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Help please. Stuck in TFUII. *POSSIBLE SPOILERS*


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Hello all,


I am having an issue at the part where you are powering the cannons to what appears to be, blow up a star destroyer, but I cannot seem to get it done. I go into the room, kill all of the guys, then proceeded to try and shoot at the star destroyer with the cannon, did this for a while and nothing happened.


So I tried to take the power cell out of the cannon and then a scripted event happened where a tie fighter runs into the cannon and blows it up, so I go into the next room and sit there on the cannon for close to 30 min constantly hitting Y to try and blow up the star destroyer. I have ran around the room for a while and cant seem to find anything else to do. Does anyone have any ideas is to what I need to do next? Thanks in advance.


For the record I am playing the PC version, if that helps at all. Perhaps a bug in the PC version? Looping event? Idk, im outa ideas.... lol





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You can't. it's a waste of time. The Star Destroyer is detroyed with a much larger cannon at the end of the stage. The smaller guns serve no purpose, other than to provide power cells for locked doors. I wasted about 30 minutes on this myself, so don't feel bad.

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I am having the same problem I think we are stuck until there is a patch. I have try everything I can see to do I can't pull the power cell out of the far gun or save the first one or block the door with stuff and get the first.


This is stuff that you find in the alpha testing I don't get it :-( big company lots of money do more testing please.

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  Cyber_Celt said:
I am having the same problem I think we are stuck until there is a patch. I have try everything I can see to do I can't pull the power cell out of the far gun or save the first one or block the door with stuff and get the first.


I have the same Problem in the German PC version. Can't pull the Cell out of the Gun. I tryed to reload the Level but still the same Problem.


I watched a Walkthrough Video to check if I do somting wrog but the only difference i see ist, that im my game there is no Grate around the Cell and no calling to Press "RT&Pull" (I use the XBOX controller on my PC).


..tryed to block the door to the Room before and take the last cell but it doesn't work, the dor is closing anyway.

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you need to take a cell from the gun farthest away and put it in to the gun that blows up and ends up in front of the door and power up and shoot.. (if you cant get the cell out of the farthest gun i'm sorry to say you have to reload the level that was the only thing that worked for me)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Cyber_Celt said:
I am having the same problem I think we are stuck until there is a patch. I have try everything I can see to do I can't pull the power cell out of the far gun or save the first one or block the door with stuff and get the first.


This is stuff that you find in the alpha testing I don't get it :-( big company lots of money do more testing please.


Are you kidding me?


  deesnyder said:
All of you... you're not supposed to blow up the star destroyer. Take the cell out from the last cannon and put it in the cannon that broke off. Its placed directly in front of the half damaged door. Then fire 'er up...


This is the answer to all these Lurker's-who-are-never-gonna-return-to-the-forums-after-this-post posts.

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What're you talking about, the answer is right in the third post of the thread.

Also, is this the kind of puzzle that stumps you whippersnappers these days? Take power cell from cannon, put power cell in cannon aimed at door, use cannon to blow door open? You should try some classic 1990s point and click adventure games. You wouldn't get out of the first screen. God forbid if you should come across something with a text parser for input.

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RE unremovable cell bug: I checked the first few results on Google. One player said that if you die in that room, you have to restart the level for it to work. I had the unremovable cell bug in my latest playthough, and had died that time. I have restarted the level, and am working toward the bugged room.


Other things that were different from playthroughs when it worked: difficulty on hard, force grip now level 3, some challenges completed, possibly wearing different costume.

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  narfblat said:
RE unremovable cell bug: I checked the first few results on Google. One player said that if you die in that room, you have to restart the level for it to work. I had the unremovable cell bug in my latest playthough, and had died that time. I have restarted the level, and am working toward the bugged room.


Other things that were different from playthroughs when it worked: difficulty on hard, force grip now level 3, some challenges completed, possibly wearing different costume.


There's a room just before the scene where kota says "Don't let them near the cannon room" or something like that... There should be an extra battery lying there... Grip it and carry it with you...

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