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If you want to improve your skills, there's only one way to do it...jump right in. If you want to do a storyline mod, but don't think you are ready, I suggest this.....


Take on a big-small project...like adding a new area to an existing area. You will then work with all the tools and learn which files to use, what goes where, etc. You will learn to skin, script, dialogs....It doesn't have to be extensive but a way for you to learn your skills and get comfortable doing it. If you have questions, there are thousands of threads at lucas forums and I can say with pretty good confidence that any problem or question you have has been asked before.

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  darthtyren said:
Well, I do like the idea of storyline mods, but I'm nowhere near being able to do that. I'm trying to build my skills up to that point. I was just wondering what the next step was.


Learn to script, and about the mechanics of the game. There are far too few competent scripters and also far too few people who really understand how the game works.

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