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Shinobi: The Rising Darkness

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One year after the events of the Arashi incident...


It has been a year since the forces of the Arashi have been defeated but the legendary Ten-tails still lives. The group of adventurers that managed to defeat the Arashi and drive the ten-tails away have gone their seperate ways to pursue their own goals.


But a new threat is rising from the shadows. A threat that was thought destroyed during the last Great Shinobi War.


In a far off land this threat has manifested itself. A Samurai village is under heavy attack by unknown foes who seem to have amazing abilities. A desperate battle is now being waged to drive away the attackers.


A figure in samurai armor was thrown back into the wall of one of the many dwellings in the samurai village and slid to the ground in a heap before slowly getting back to it's feet.


What the heck are these things? Karela thought to herself as she got back on her feet and then looked down at the hole in her samurai armor. I can't even land a single punch on these guys and it doesn't look like the rest of Akagi's men are having better luck.


Karela made a series of handsigns and a solid wall of earth surrounded her attacker. Karela grinned and then the grin instantly faded when the wall of earth surrounding her opponet disappeared.


"Akagi!" She shouted out to the samurai who was fighting another of the mystery attackers a short distance away. "Tell your men that we need to get the villagers out of here. There are too many of them and too few of us."

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Ryuu was watching from the cliff, overlooking the village and the battle that underwent. He was already too late - it had already begun.


He received a tip from the Academy about his home village being pursued by an unknown force. They thought it would be most appropriate if they sent Ryuu to investigate, seeing as he was born there and more familiarised with it. Hesitantly, he accepted.


He leaped from the cliff and soared through the air towards the village. With the flick of his thumbs, the hilts from both swords ejected from their protective sheaths. He gripped both his swords and landed on the soil below him. It was time to do what he did best. He performed the singular handseal.


"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" (Shadow Clone Jutsu). Multiple copies of Ryuu appeared before him and joined the defence against the unknown force.

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"Tell your men that we need to get the villagers out of here. There are too many of them and too few of us."



Akagi Shurijima walked quickly down the steps of his castle, named Senshi. He wielded a long naginata, a spear with a blade like tip at the top and a sharp point at the bottom.


"Agreed, Karela-san, I will send my men to gather the civilians and bring them across the the river to the eastern part of Mototada Prefecture....you will assist them."


He gazed out at his burning village, a silent anger pulsing in his head. He had returned to his homeland to lead them to greatness...not to doom them to an unknown foe.


"My retainers and I will launch an attack at the town square. Use it to your advantage and get everyone out. We'll be close behind."


One of his samurai, Shimada, brought out Akagi's warhorse, Hidetada, which he quickly mounted. Several other mounted samurai joined Akagi, all armed with naginata and heavily armored.


"We move now...you'll have but a few minutes, Karela."

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"Agreed, Karela-san, I will send my men to gather the civilians and bring them across the the river to the eastern part of Mototada Prefecture....you will assist them."


Karela nodded once and then turned toward the mass of villagers who were trying to leave the village. As she watched them Karela noticed something strange: The unknown ninja who were attacking the village were focusing mainly on the samurai.


Is it possible that they want to get rid of us first and then go after the villagers? I wonder why...


She turned toward the villagers and ran to the head of the mass of villagers and started instructing them on where to go. She was about to run to the back of the line and guard them when a shadowy figure jumped off the cliff and landed near her.


Hmph. It looks like we have company. she thought as she looked over at the figure who was now performing a series of handsigns and then a series of clones appeared who then went after the forces attacking the village.


Finally! It's about time help was sent out here.


"Hey Akagi!" She shouted out to the samurai before he left. "It looks like someone finally decided to help out!"

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Ryuu was fending off the attackers within the town square. These people were clearly trained professionals, as they managed to keep a good offensive level with the samurai.


A massive opponent approached him, wielding Iron Gauntlets. Ryuu dodged his fist attacks, and repelled the gauntlets with both of his blades. He brought both of his blades together, so he could form a perfect verticle line. Two of his fingers were outstretched along the hilt.


"Fire Release: Dragon Katana" Both his swords were blazing with fire. He performed a spinning attack against the large opponent, which was expectadly blocked by his Iron Gauntlets. The giant continued to parry the fiery strikes. Ryuu kept him busy, until one of his shadow clones came up behind the giant and stabbed him through his abdomen with both fiery blades.


Amongst the chaos, one of Ryuu's Shadow Clones ran up to Karela. "I need a status report. I was sent here to investigate and assess the situation."

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"I need a status report. I was sent here to investigate and assess the situation."


Karela had been watching the newcomer and had watched as he had managed to take out one of the larger enemy shinobi. She quickly ducked as a kunai knife flew over her head and lodged itself in a building behind her.


I am so glad that wasn't an exploding kunai.


She turned to the newcomer and stared at him for a moment before responding. "Unknown enemy forces showed up a few hours ago and began attacking the village. The enemy shinobi are very powerful, so far we've been unable to drive them away. They've inflicted considerable losses on the samurai while we've only inflicted light losses on them. I'm currently leading an evacuation of the villagers. As of right now the leader of the village took a few of the remaining samurai to try and buy me time to get the survivors out of here."


She smiled grimly at him. "I appreciate you helping us but right now we're trying to get the villagers out of the village. If you really want to help you can help me guard the survivors as we get them out of here."

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The cool air provided Takeda with comfort as he moved through the forest. Comfort was something of a luxury, as Takeda has learned again and again. It was nice to have that feeling, but once it was gone he wasn't saddened. He had adapted to being denied comfort, and learned to accept solitude.


This was his mind set since he last fought Gatoa and the arashi one year ago. He had become somewhat of a lone wolf, after becoming a jonin. Its not that he didn't trust the others in the village, he just felt he could get the job done himself. After all, why send a few shinobi when one can do perfectly well alone?


Perhaps in an attempt to break Takeda of this mindset, the Hokage had sent him on a mission to investigate a Samurai village. Not just any village, one that belonged to an old friend. Their sources had spotted some unknown force making its way toward the village. While the Hokage had prepared a team, Takeda insisted on going alone.


He had left a few days ago, only stopping when it was absolutely required. The forest was beginning to end and the village was now in plain sight. Takeda slowed his movement to a walk as he left the forest. He needed to find Akagi. However, as he drew closer he saw the nothing but chaos.


People were running from the likes of an enemy he had never seen before. He moved back into a sprint and tried to assist the people. He heard the crackling sound of fire and turned to find the source. A samurai was wielding two flaming swords and fighting a rather large opponent. He watched as the identical clone moved behind the large man and kill him; a shadow clone.


He looked over and saw another samurai in red and black armor. It looked like the samurai was trying to get the people out of the village. He wanted to find Akagi, but even as a lone wolf he still had a moral code he followed. These people needed help, and he would do as he could. He approached the samurai with the black and red armor from behind. He untied his robe to allow his vest to be exposed, but still kept the robe on. He would be ready to toss his extra garb, if need be.


"Samurai, I am Takeda Kuei of the Leaf Village. I can explain what I'm doing here later, but for now I believe your people come first. Tell me, what can I do to assist you?"

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"I appreciate you helping us but right now we're trying to get the villagers out of the village. If you really want to help you can help me guard the survivors as we get them out of here."


"Very well; we will evacuate the villagers." He stood up and awaited for the girl. Suddenly, an enemy shinobi came up from behind, and impaled Ryuu with a bladed weapon. Ryuu exploded in a puff of smoke.


The real one appeared behind the enemy and stabbed him with his enflamed katanas. He tossed aside the body, and pretended nothing happened.


"Are they gathered and sheltered from the attack, or are they scattered throughout the village?"

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"Samurai, I am Takeda Kuei of the Leaf Village. I can explain what I'm doing here later, but for now I believe your people come first. Tell me, what can I do to assist you?"


Karela looked at Takeda with a mixture of suprise and joy. She knew that Takeda had some pretty powerful techniques and they could be useful against the enemy shinobi as they evacuated the village.


"Takeda!" She shouted as she grabbed him in a hug and lifted him off the ground. "It's me!"


Oh wait...The helmet makes my voice sound a bit off. He probably thinks I'm a bit nuts since he probably doesn't recognize me.


Karlea put Takeda down and then lifted the helmet off of her head and smiled at Takeda. Her face was badly bruised and the left side of her face had a long cut going down it due to being suprised by one of the enemy shinobi who's blade had managed to cut slightly through her armor.


""You have no idea how happy I am to see you Takeda." She said still smiling. "I need help evacuating the villagers. Right now Akagi is buying us time to get the villagers out of here and these enemy shinobi are really tough and so far we haven't been able to drive them away."


"Are they gathered and sheltered from the attack, or are they scattered throughout the village?"


Karela turned back toward the man whe had just killed one of the enemy shinobi and thought for a moment. "Nearly all of the villagers are here but there could be some of them left in the village."


She looked over the stranger and thought for a moment. "You look really tough. Right now I bet Akagi could use your help driving the enemy shinobi away. He and his men are buying us time in the town square."

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Takeda was taken completely by surprise by the samurai's action. Takeda stared at the samurai as he was lifted into the air. Takeda saw that their situation was dire, but he didn't know it was this bad that the samurai would greet him in such a manner. He dusted himself off once the samurai finally let him go. When he looked back up he was no longer staring at a samurai...but Karela.


"You have no idea how happy I am to see you Takeda." She said still smiling. "I need help evacuating the villagers. Right now Akagi is buying us time to get the villagers out of here and these enemy shinobi are really tough and so far we haven't been able to drive them away."


Takeda nodded and let Karela speak with the other samurai. He would have time to catch up with his friend later. Right now he had to focus on the task at hand. He pulled out a scroll from his robe and placed it on the ground. Preforming the necessary seals, he created a large pool of water. He needed to create ice for this technique, and his normal way wouldn't be quick enough.


He knelt down and froze the pool of water with his hands. He preformed and even more complicated series of hand seals on the frozen pool.


"Ice Release: Ice Dragon!"


The pool of ice slowly turned into a large ice dragon. The mighty ice dragon roared and looked over at Takeda. Takeda ordered the beast to attack the enemy shinobi. The beast let out a second roar and took off into the air.


"That dragon will assist Akagi, I'll go check for any more villagers," Takeda said before rushing off.

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Akagi had little time to see to the civilians, as he could see that the flames of the enemy, whatever they were, were quickly approaching the main square of his village. It pained him to see the life of the village so utterly devastated in this way. But right now, he had no time for grief. Only action.



He spurred his horse on faster, his bodygaurds doing the same, becoming a wall of horse and armor. The Samurai raised his Naginata and chose a target in the square, what he assumed to be an enemy Shinobi.


"Strike swiftly! Strike to kill! CHARGE!"


Akagi swung the naginata at the Shinobi, who disappeared into a blast of smoke that sent small objects ripping through everyone's armor.


Hidetada reared, and Akagi nearly fell, holding on for dear life.


Refocusing, Akagi saw the Shinobi again, running away only a few meters off. He hoisted the naginata again, this time throughing it at the Shinobi. The sharp ended blade pierced its target sending the Shinobi to the ground. Akagi quickly retrieved the naginata with a smile, when something caught his eye.


An ice dragon in the sky.




His smile grew, and the Samurai swung the Naginata at another Shinobi, sending bloody entrails across the square. He then dismounted, joining his bodygaurd in the center of the square.

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"That dragon will assist Akagi, I'll go check for any more villagers,"


Karela nodded once and was about to resume the evacuation when a badly injured samurai limped out of the forest from the direction they were supposed to be going. Karela ran up to him and saw that he was bleeding from multiple wounds.


"What happened to you?" She asked quietly. She didn't want to alert the villagers that there might be a problem.


The injured samurai collapsed to the ground. "A-Ambush ahead. The Mototada Prefecture has been taken by the enemy, it's almost as if they were expecting us." The samurai then shuddered once and was still.


Karela growled once and then turned toward the villagers who looked scared. They must have heard some of the conversation.


Karela made a series of handsigns and a small group of shadow clones appeared in front of her. She instructed four of the clones to continue guarding the villagers with her and then dispatched the last remaining one to inform Akagi of the fall of the Mototada Prefecture.


The shadow clone nodded and then took off toward the village square where it saw Akagi and his men fighting off a large number of enemy shinobi. "Akagi." The clone said quietly as it ran up in front of him. "The Mototada Prefecture has fallen to the enemy, somehow they knew that was where we were going to be evacuating the villagers. We may have a spy among us. We need to go somewhere we know is safe.""

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"The Mototada Prefecture has fallen to the enemy, somehow they knew that was where we were going to be evacuating the villagers. We may have a spy among us. We need to go somewhere we know is safe."


The news caught Akagi off-gaurd, yet the unexpected should always be expected.


The Samurai twirled his naginata on its hilt, bringing it down to point in the direction of north.


"We will have to move towards the mountains. It won't protect my people for long, but it'll allow us time to regroup...."


He looked at the enemy Shinobi who were themselves regrouping across a nearby bridge.


"Bring the villagers around the border and then into the mountains...we will join you in a moment....we must finish this foe..."


Akagi wielded his naginata to the front, rallying his samurai retainers to form a line, beginning their advance.

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Takeda entered into the last home. He searched but found no one in the home. He left the home and motioned the few villagers he found to follow him as he began to make his way back to Karela and the other villagers.


An enemy shinobi jumped down from one of the rooftops at Takeda. The shinobi stuck a hook shaped blade into Takeda's chest. Takeda turned to ice and shattered into pieces; an ice clone. The real Takeda threw a shuriken at the shinobi.


The shinobi dodged the attack and threw the hook blade at Takeda to reveal a chain. The blade barely missed Takeda, cutting him slightly as he jumped back. The shinobi twirled the hook blade and tossed it at Takeda again. This time Takeda side stepped and grabbed the chain. Takeda froze the weapon, forcing the shinobi to drop it.


The shinobi charged Takeda, which he was ready for. As the shinobi jumped into the air, Takeda shot his ice ball. The ice ball made contact the with shinobi, who shattered into pieces upon hitting the ground. Takeda motioned the few villagers once more to follow him.


"I was able to find a few villagers," he said to Karela as he returned.




The Ice dragon took out a few enemy shinobi, just by landing on them. The dragon looked over at Akagi, and moved with the samurai. Once Akagi attacked, it would as well.

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"Bring the villagers around the border and then into the mountains...we will join you in a moment....we must finish this foe..."


The shadow clone nodded and dissapeared in a puff of smoke just as a barrage of kunai knives cut through the space where it had been just a moment ago.



"I was able to find a few villagers,"


Karela nodded at him and then looked over the large group of villagers. She jumped up onto a tree branch so she would be able to be heard over the muttering of the villagers.


"Attention everyone!" She shouted as the villagers looked up at her as she put her helmet back on. "There has been a change of plans. As of now, we are going to be heading into the mountains where we will meet up with the remaining samurai. From there we will plan on what to do next."


"Don't bet on it." A cheerful female voice said from above her. Karela slowly looked up and saw one of the attacking shinobi who was wearing a mask.


That voice...There's no way that can be who I think it is. Takeda...or should I say Takai killed her over a year ago.


"Takeda..." She said quietly as she stared up at the masked enemy shinobi. "Take the villagers, get them up the mountains and wait for the remaining samurai to meet you there. I need to take care of this. Alone."


The masked shinobi waved cheerfully at Takeda and Karela and then took off into the trees. Karela quickly jumped after her with a handful of Kunai knives in her hand.

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"You look really tough. Right now I bet Akagi could use your help driving the enemy shinobi away. He and his men are buying us time in the town square."


Ryuu nodded. After Karela created her shadow clones, and ordered one of them to find "Akagi", Ryuu followed.


If he was to acquire the information during his supposedly labeled "recon mission", he needed to help the samurai and learn the motives behind the assault - despite his relations with his previous acquaintances.


Soon, the clone found its way to the one titled "Akagi" - a young samurai wearing the ceremonial armor and wielding the blade. The clone informed him of the news and speculation.


"Bring the villagers around the border and then into the mountains...we will join you in a moment....we must finish this foe..."


Ryuu saw the enemy in front. Akagi rallied his troops, and formed a line. Ryuu hid himself away, to observe the battle from the rooftops and strike at the appropriate of moments. He twirled his blades around, almost appearing like seals.


"Fire Release: Dragon Rush" a layer of protective flames surrounded him.

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A cloaked figure meditated on the grass in the middle of the forest. It has been a long time since the Shinobi War. The cloaked figure had experienced anger and depression, causing her to almost lose herself to darkness. But now, she has finally found peace. With much meditation and alone time, the young girl's angered and depressive feelings were gone.


The figure, known as none other than Asuka, stood up and smiled. "I am truly grateful to have calm myself throughout these past months. My journey begins..." She began to walk through the forest, still having her brown cloak on.

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"Don't bet on it."


Takeda looked to the same spot Karela did and saw a masked shinobi. He played the voice inside his head a few times. Takai nearly killed her during the last fight and then she blew herself up. How could she still be alive?


It was during Takeda's analysis of who the voice belonged to that Takai stirred. He had been a good boy for a whole year, silently watching Takeda. Takeda's eyes changed to Takai's for second and he winked back up at her. Almost as if to say, I whooped you once and I'll do it again.


"Take the villagers, get them up the mountains and wait for the remaining samurai to meet you there. I need to take care of this. Alone."


Takeda looked over at Karela and nodded his head. He had been a lone wolf this past year, so he understood Karela's intentions. He watched Karela take off and turned his attention to the villagers. He quickly created three ice clones to help him escort the villagers.


"Stay close," was all he said as he began to lead them to the mountains.


We can't let Karela have all the fun...besides Karela is special. We can't have her throwing herself into danger either.

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Karela jumped from branch to branch and threw a handful of Kunai knives at Zarela as she jumped from branch to branch.


Zarela turned around and continued jumping from branch to branch without even looking.


"If I were you I'd check on your friend." Zarela said cheerfully as she caught each of the kunai in one hand and threw them back at Karela with incredible speed. Karela was unprepared for the attack and the Kunai cut across her shoulder making her wince in pain.


"Come on now Karela...You can do better then that!" Zarela said cheerfully as she made a series of handsigns and a stream of fire erupted from her mouth which Karela was barely able to dodge.


She's so much faster and stronger then when she fought Takai...I can barely keep up with her.


Karla barely managed to dodge another kunai before making a series of handsigns and five shadow clones appeared. They were barely able to move before Zarela made another series of handsigns and six fireballs shot out from her hands and destroyed the clones and the sixth one hit Karela and slammed her into a tree trunk. Karela slowly fell out of the tree and hit the ground with a thud.


She looked up to see Zarela jumping off the branch that she was on and then stand over her. "Don't worry Karela, this is going to hurt you more then it's going to hurt me!" Zarela said laughing as she made another series of handsigns.

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"Don't worry Karela, this is going to hurt you more then it's going to hurt me!"


"My my, I was just about to say the same thing to you."


A Takai possessed Takeda leapt down from one of the tree branches. His black eyes with this demonic yellow irises stared blankly at Zarela. Takai removed Takeda's hat and robe and dropped them to the ground. He pulled off Takeda's mask to reveal a large grin.


"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise. The Arashi's pet dog is alive, and it looks like she's gotten better at fighting. Why don't we see what you can do now, because I'd just love to kill you again."

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All of a sudden, Asuka heard voices. She went towards the source of the voice and hid behind a tree. When she peeked, she couldn't believe her eyes. It was Takeda and Zarela! Looking on from beneath her hood, Asuka remembered the days she worked with them. And how they defeated Gotoa and the Ten-Tail beast.


She sighed and hid behind the tree. "I would love to see them again... but with me finally finding peace, I can't just jump out there. What if I have that same experience again... of being depressed?" She shook her head sadly and began to walk away.

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"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise. The Arashi's pet dog is alive, and it looks like she's gotten better at fighting. Why don't we see what you can do now, because I'd just love to kill you again."


Zarela slowly turned around and a huge grin appeared on her face as she looked over Takai and then she winked at him.


"Well...look who's here." She said cheerfully "It's the crazy one. To be fair, you didn't kill me last time. I killed myself. But I was hoping that I'd be able to fight you after the last time we fought. I think it's time that I show you how much stronger I've become."


Before Takai could do anything, Zarela was behind him and she kicked him up in the air before making a series of handsigns.


Fire Release: Flame stream jutsu. A massive stream of flames shot out of her mouth and engulfed Takai in a cloud of flames.

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Takai suddenly found himself hit into the air by Zarela. He was surprised at how much faster she had actually gotten. He looked down at her and noticed she was preforming some type of jutsu. Suddenly a large stream of fire flew at him. Takai let out a large laugh as the fire made contact.


Takai landed on a tree, with his arms covering his face. He jumped back down to Zarela and clapped.


"Not bad, but I certainly hope you can do better than that. Let's see what you can really do," Takai said going into a defensive stance.

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Akagi stamped his foot hard on the ground, assuming a sturdy front stance, naginata outstretched towards the enemy shinobi.




His fellow Samurai shouted an affirmative.



Akagi made brief eye contact with the ice dragon above them, and then put his focus to the front.




He sprinted forward across the bridge, swinging his naginata at the first shinobi. The ninja dodged it, but Akagi twirled the naginata the other direction, killing the second shinobi in an instant. The Samurai all collided with their enemies, and blood began to form in pools around the bridge and town square.

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"Not bad, but I certainly hope you can do better than that. Let's see what you can really do,"


Zarela started laughing and then suddenly looked down as a Kunai knife erupted from her stomach. She turned and around and smiled at Karela. "Nice try little girl, but that won't work."


The kunai wound began to heal itself even as Zarela grabbed Karela and threw her into the forest with a good amount of force. Karela shouted out in pain and anger as she slammed into a person who had his or her back turned to her, sending them both down to the ground.


"She's so much stronger then the last time Takai fought her, I'm not even sure if Takai can even beat her." She muttered as she got back up to her feet and then looked down at the hooded figure. The hood fell away from her face and beneath her mask Karela gasped.


"Asuka? What are you doing here?"





Zarela laughed and looked over at Takai and studied him for a moment. "I think I'm going to enjoy making you suffer. After all, I remember what you did to me the last time we fought."


Zarela got behind Takai before he could even blink and grabbed him by the head and slammed his body into a large tree and then kicked him up into the air again and she then made another series of handsigns.


Fire Release: Grand fireball jutsu!


A massive fireball erupted from Zarela's mouth and engulfed Takai as he hit the ground. Zarela then made another series of handsigns. Earth style: Earth Coffin jutsu.


A large amount of rocks and earth formed around Takai and surrounded him. Zarela smiled and grabbed an exploding kunai knife. "Now...Let's see you get out of that." She smirked.

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