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Genoharadan on Peragus?


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I've been playing the KotOR series since 2005 and recently got back into them with TSLRCM1.7. On my playthrough of Peragus, I had the thought that the Maintenance Officer was part of the Genoharadan and obviously cut content. First, he was the new guy as stated in one the holograms. He was very eager to join forces with Coorta to collect the bounty on the exile. He knew how to cover their tracks which requires connections in the Star Wars universe and the Genoharadan are well connected. Finally, he was willing to kill everyone in the dormitories and when Coorta escaped, the maintenance officer said it was a miscalculation on his part. This could mean that he meant to trap Coorta in the dormatories as well. This could be a step in covering his tracks. He then said that the gas did not kill all the miners but was sending droids to correct that problem. These droids then killed Coorta and his posse.


If this is true, then he clearly knew HK50 was an assassination droid and possibly made an alliance with it to capture the exile. That would explain his control of the droids when he sent them to kill Coorta. HK50 probably had him killed because it knew that the Genoharadan wanted the exile dead instead of taking the exile the the exchange alive.


What do you guys think? I'm interested to hear what others have to say.

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That might not be a bad explanation...but then, there is the fact that it doesn't seem to really be the Maintenance Officer who worked with Coorta. It was HK-50 who was impersonating him, since doing such a thing was viable both in getting the Exile off the Station, and make Coorta think that he was helping, only for HK-50 to have him killed - since he would've gotten in the way, when it came time to get off the planet.

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@Rtas Vadum that makes sense, but can the Hk-50s create holograms? I guess they could just copy them and speak through them. To me it seems too much of a coincidence with the maintenance officer being the new guy and all. Maybe Obsidean thought about putting the Genoharadan there but cut it early on with the rest of that quest, but left a few pieces. It may just be a coincidence but judging from other games Obsidean has made, it seems like they intended to go somewhere with this character that originally seemed like no one. Remember the cook in Hunt for Red October?

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Maybe he was Genoharadan on an early stage but after that he was just an innocent maintenance officer. Furthermore, HK-50 never "made" any holorecords - all the ones you watch on the Peragus facility are real footage (and the stuff that actually let you realize HK is behind all the killing there).

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  • 2 weeks later...

There might such kind of cut content, but don't forget that the Genoharadan, in spite of all Hulas' arrogance, is quite small organization. Rather a gang than a guild. Well equipped, but still a gang. Such schemings are two complicated for them. Being able to do something secretly doesn't necessarily mean being capable for many-moved games. Within the Star Wars universe, the latter rather fits guys like the ragged gecko Xizor.

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There might such kind of cut content, but don't forget that the Genoharadan, in spite of all Hulas' arrogance, is quite small organization. Rather a gang than a guild. Well equipped, but still a gang. Such schemings are two complicated for them. Being able to do something secretly doesn't necessarily mean being capable for many-moved games. Within the Star Wars universe, the latter rather fits guys like the ragged gecko Xizor.


Wasn't it Hulas' idea to reprogram the security droid to kill the Selkath guy on Manaan?

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Wasn't it Hulas' idea to reprogram the security droid to kill the Selkath guy on Manaan?

Yeah, but, as i said, hcalmij had painted a many-moved game, not a humble rummage in computer systems.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Maybe he was Genoharadan on an early stage but after that he was just an innocent maintenance officer. Furthermore, HK-50 never "made" any holorecords - all the ones you watch on the Peragus facility are real footage (and the stuff that actually let you realize HK is behind all the killing there).


I meant that he copied the hologram from the maintenance officer's holologs and supplied his own voice

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  • 3 weeks later...

That doesnt make a whole lot of sense. Half of the time it was HK-50 who was impersonating the maintenance officer, including when he said he could cover their tracks if they sold the exile. Also, as a modder, in the game files there isnt anything about involving the Genoharadan.

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