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Star Wars: The Sith Resurrection Part VIII: Wrath of the Empire

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((I thought the space battle over Avalon was over. And the Katarn did arrive.))


"If I didn't know any better I would have said that Belina's assigning both of us here was done on purpose."


Alriana shook her head. Knowing Belina, it was possible that she had done it on purpose. She may have looked at their records and decided they made a good team.


"I wouldn't put it past her. Belina is the Supreme leader of the Republic fleet and she does have a sense of humor. Its possible she saw our records and saw that we worked together in the past."





The first wave of landing craft gently set down on Avalon's soil and troops began to pour out of them at once. The leader of the first wave immediatly spotted Belina and ran over to her and saluted.


"Admiral Belina. Jedi Haltra has sent down the first wave of troops and a second wave is being prepared. What are your orders?"


"Guard the area, and at the first sign of enemy movement alert me. I want scouts to go out ahead and find the enemy staging area. Report back to me once the staging sites are found."

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Tavaryn nodded while rubbign Alriana's hand in a massaging manner, deep in thought. Belina was clever and he had known her for quite some time. "Either that or she was trying to tell me something," he replied.


"Sir, the men have been assembled in the docking bay. Awaiting orders," Tariq commed.


Tavaryn sighed, "On my way." He stopped his massaging and looked at Alriana, "Care to join me or do you have duties here?"




Selene was confident her repair crew would get the job done and ordered her soldiers back to the ship. She was going down to the surface if it killed her. She saw that Tariq fellow that had jumped up to accompany her to the battle in the halls. He had been well trained by the Shinigami, executing the moves perfectly but with his own flare to it. It had impressed her to no end. She knew they were waiting for orders and decided to pass the time until the Shinigami got down there. She sauntered up and asked, "Waiting for your fearless leader?"


Tariq was a bit startled but replied, "Yes ma'am."


"So what are you going to do?"


"Head down and help out."


"Ah battle. A great test of character," Selene was having fun with this soldier.


"If you say so."




Taryn was the first to notice the crater hole that appeared at her fingertips. Now if only she can bring it up, he thought. Out loud he said, "Good, now try to bring it up."


He made a similar crater hole that she did and slowly had it spiral out of the hole into a long stream. "Bring it out like this."

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"Yes. We've been together for about two years now. Jedi don't really have anything similar, but it's only since the restoration of the Order that they've allowed relationships." Kalla explained. "It's more common nowadays, but there's still not much aside from a Jedi Wedding, and we're in no rush for that."


"We serve the Republic at our own discretion, and at times, we get our hands dirty on their behalf so they don't have to so much as acknowledge their involvement." Jareth clarified. "The Republic doesn't officially recognise the existence of our organisation."

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"Care to join me or do you have duties here?"


Alriana turned to Koral who nodded. "I'll keep things together up here Jedi Haltra. Now that the ship is clear of sith and we can focus on repairs now that the enemy ships are gone."


She turned to Tavaryn and smiled. "Shall we get going? I think that they could use our help down there as soon as possible. And wait...what happened to that ship that the sith was using? Did we manage to get it?"

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Tristian merely nodded politely. "Nonexistence must be beneficial in your line of work."


It was sheer politeness since this group of warriors may fight for the Republic but it was a possibility that the tables could be turned. He hefted a load of shot that was to be used by the catapault. It was heavy, even for an experienced artilllery man in the ranks but Tristian hefted it like it was nothing and handed it over. "Load up on that bull. Just attach the hooks."




Caelos nodded and replied, "Have you considered wearing one?" To make it clear, he added, "The promise mark is very significant to our people. I am curious if you understand what it means mainly because the maneuver he did, it was with an intent to kill."




Tavaryn smiled and stood up feeling better that he had at least a minute or two for a breather.


And wait...what happened to that ship that the sith was using? Did we manage to get it?"


Tavaryn reached for his comm. "Selene."


"Yeah what do want Shinigami?"


"Any word on that enemy Sith ship? The one that got away when you pulled in?"


"Give me a moment."

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"He explained it to me, but it didn't seem appropriate for me to get one, since I'm not Avalonian." Kalla explained. "But if his wearing one shows how much I mean to him, I suppose it's only right that I return the sentiment. First chance I get. Now, I'm going to need to speak with Lord Tristan about our plan of defence. Any word of Guardsmen being brought down from orbit?"




"Lord Pestilus, we have arrived in orbit around Dromund Kaas. Your shuttle is standing by in Port Hangar Four. The Oblivion is a few minutes behind us." Commander Karath pointed out.


"Excellent. Instruct Lady Inferna to join me in the Council Chambers when she arrives." Darth Pestilus replied, leaving for the hangar.


Dromund Kaas, Sith Council


"The attack on Avalon was a success. Most of the major cities have been destroyed, along with one of the Republic's Star Destroyers." Darth Pestilus explained to the council.


"Excellent. Our spies in the New Empire have informed me that they have access to the data we need, and will transmit the moment we are ready." Darth Sykal added.


"And we will be when we have gained the trust of the Republic Senate. Everything is going as planned." Pestilus commented.

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Caelos smiled. He replied, "It would have been appropriate. He chose you and by wearing it, it signals to others that he is spoken for. Many sentients do not know how our people are especially after the Explorers ventured towards the Core Worlds ages ago. In fact, Lord Tristan's sister's husband was not from our world yet he is considered one of us."


Caelos paused to finish checking in the last commander. He then said, "Speaking of Lord Tristan, he is more likely supervising the artillery loading. His favorite animal is the katarn and he admires their strength and resilience. Come, we must give him the report." Caelos beckoned Kalla to follow. They walked along the river and past where Tonatius and Taryn were teaching Andorra to water bend.


Caelos commented, "A lost art here on Avalon but the water world is ripe with benders. Did you know that some of the tribesmen can been an element as well?"




The torpedo hit the debris that had been released but it provided good cover for the Chaser. At the last second, the pilot did a maneuver that dropped the ship downward at a 90 degree angle and an insane speed and it righted itself firing a couple of shots aimed right at the engines.


The captain was grinning at the thrill when the comm signaled from the Ackbar. It was Lady Selene. He said, "Still after Sith vessel. Looks like it might be heavily damaged. We'll keep at it till we get em."


Selene replied, "Good work. Out." She then signaled Tavaryn, "The Chaser is giving chase. and still at it."


Tavaryn replied, "Thanks." To Alriana he said, "Well looks like Slene's pilots will be having fun for awhile if this guy is that good." He then took the sleeve of her robe and tugged as he walked towards the turbolift.

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Andorra tried to do as Taryn instructed, but the crater hole would not move. It simply dug itself in deeper around her hand, deeper and stronger. Why? You seem to think me unworthy, and you're being stubborn, she thought as if the water were a sentient being like herself. Yield to me! You're only waves and wetness, after all! She felt foolish for getting so angry.


All of a sudden, the hole dug too deep, making the water's current throw the Avalonian maiden off-balance. Righting herself quickly, she realized that her hair was now soaked. She sighed. "What now? I guess I fail this lesson."

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"Well looks like Slene's pilots will be having fun for awhile if this guy is that good."


"As long as they manage to get him. I'd like to see him in the brig until we can drop him off somewhere where he can never harm anyone again."


Alriana smiled as she ran after Tavaryn. She was looking forward to combating the sith forces on Avalon.




Varith snarled in anger as the ship that was chasing him managed to get right behind him and hit his engines, causing heavy damage to the ship. It was now or never. His nav computer was non-operational now and it looked like he would have to make a blind hyperspace jump. But he had one thing that most pilots did not.


The force.


Varith opened himself to the force and let it guide him as he pulled back the switch that would allow him to escape to hyperspace and hopefully arrive at his homeworld of cathar.

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"Well, he's not actually from here himself. His home planet is Tython, and he's half human." Kalla commented, resolving to discuss getting a promise mark of her own with Tonatius at the first opportunity. "So is Water Bending something that can be learned, or is it an ability one would have to be born with?" She asked.

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Taryn resisted the urge to laugh knowing that it might hurt his cousin's feelings. He held the column of water up while he watched her get frustrated. Tonatius though was much more kinder. He said, "You are demanding it. You need to ask it. Water is like any other sentient. Threat and ordinary politeness have their own effects. It also knows its own forms better than the masters of water. Try again to connect but this time, be patient. Show water that you are willing to learn."




Caelos paused for a moment to think about his response. He then said, "Bending of the five elements can be learned but one must have a natural talent. There are those that can do it but it is only on a small scale. Past experiences affect the ability as well. So you could say that one is born with it. It does have a tendency to run in families.


"The element one bends is sometimes reflective of the planet they are born on or where their family comes from. Your promised one's mother is from Atzlan, the water world. Name so because there is only one large land mass while the rest of the planet is water. Those from that world are more likely to be a water bender." Caelos paused to see if Kalla understood what he was trying to explain, also to see if she had any questions.




The captain of the Chaser cursed as the damaged vessel made the jump into hyperspace. He didn't look forward to repeating his failure to Selene but it had to be done. He ordered his comm officer to hail her.




Tavaryn wasn't expecting the sight when he entered the hangar bay where his old ship was kept. His men were hiding behind several crates while trying not to look afraid and Selene was hopping mad. He sighed, too tired to be playing referee but since he was one of the few that could talk to her when she was in a temper, he might as well get it done and over with. He strolled as fast as his injuries would allow and asked, "Bad day Selene?"


Selene snarled, "Yes. Looks like we're going to have to go on a chase. Your Sith Jedi made a jump into hyperspace. How he did it I have no idea and I am pissed!"


Tavaryn stiffened a bit as he glanced at Alriana. He knew now that the dark Jedi had been after her to kill her. She was still a target, not a pleasant thing to be. "Well I guess we have to deal with it when he shows up again."


"And he will. When he does, he will not sully Clan Ordo again!" Selene shook a fist in the air, having calmed down enough to order her men inside her ship. "We'll meet you at the surface."


And not a moment too soon. Tavaryn ordered his men into his ship before turning to Alriana, "You okay about the dark Jedi escaping? It's not easy being a target."

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"You okay about the dark Jedi escaping? It's not easy being a target."


Alriana shrugged her shoulders. "To be fair, I was a target back during Palpatine's jedi purge but this time I have people to watch out for me. If that dark jedi tries anything I know I'll have you and Belina and all the others to watch my back."


She turned toward one of the ships. "Shall we get going? I have a feeling that they'll need our help down there."




Dromund Kaas


Varith had a worried expression on his face as warning lights lit up. The hyperdrive was about to fail and if he didn't shut it down it would most likely blow up. He didn't know where he was but he would die here if he didn't shut down the hyperdrive.


He hit a series of controls and the ship suddenly appeared in real space. He breathed a sigh of relief and a smile appeared on his face only to disappear once he saw what was in front of him.


Two of the massive warships that had attacked the planet and the republic ship.

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"A lot of Jedi were targets in those days," Tavaryn agreed. He led the way up the ramp of the ship and sealed the doors. He called to his comm, "Tariq, set a course for Avalon's surface and notify the Admiral."


"Aye sir."


Tavaryn turned towards Alriana and gave a slight smile, "Home sweet home eh?" He tentaively reached out and stroked her shoulder, "Don't worry about this Dark Jedi. If anything he'll probably be after me for interfering."

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The Avalonian newlywed nodded. "Agreed." Closing her eyes and focusing on the eddies and flow of the current around her, she meditated. "We seem to have 'gotten off on the wrong foot', as the saying goes," she gently told the water. "I'd like for us to try again, and this time I won't demand anything of you." Raising her arms up, she was surprised when a swirling column began to form around her. It was not threatening, however--merely a protective one.


"Is this supposed to be happening, Cousin?" she asked. "I feel secure here."

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"It's a basic defense manuever," Taryn replied. He bended his column of water to create a protective barrier around him. His was much more fierce and seemed to have offensive defenses built in.


"Aye. The water column is defense," Tonatius explained. "You appealed to it to teach you. As with all lessons of combat, first lessons begin with defense. Continue speaking to it. Let is guide you."


Tonatius watched intently. He remembered when he and Taryn first learned. Their mother had taught them since their father was not familiar with it. Their father did know that something was up when he caught him playing a prank on Taryn by shooting water at him but being nowhere near him. Things were different then. Watching his cousin trying to learn the art of their family brought back those memories.


As he was standing there watching, the water around his ankles swirled, almost as if it were imitating his emotions. The swirling was rhythmic and deliberate, almost as if he were anticipating what his cousin would do next.

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"Have there ever been any non-Avalonians known to have this ability?" Kalla asked. Changing tone, she stated, "I don't think we should keep Lord Tristan waiting any longer. Jareth, how many other Echelon 5 operatives are there on the planet?"


"I can't say." Jareth replied, being as difficult as ever.


"Now really isn't the time for secrets! How many?" Kalla retorted, starting to lose her patience.


"Oh I agree, and the reason I can't tell you is because I don't know. Best way to keep secrets from reaching the enemy." Jareth pointed.


"Then how many are you aware of?" Kalla clarified.


"Around a dozen, not counting my own team of six." He then explained.


"Thank you." Kalla replied. "Now, I've been informed that we've got a legion of Guardsmen coming down from orbit, so we'll have strength in numbers eventually, but I'll need to know what other strength we have down here."




Despite orders from her master, Darth Inferna remained on board the Oblivion, keeping an eye on the Perdition as it underwent repairs, along with the rest of the Sith fleet. When Varith's ship came out of hyperspace, she immediately hailed it, and locked weapons.


"This is Darth Inferna, Apprentice to the Dark Lord of the Sith. Identify yourself, or share the fate of the RSS Enterprise."

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"Don't worry about this Dark Jedi. If anything he'll probably be after me for interfering."


Alriana smiled and shook her head. "Rest assured the next time we see him I intend to make sure he doesn't escape. I'll make sure he either dies or he spends time in a republic prison."


Alriana could feel him stroking her shoulder and smiled to herself. She leaned against Tavaryn and closed her eyes. "After we're done on the surface...There's something I want to talk to you about."





"This is Darth Inferna, Apprentice to the Dark Lord of the Sith. Identify yourself, or share the fate of the RSS Enterprise."


Varith knew that this particular time he was outmatched. His fighter was damaged, his compliment of proton torpedoes were gone and he was out-numbered by quite a bit. So he did the only thing he could.


He told the truth.


"My name is Varith. And I fought in the battle for Avalon. My fighter was damaged while fighting against republic forces and I was forced to make a blind hypersapce jump. For some reason I ended up here."

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Caelos replied, "Not that I know of but perhaps you should seek the loremaster when the battle is finished." He abruptly left to hand the report to Lord Tristan.


Tristan had finished the artillery supervision when Caelos approached. He read the report and said, "Good. I'll give the order to head out. Find the visitors and have them get to the keep. Inform the governor that we are on the way."


Caelos nodded and ran back to where Kalla and Jareth were. He said, "We need to round up your party. We are to head to the keep at Stone Bend. It borders the Jasilyn plains. There the Lady Governor and any warriors surviving will be there. Find your friends and meet back here. I'll round up transportation."


Without waiting for an answer, Caelos turned around and trotted off.




Tariq had never been to Avalon before and was quite unprepared for the sight. True the larger buildings had been destroyed but the beauty of the natural plant life was astounding. Despite the chaos and destruction, there was a calm about the planet. He was so caught up in his view that it took him a moment to realize that he hadn't requested a landing zone. He commed the admiral, "Wayfarer to Admiral Belina. Requesting permission to land over."




After the space battle, there was a need for troops on the ground. Haruka was in two minds about requesting permission to land on the surface. Sithspit. "Captain, requesting permission to go with a small contingent of ground troops to the surface."




It didn't take long for Tiye and Selene to meet up near the mountains that lay on the borders of the plains. It was convenient and a means to set up base camp. Tiye radioed to the Jedi Kaltas, "Tiye to Kaltas, we're here on the plains, recommend that you land near the keep."


Jun-la was relieved to see that the Ackbar was still there even though it was heavily damaged. She commed to the Ackbar, "Ebon Hawk to Ackbar, what's the situation?"




"Then I'll be there to watch your back...if Belina doesn't need me," Tavaryn replied.


When Alriana leaned against him, it startled him and it showed by the surprised look on his face that she couldn't see since her eyes were closed. It wasn't that he was adverse to physical contact, it just caught him off guard. Looking down at her, she seemed content and calm. Something that she would need before the battle.


"After we're done on the surface...There's something I want to talk to you about."


That felt like a loaded statement to his ears but he knew better than to jump the bridge before coming to it. He continued to stroke her shoulder to keep the soothing feeling along with the calm that he managed to conjure through the Force. He replied, "Whatever you want moi chroi."


He stopped stroking her shoulder and then said, "It'll be some time before getting to the surface. I'll be in the medbay doing some field dressings. Just take a breather." On an impulse, he dropped a gentle kiss on her head and turned to head to the medbay.

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Thank you for being willing to work together, Andorra thought as the water column continued to surround her. I want to learn more.


Responding, the column spiraled higher and she felt an instinctive urge to flick her wrist. When she did so, a stream of water burst forth from its protective wall and lurched out toward Tonatius. However, his own column repelled the attack from Andorra's. Naturally, his would be the stronger, and the Avalonian wondered how she was ever going to be able to defend herself and fight against the Sith this way. What if they're too strong?

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"It'll be some time before getting to the surface. I'll be in the medbay doing some field dressings. Just take a breather."


Alriana bowed her head after Tavaryn had kissed her on the head to hide her blush. "I'll see you on the surface Tavaryn. And I'm sure that we'll both come back alive."





"Ebon Hawk to Ackbar, what's the situation?"


Science officer Koral who was the most senior ranking member of the bridge crew left hit the comn button and answered. "We've been heavily damaged by sith warships but we should be able to make it back to a drydock with emergency repairs. As of now, there are no enemy ships left but I would still advise caution just in case they come back. They have weapons we've never seen before and they managed to destroy the Enterprise

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Almost as if Tonatius heard her thoughts, he said, "There is no doubt. Trust your element." The swirling water rose in a defensive column then it changed into a spiraling column in front of him and held it. "The water defense column can take many forms. You have learned the basic. Oftentimes when the going gets tough, simple is better."


"That is unless you know you'll get your tail kicked," Taryn muttered. He began playing with the water and created shapes to amuse himself while practicing attack maneuvers.


Tonatius shook his head. He said to Andorra, "Remember you have your lifemate with you. Teamwork often works. We'll try a simple exercise. You will be defense, and I will be offense and Taryn will attack us. Just remember what you have learned and let water help you. You ready?"




Jun-la swore in Avalonian when she heard the report. It was unusual for here, at least according to Andros. He replied, "Officer Koral, do you require assistance or escort to the space station for repairs?"




Tavaryn felt his cheeks grow hot as he entered the ship's medbay. He had never been that impulsive before and was sure that he had violated her space for good. He had been tempting fate ever since he saw her again. They had to talk but later.


He unzipped his jacket and tossed it on the biobed. He did the same with his shirt. He let out a slight hiss as the torn fabric around the hole in his shoulder tore away. He peered at the wound relieved that it had stopped bleeding but it looked like it might scar a bit. The worst part would be cleaning it off. He gritted his teeth as he cleaned it, pulling away bits of cloth to prevent infection. It hurt enough for him to give a hard kick against the wall while he dabbed it with warm water. He could just imagine what his back looked like with all the bruises.


"Sithspit!" Tavaryn let out as he dabbed it with the disinfectant he kept knowing full well how bad it stung. It was loud enough to be heard throughout the ship but his men knew better than to poke an inquiring mind. He held it on his shoulder and just flopped his top half on the biobed.


Tariq had been looking for either Tavaryn or Alriana to inform them that they were waiting for landing coordinates when he heard the clang and the expletive. It was rare to hear that kind of talk from his surperior. He spotted the Jedi and knowing that there was a connection between them, approached her and said, "Master Jedi, perhaps LiT could use some assistance with a field dressing."

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"Officer Koral, do you require assistance or escort to the space station for repairs?"


"As soon as we get Admiral Garja and Supreme Commander Belina back on board we will most likely be heading for drydock. But yes...I suppose we could use an escort just in case. As we speak the hyperdrive is being repaired. We managed to collect some data on those ships that attacked us as well."






"Master Jedi, perhaps LiT could use some assistance with a field dressing."


Alriana got to her feet and nodded at Tariq. "Perhaps he could use the help. I'll be right back.


She knocked on the door that led to the medbay. "Tavaryn? Do you need any help?" She asked. She didn't want to invade his privacy while he was working on his wounds but she had heard the curse and she hadn't heard him curse before so he must have been in a good amount of pain.

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Jun-la looked at her padawan gratefully and responded, "Any info will be most welcome. The station bordering our system should be able to help with repairs. From there it is a quick shuttle flight to Avalon. We'll provide escort."


Andros made the course correction for the Ebon Hawk. He said, "Master, it is strange that the Sith have chosen to attack now."


"Most enemies don't adhere to other sentients' schedules. Of course there is a reason. We just have to find it. First, we need to get the Ackbar to the station. I think your father has things covered on the ground."


Andros nodded in affirmation. Out of the blue he asked, "You think Aunt Alkea would have loved the fight?"




Tavaryn was staring facedown on a biobed and he scowled at it. He stood up to take a look at the soaked pad and his shoulder. There was blood on it and upon examining the wound he scowled. The disinfectant was bad enough but the herbs were worse.


"Tavaryn? Do you need any help?"


Tavaryn stiffened for a moment but then berated himself. He would need a hand with the bandage eventually. He replied, "Please."

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"I'll go get them." Kalla replied, stepping out of the tent. Spotting Tonatius and Taryn helping Andorra practice Water Bending. "Come on, we have to move out." She called out to them.


After they were packed up, Kalla approached Tonatius. "There's something I'd like to talk to you about. I've been thinking about your promise mark, and what it represents, and I've decided I should have one for you." She told him.


"Understood. Coordinates are locked in." Iyav sent back, aiming the Eagle in the general direction of the keep.




Recognising that this intruder held no love for the Jedi or the Republic, Inferna decided to break off weapons lock, and hailed him again.


"Very well. Come aboard, and Lord Pestilus will speak with you when he is available."

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The lesson had been interrupted but Tonatius and Taryn both knew they were on limited time. Tonatius said, "Andorra, we need to go. You've achieved much in the little time we've had. With practice, it will get better."


Taryn saw that it was Kalla who had come to call them in. He noticed that by her walk she had something to say and it wasn't to be heard by anyone else. As soon as Andorra was close enough, he grabbed her much in the same manner as he had dragged her there earlier and tugged her away, pausing only to grab their boots. "Later you two," he called back.


Tonatius sighed and shook his head. He walked over to where his boots were and picked them up. He smiled at Kalla and beckoned her to followas they walked back, him barefoot.


"There's something I'd like to talk to you about. I've been thinking about your promise mark, and what it represents, and I've decided I should have one for you."


Tonatius was stunned she came out and said it but then again he preferred her bluntness. He replied, "That is something you don't hear every day. What made you decide?" He was curious and wanted to hear her reasons.

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