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Load Screens

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If memory serves me well you don't need to edit any .are files or 2DA's to get custom loading screens working with custom modules. I believe its just a matter of saving your custom loading screen .tga as load_CUSTOM.MODFILENAMEGOESHERE and then sticking it in your override folder. So if the name of your .mod file was danm17.mod, then you'de name the tga load_danm17.tga.

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I've seen this one, and unfortunately it does not cover creating a custom one and putting it into a custom module but just overwriting one that exists.

Um... no? I co-wrote it. It works perfectly for custom modules.


If memory serves me well you don't need to edit any .are files or 2DA's to get custom loading screens working with custom modules. I believe its just a matter of saving your custom loading screen .tga as load_CUSTOM.MODFILENAMEGOESHERE and then sticking it in your override folder. So if the name of your .mod file was danm17.mod, then you'de name the tga load_danm17.tga.



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