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Love's Death

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A long time ago, during the Sith-Imperial War,

I saw her. A wondrous, young woman.

Her golden hair swayed in the breeze as she danced,

and her eyes reflected the bright blue skies whenever

she smiled.


This young woman's heart was cheerful as a child;

an angelic voice of hers that echoed through my mind.

Yet, she seemed sadden for the Galaxy.

For me...


She saw me as a hero, not a bounty hunter or rogue.

Her comfort was like no other; a guardian spirit.

Her love was her strength, and nothing, not even a Sith,

could take that love away from her.


Now... she is gone from me. I grieve with anger, guilt, and

sadness. But thank the Force, she did not die in vain from a

lightsaber's pierce, a blaster wound, or anything horrible.

But that a deep sleep took her.


The Force be with you Lyna. My love, my friend.

Thank you for leading me to the road of redemption,

and not destruction.

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Filled with emotion and a bittersweet love.


A nice piece, Skywalker. A nice piece indeed!

The use of words work in such a way that you paint a portrait of a story in complete detail in only a few stanza's. A wondrous achievement!


It reminds me a little of Atton's tale to the Exile about when he was with the Sith, although this tale is more like-able in my opinion.


You say you are learning?

I say you are nearly there! Very close!

Keep at it, Skywalker and I am sure that you will be able to fluently construct poems that are wonderful as they are detailed.


Awesome work! :D


I'm not a great poet, but I like to think that I know talent when I see it, haha.


Looking forward to more!

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