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Shinobi: The Rising Darkness

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When someone bumped into her hard and they both fell on the ground, Asuka just groaned. "Man..." She got up when the other person got up. All of a sudden, her hood fell from her head. "Uh-oh..."


"Asuka? What are you doing here?"


"Shoot..." wasd the last word Asuka thought. She turned around and smiled sheepishly. "Hi. Um... do I know you?" she asked, the mask hiding the other person's face.

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Takai watched as Karela threw a kunai knife at Zarela. Takai was surprised by this, after all he was in no way her friend...or did she think Zarela was the bigger threat? Takai was somewhat insulted by the thought of that.He watched as the wound was healed just as quickly as it was on Zarela.


Instantaneous Healing?...Isn't that lovely


Takai suddenly found himself being smacked around by Zarela. He was about to spring up and attack when he was surrounded by earth.


"Now...Let's see you get out of that."


The earth tomb that Takai was now encased in began to shake violently.




A large black snake broke through the tomb and attacked Zarela head on. The snake slammed Zarela into a tree and then flung her up into the air. Takai jumped out of the dirt and dusted himself off.


"Its been such a long time since I've had this much fun. You've been such a good sport during all this. I think I'll actually use some of my abilities on you."


Takai made a few hand seals and smirked at Zarela.


"Nightmare Release: Nightmare Summoning Jutsu!" This was an improved technique of Yoroi's. As oppose to just summoning something the opponent fear, Takai could go much further.

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"Hi. Um... do I know you?"


Karela shook her head slightly. She always forgot to take off the samurai mask before talking to people. She pulled the mask off and smiled at Asuka.


"Nice to see you again Asuka."


Karela turned her head back toward the site of the battle as she heard a loud familiar laugh echo through the forest.


"Alright. I'm going to give you the short version of the story. Akagi's village is under attack by unknown forces. It looks like Takeda has been taken over by Takai again and that crazy Arashi lady who kidnapped you a year ago is somehow back from the dead and fighting Takai."


Karela put her helmet back on and then turned toward the site of the battle. "Right now we're trying to evacuate all of the villagers to the mountains. If you could take over that and get them out of here I would really appreciate it."




Zarela grunted in slight pain as Takai snake attack hit her and sent her flying backwards up into the air. She watched as Takai made a series of handsigns and then began making her own handsigns.


"Nightmare Release: Nightmare Summoning Jutsu!"


"Fire Release: Flame Dragon jutsu!" Zarela shouted just as she finished her handsigns a second after Takai did. A dragon made of flames appeared in the air in front of Zarela and then immediatly engulfed Takai in a wall of flame.

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"BANZAIIIIII!!!!!" Ryuu heard Akagi announce, as him and his army ran across the bridge to fight off the enemy. With his Dragon Rush technique still active, Ryuu dived from the rooftop and soared across to the bridge where the battle took place.


The flaming blur impregnated the hoard of enemy shinobi, rushing from one opponent to the next. He managed to take out some of the enemy, not before his Dragon Rush technique was about to die out. He used the remaining seconds to leap back with the defending Samurai.


Ryuu fought along side the Samurai, fending off the enemy.

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Takai laughed as a wall of flames appeared in front of him. She had used the flames to protect herself, as well as attack him. Using one of Takeda's own techniques he put out a small area of the flame and jumped out. He looked to Zarela and grinned.


"Ah that's right...I didn't use jutsu on you last time. You don't have any idea what the technique I used does, do you?"


A small black orb was floating in the air, slowly morphing into something.


"I've never used this technique on an undead person before. Now then, let's see what you fear!" Takai shouted before laughing again.

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((Alright, as soon as the battle between Takeda and Zarela is over we'll be evacuating the village and head for the mountains where we will wait for Akagi.)


"I've never used this technique on an undead person before. Now then, let's see what you fear!"


Zarela's smile faded slightly as the orb continued changing shape until it took on the form of a tall man wearing the robes of the Akatsuki. Zarela's smile returned instantly.


"Thats it?" she asked in a mocking tone of voice. "Don't you understand? I fear nothing anymore. And there is no way you'll be able to ever defeat me. The only reason that technique worked was because in life I feared a few of the members of the Akatsuki, but now that I'm dead I have nothing to fear."


One of the enemy shinobi dropped out of the trees next to Zarela. "The remaining samurai have been driven back to the main square of the village. It is only a matter of time before we are able to wipe them all out."


"Excellent work." Zarela said before turning back to Takai as the enemy ninja jumped up into the trees. "Now...I believe I was in the middle of killing you."


Zarela jumped backward and made a series of handsigns. "Fire Release: Grand fireball jutsu!"


A massive fireball erupted from Zarela's mouth and engulfed Takai just as Zarela pulled two large shurikens and threw them at Takai who was still engulfed in the flames.

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"Now...I believe I was in the middle of killing you."


Both shurikens made contact with Takai at the same time he was hit with the giant fireball. When the smoke cleared, Takai had been sliced in half. The two halves made a poof noise.


Takai appeared above Zarela and kicked her into a tree. Before she could recover he was in front of her again. He grabbed her by the throat with his right hand and held out his left one.


"I'll show you true fear then...Dark Release: Inhaling Maw!"


A black diamond appeared on Takai's hand as he began to drain Zarela, just as he did to an Arashi allied Karela, and just as he did to Yoroi.

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"I'll show you true fear then...Dark Release: Inhaling Maw!"


Zarela watched calmly as Takai grabbed her by the throat and began to drain her. "This isn't going to work you know. Because I have one thing that you don't have."


"Lightning Release: Lightning destruction!"


A massive streak of blue lighting slammed into Takai and sent him flying away from her. Another masked shinobi dropped to the ground next to Zarela and pulled her to her feet. Zarela looked down at Takai and smiled.


"I have allies."


"Are you alright?" The second masked shinobi asked as Karela ran to the battle site. Zarela smiled at her as she threw a handful of kunai knives that Zarela easily dodged.


That voice...it's so familiar.


Zarela smiled at both Karela and Takai before vanishing into the tree as she headed for where the remaining samurai were located. The second masked shinobi stared at both Karela and Takai for a moment before vanishing as well.


Karela looked Takai over for a moment before dropping her hand toward her kunai pouch.


"Takeda...I really hope you can hear me right now. I don't want to have to hurt you but if you don't wrestle back control from Takai I might have to."

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Before Asuka could reply, Karela was gone. She sighed. "I would love to help. But... I'm afraid that I might go back to my old self." Suddenly, the young girl saw Zarela and her goons. She was the one that kidnapped her and tortured her. Making her split personality claw out like a beast.


"Hey! Stop! Uh... why can't we all just sit down and talk about this? We don't have to fight!" Asuka shouted at Zarela, wondering if she heard her or not.

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Takai's grin turned into a large smile as Zarela did not resist the the technique. Even as he was attacked by another masked shinobi and sent flying to the ground, he still had a smile. It would have been nice if could have drained her a little longer, but he would take what he could get for now.


"Takeda...I really hope you can hear me right now. I don't want to have to hurt you but if you don't wrestle back control from Takai I might have to."


Takai stood up and dusted himself off, before looking at Karela.


"Heh, is that any way to treat someone who saved you? Well that former arashi mentor of yours certainly has gotten better...but she's still just a minion."


Takai could feel Takeda regaining consciousness, and soon he would take control of his body back. Takai would have to make these next few seconds count.


"Though with all her new tricks, she's still suffers from her same flaws. You remember my Inhaling Maw technique, don't you Karela? She clearly has no clue what its capable of. If you want to save these villagers and find out more about these attackers, then you'll need my help. My technique doesn't just give me the ability to manipulate other's abilities, but their memories as well. We'll be able to find out how she came back from the dead..."


The blackness in Takeda's eyes were beginning to fade to white.


"You know I'm right Karela...think about it"


Takeda shook his head and looked around. Those ice clones must have taken more out of him then he thought, plus the ice dragon he created earlier. He put his mask, robe, and hat back on.


"Its been a year since he last attempted to control me, I wonder why he chose now."

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Karela heard Asuka shout out to Zarela but she was already gone. Karela turned to look at Asuka and smiled sadly.


"It's good to see you again Asuka."


She then turned to look at Takeda who was apparently once again in control of his body.


"Its been a year since he last attempted to control me, I wonder why he chose now."


"It's probably because he wanted to get revenge on Zarela. Remember the last time they fought over a year ago he didn't get the chance to kill her, she blew herself up."


Karela turned and looked up in the trees that Zarela and the other masked shinobi had fled into. "I don't know how she came back...but I'm going to admit that I'm worried. I stabbed her in the stomach with a kunai and the knife wound healed instantly. And she didn't seem worried when Takai showed up either."


She turned her head toward the village as she heard the sounds of combat again. "I'm going to go and get Akagi, I want you and Asuka to take the villagers up to the mountains so we can regroup."


Karela turned toward the village and began running toward the samurai village.

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Takeda looked over at Asuka and quickly turned his head. He hadn't forgotten how she had just abandoned the village...how she abandoned him.


"Let's go, try to keep up," was all Takeda said before he took off.


Karela would need some more convincing, that was obvious. Takai would have to make his move when Takeda was weak again. He needed Karela's earth jutsu to hold Zarela long enough for him to drain her. He would make his move though, and it would be soon.

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Even before Karela managed to reach the village she could sense that something was wrong. The sound of samurai war-crys were getting fainter and more and more enemy shinobi were heading for the village. After a few minutes of running and jumping from branch to branch she arrived at what remained of the village.


"Akagi!" She shouted as she looked down at the samurai lord who was fighting with what remained of his forces. There weren't that many samurai left. "We need to get out of here now!"


She jumped down next to him and quickly grabbed his hand. "I promise you that we'll come back someday, but right now we need to leave. Your people need you now."

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He turned around quickly, seeing Karela running toward him.


The Samurai gave a quick nod, turning back to the battle to slash his naginata at one of the enemy Shinobi. His attention returned to her when she grabbed his hand.


"I promise you that we'll come back someday, but right now we need to leave. Your people need you now."


He couldn't just leave the village...he had worked so hard to create a stable land for his Father's people to survive upon. It felt wrong to simply abandon the village that belonged both to the people as much as it belonged to himself. But he knew Karela was right, today couldn't be that day when the village could be restabilized...they needed to survive first.


Akagi looked at her, "So....so be it. We will retreat..."


He hoped the stricken tone in his voice failed to show. He needed to lead his people, not panic.


"Samurai!!! Retreat to the villagers!! Guard the road!! We must make sure they make it!"


He and the other Samurai rushed back across the bridge, racing to save the refugees.

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Ryuu just finished pulling his blade out from an enemy shinobi. He was interupted of course when Karela came out of nowhere and ordered a retreat. Akagi responded, and called his troops back.


Ryuu dodged an uncoming attack, and leaped atop of a nearby rooftop. He swung his blade through the air to clean it from the staining blood, and out it back in its sheath. He followed Akagi and the rest of the Samurai Warriors across the bridge and towards the mountains where the villagers hid themselves.

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"Samurai!!! Retreat to the villagers!! Guard the road!! We must make sure they make it!"


Karela let out a sigh of relief. It was good that Akagi was ordering a retreat to the mountains. Right now Akagi's people needed him and she was going to guess that Akagi needed his people now more then ever in this troubling time.


"Good call Akagi!" She shouted. "I'm going to cover out tracks so they can't follow us."


She pulled two handfuls of smoke bombs out from her equipment pouch and then threw them on the ground where they detonated, creating a large cloud of smoke that surrounded the enemy shinobi.


And just in case.


Karela made a series of handsigns and a group of eight shadow clones appeared in puffs of smoke all around her. The clones quickly took off, each one going in a seperate direction. She ran after the samurai and quickly caught up with them.


"Alright. I dropped a couple of smoke bombs back there and created a few shadow clones. That should buy us a few minutes. We should get the villagers and then get going."


Karela continued traveling with the samurai for a short distance before seeing Takeda who was guarding the villagers. She beckoned him over to her.


"Takeda, are the villagers all set to go? Akagi and I managed to buy a bit of time but we should really go now, before the enemy finds out where we are. Right now there are too many of them for us to fight."


Karela then turned to the mysterious man who had aided the samurai during the attack. "I have no idea who you are but I just want to thank you for helping Akagi and his men. If you hadn't shown up when you did we might not have made it out of the village alive."

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"I have no idea who you are but I just want to thank you for helping Akagi and his men. If you hadn't shown up when you did we might not have made it out of the village alive."


Ryuu glanced back. "I was sent here to investigate, because I knew the village well... this was once my home."


He looked back at the village, being slowly swarmed with the enemy shinobi. Then back at Karela. "Then I sought another life. But regardless of our differences, they are still my people. I am glad to offer you my assistance."


"But you know more than I do already. We intercepted mysterious behaviour in the region, therfor sending me to investigate. Do you have any clue as to who they are and what they are after?"

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"But you know more than I do already. We intercepted mysterious behaviour in the region, therfor sending me to investigate. Do you have any clue as to who they are and what they are after?"


Karela shook her head sadly. Behind them a bright flash of light and the sound of a massive explosion filled the air.


"It looks like all they wanted to do was destroy the village and anyone in it. The attack started earlier in the day, one minute I was talking with Akagi and the next moment we were under heavy attack from all sides. And there was something else that was bothering me: During the battle I fought against a woman who I knew was dead. She blew herself up nearly a year ago and yet there she was. I have no idea how she could have managed to come back from the dead."


Karela turned around and saw smoke coming from where the village had once been and sighed heavily. "As of now Akagi and I are going to be leading the villagers to the mountains where we can regroup and think about what to do next."


She sighed again. "It's times like these I wish Kaneda was here. He would know what to do."

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"It's times like these I wish Kaneda was here. He would know what to do."


Ryuu ears raised up when he heard her speak "Kaneda". He knew that name. One of the new students who enrolled in the Kenjustu Academy located within the Land of Forests. Quick learner. Also a very laid-back sort of person, depending on what aspect people see it as. Ryuu viewed it as a weakness.


"I know that name... though there are many who are given such a name throughout the world. I wonder if out of all those, the one you mention is the one I am aquainted with."


He glanced at Karela. "Originated from Konoha, I think... excellent student. Not to mention lazy. He who your talking about?"

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"Originated from Konoha, I think... excellent student. Not to mention lazy. He who your talking about?"


Karela smiled slightly at the man's description of Kaneda. It was nearly dead on.


"That would be the Kaneda I fought with. It's been nearly a year since I've seen him and the others. In fact the last time I saw him was right after we defeated the Arashi. We all went out on our own after that battle...I always thought we should have stuck together, just in case someone came after us for revenge."


She winced slightly as she felt three of her shadow clones vanish. "I think we should get moving unless we want the enemy to catch up with us."


She turned to Akagi. "Akagi! It's time we get going. If you could do you think you could have a few of your men cover us? I don't want anyone sneaking up on us."


She then moved up to the front of the group of villagers and motioned for the man who knew Kaneda to join her. "It's time that we get moving." She told the villagers. "We are going to head up into the mountains and from there we are going to come up with a new plan."

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Asuka stood there, listening to their conversation. She then looked over at Takeda. She felt ashamed for leaving him behind. If only she could talk to him and explain herself. But even if she did... would he listen? This is one of the main reasons she didn't want to come back.


"Um, guys? I... I don't think you need me. I mean... I finally found inner peace. And... I don't want to be a burden to you all. I mean... there are some people who might not want me back," Asuka said, looking at Takeda sadly. "I mean... if you guys want me to, I can help anyway I can." The young girl looked down quietly.

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Takeda simply nodded his head at Karela's question. He stood motionless as Karela spoke with the man who helped the samurai as well. He couldn't help but eavesdrop as they spoke of Kaneda. Like the others, Kaneda too had left the Leaf Village. For a year he had basically been alone.

"That would be the Kaneda I fought with. It's been nearly a year since I've seen him and the others. In fact the last time I saw him was right after we defeated the Arashi. We all went out on our own after that battle...I always thought we should have stuck together, just in case someone came after us for revenge."


For a brief instance the inner Takeda broke free of the hardened outer shell he had developed in the past year. Everyone had left him. Akagi went back to his village, with Karela joining him. Kaneda had went off to some academy. Asuka flat out abandoned the village. He wasn't sure what happened to Tategami. Even Specter had finished a few days after the others did.


He had finally achieved his goal of becoming a Jonin...but had no one to share it with. He lowered his head for a few seconds.


We should have stuck together...


Fortunately for Takeda his mask covered the frown he had on his face. The frown quickly disappeared. He crossed his arms and continued to listen. He looked over at Asuka who seemed saddened she had left the village.


"Your abilities could be quite useful."


His tone was almost lacking in human emotion. He turned to look at Karela.


"I should scout ahead, and make sure we do not run into any ambushes."

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"It's time that we get moving."


Ryuu nodded. He then looked over at Takeda. Even with his mask on, he knew that look in his eyes. Given from the way he looked at Asuka, like she abandoned him. But Ryuu could somehow also sense she was not the only one. Loneliness - an inflicting, distractive wound that would take time to heal


Ryuu could relate, but now was not the proper time to acquaint himself with everyone: they needed retreat the villagers to the mountains where they could seek refuge.


"I should scout ahead, and make sure we do not run into any ambushes."


Ryuu walked towards the one named Asuka, who was just standing there feeling guilty. He looked above her, the collar of his Haori covering his mouth and only his steel colored eyes were visible. "We need to get moving."


He turned around and continued onward to the Mountains.

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"I mean... if you guys want me to, I can help anyway I can."


Karela turned toward Asuka and pulled the samurai helmet off of her head. Her face was bloody and had cuts on it from where the enemy had managed to get through the armor.


"I'm not going to lie Asuka, we could really use your help. Right now we need someone to keep the villagers and their children calm while we evacuate to the mountains."


"Your abilities could be quite useful."


Karela slowly turned away from Asuka and look at Takeda. His voice...it seemed to lack any emotion. She didn't know what his problem was with Asuka but she could tell that he had a problem with her from the way he spoke to her.


"Takeda...may I speak to you away from everyone else for a moment? I need to discuss something with you."


"We need to get moving."


Karela didn't turn away from Takeda. "We'll catch up in just a minute. I just need to discuss something with Takeda."

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"Takeda...may I speak to you away from everyone else for a moment? I need to discuss something with you."


Takeda looked over at Karela and nodded his head slowly. He would much prefer to scout ahead, and make sure the enemy wasn't waiting. Perhaps she wanted to talk about what happened earlier. These were her people...and Takai was chaotic. Takeda walked over to Karela and waited until the others had moved ahead.


"I apologize Karela for what happened earlier. I had not rested in a bit, and I was a bit drained from the clones and the dragon. Takai will not take over, I can assure you of this," Takeda said.

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