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This isn't a raisin! What's your Easter favorites/plans?


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First and foremost, this is NOT a Faith bashing opportunity. If that's your intention, GTFO of my thread. If you celebrate Easter, awesome! If you don't, awesome! Leave the angst at the door. :tsk:



Now, since that is out of the way.. how do you intend to celebrate this year? Family, Friends, Church, Gathering? Do you do as I do and gorge on treats you usually avoid? :D


While I don't personally celebrate the Christian holiday, I still am interested in how my fellow LFN members like to celebrate, or even what your favorite goodies might be ;)


As for myself, my mother & father live in NC now, so we don't usually get to gather much, however my sisters and I will probably meet and I'll treat them to a lunch or dinner outing and some Easter gifts (poor college kids that they are.. hehe). And we'll probably get in to a text-fest with the parents so it won't be a "lonely" holiday. Being long distance from the parental units have made them rather tech savvy and for Christmas last year I had bought the entire family new phones and put them on my plan so we could all keep in touch.


We also have this tradition of sending "baskets" to each other, no matter the distance, without notifying the recipient of the day it was sent. So it's always a "treasure hunt" when checking the mail every day for it :lol:


My family knows my weakness...


cadbury_egg.jpg:drool1: yeah, I can feel my teeth melting now...

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Not much of a celebration here. Up until this year I would go over to my parents’ house in the afternoon for a family dinner and to hide Easter Eggs for my young cousins. Due to my stepfather’s death and my cousins getting older and some moving away it will just be my mother and me this Easter. Plan to grill steaks for dinner.



I'm sure she will have me some malted Easter eggs, my one Easter hoilday weakness.


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My sister and I go to college about 20 minutes away from our grandparents so instead of the reletives coming to visit at home everyone is coming up to my grandparents house so my sister and I don't have to go as far. Ill be spending friday and sunday day and evening at my grandparents with the relatives. Fortunately my grandparents ran out of rooms so my sister and I have to go back and party with our 6 friends. I think Im gonna go to a cave I found and explore it and maybe climb one of the construction cranes to occupy my time and get my weekly dose of law breaking I usually get at parties.

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My family knows my weakness...


cadbury_egg.jpg:drool1: yeah, I can feel my teeth melting now...

I almost made it through this Easter WO having to have these...


Damn you for posting that pic! Damn you!!!111!!!111!!! :fist:


*Runs to Target to get some... whist cursing ChAiNz!*



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