mask, and a lot of the armors and robes. I do not know about the weapons yet.


BTW, I forget to mention this, I will be placing them in spots where they would normally be. A bunch of the nooby items will be on Taris, hidden throughout the Undercity and Lowercity, while some of the best ones will not be available until Yavin IV, or even the Unknown World.



Also, this mod will be compadable with about any mod that does not add masks from g_i_mask80 to g_i_mask99, and so forth. So far, I have found one problem, the Daemon Drexel mask from BOS:SR is g_i_mask99, as well as one of my headbands.

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I don't know if this will count as a double-post, but I have a question:


How do I add Custom Items to in-game footlockers?


I have found the desired footlocker, but since my items will never be found under game items, I am assuming they would be custom.


And yes, I am using the wonderful KotorTool.

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Yeah....Umm.....about that......I kinda have no clue what they are talking about.......


I was hoping of a non-script method to put them in footlockers. I know its possible, as long as its in a placeable that only appears once, such as Nemo's Corpse. Do you know anything about how to do that?

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To add an item to a previously existing footlocker, you would need to find and extract the .utp of the footlocker (the placeable file) and using KOTOR tool, or whatever other GFF editor you have, you would add the resref of your new item under the item list in the .utp file.

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Oh, YAY! Thats kinda easy!


Thanks for the advice.



--I am currently working on a FanFic, which I will post in the FanFic section of course, but I have decided that if it is good enough, I would like to make it into a machinima. Which may need some new items from the modding community--



EDIT: OK! Thats confusing. WHERE exactly do I insert it? This is what I was talking about above, where you can't insert a custom item using KotorTool, as far as I know.

Using K-GFF, do you know what to do?

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To insert an item into the inventory of a placeable:

1. Open the placeable with K-GFF

2. Find the list ItemList

3. Edit one of the existing structs or add a new one

4. Under that struct, add or edit the field InventoryRes - make it a ResRef

5. In the value for InventoryRes, write the resref of your item

6. Save your .utp

7. Put both the edited .utp and your .uti (item file) in the override folder

This should work- I might have messed something up though.

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Ok! Thank you! That actually makes sense. Haha, I finally figured out that there was a problem with the republic corpse on the Ender Spire, so I tried Nemo's, and it works! I think I'm gonna post a bunch of screenies soon to show you what this is like, but I am sick of the ''Cheat Used" message...

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Oh, I did NOT know that!


And finally, as promised, heres a bunch of screenies of the items:


Found in Nemo's Corpse (the first one-time occuring placeable I could find)


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Now, individual:


Absorption Visor (g_i_mask99b)

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Arkanian Blinders (g_i_mask98)

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Force Focusing Visor (g_i_mask97)

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Conciousness Helm (g_i_mask96)

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Das'skar Hunting Mask (g_i_mask95)

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Bindo's Band (g_i_mask94) (I WILL equip this item on Jolee Bindo later)

I forgot to take a screenie, but the stats are:


+1 vs. Dark Side

+1 vs. Light Side

+3 Charisma

Restricted: Not usable by wookies


Tell me what you think! :thmbup1::)

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, Since G.I.M.P. 2.6.7 is REALLY messing up, I found another image program called Paint.NET The only problem is, its not like GIMP. How do I do things like "dodge" and "burn" and the command (that I forget) where you recolor something while keeping the same textures (like reskinning malak while keeping the lines of mesh). The only thing I can find is single color, which only works for small reskins......but looks horrible for others........

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OK, since no one answered my above post^^ :(


I have gone back to the TSL-stuff using K1 ASSETS mod.


I have recreated the:


Corellian Powersuit

Echani Heavy Armor

Electromesh Suit

Electromesh Armor


Sith Battle Suit

Verpine Fiber Ultramesh


Now...since there are things such as "Freyyr's Warblade" and "Bindo's Band" how would I got about adding them to those characters ingame. Most of my weapons/armors are going to be placed in stores, (such as Aratech Ion Blaster goes in Aratech Mercantile) or I might make a custom merchant, but I would like to place the named items in their own hands. How do I do that?


Also, what is the script that would go in dialouge to add say.....g_d_wrbld99 to your inventory (so that I can attach that to the edited dialouge where you get Baccas sword to where you also get freyyrs). I want Bindo's to be equiped when he joins your party, and freyyrs to also drop if you kill him.....

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I wish I could be of help with Paint.NET. I actually use it at this time, because GIMP was too foreign to me and I am a basic user... the simple interface is like MS Paint, as it was intended to be. It can probably do those things, but I do not know how. I am sure there is a forum somewhere...


As to your editing of, say Jolee Bindo, the grey old codger, that is easy. You know how to do the basic steps already.


It is a .utc edit. Use KTool, creature editor, character you want.... see this thread for the full explanation. It is a thread one or two from yours!! There are also tutorials and threads that you can find with more in-depth editing, right here.


Search, my friend, and you will find without asking!

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OK, I'm down on adding items to a person's inventory (if I can ever find Freyyr's .utc file.....)


But looking through the scripting section, I can't find anything that can help me, or anything I can understand.


Basically, I am going to edit the ends of dialouges kas23_freyyr_01.dlg and the end of kas23_chunda_01.dlg to where they say they will give you his (or freyyrs) blade. But what is the script that will add that into my inventory?

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But looking through the scripting section, I can't find anything that can help me, or anything I can understand.


Basically, I am going to edit the ends of dialouges kas23_freyyr_01.dlg and the end of kas23_chunda_01.dlg to where they say they will give you his (or freyyrs) blade. But what is the script that will add that into my inventory?

Click Me for the exact scripts you will need.

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