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90SK Retexture Project Stuff


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I've gone ahead and updated the following mods


-K1 Cloaked Tunics

New reskins for robes and item removal for smooth integration


-Ubese Enviornment Suits

Added disguise option for original Ubese Environment Suit item

Jal Shey replacement option also available


-New Bounty Hunters on Onderon

Fixed cantina glitch and added TSLRCM compatibility


-Armored Robes for Jal Shey Armors

Jal Shey readded via merchant on Nar Shaddaa (talk to Tienn Tubb)

Zeison Sha armors have custom heavy armor texture in four varieties

Cloaked Heavy Armors in three varieties available via random loot system


-TSL Loot&Immersion Upgrade

All of the above included, more updates coming out of this update

Nar Shaddaa merchant added to sell Jal Shey armors

Zeison Sha unique heavy armors

Zherron custom armor

Azkul wears Calo Nords armor as custom armor

Thorough master robe reskins included

Mira's Baragwin Shadow Armor replaces ballistic mesh jacket

Atton's clothing item has custom icon

Previous features smoothed over

Separate installation for each component of the mod (encouraged to use them all)

Star Forge robe available in Vogga's hoard


New reskins and item codes here



TSL Loot&Immersion upgrade doubles as an update and replacement for the SUPER content mod. Components such as Sith Tunics and K1 Unused Tunics and default TSL Tunics are forthcoming in updated form.


Questions, comments, concerns are welcome. I have a few other ideas up my sleeve that I will be working with next, but these projects have at least gotten to the point of relative completeness.

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  • 2 months later...

Excited to announce some substantial updates coming up. I have decided to resume work on my recruit mod, given how much of it I got done and how I thought it would be cool to have a party member with merchant dialog. The recruit will replace G0-T0 (preemptive).


I have also added seven new robes including four ancient Sith robes, one of which is a custom appearance that may be familiar to some. Minus one other, the remaining five are updates for the Heavy Armor Robe mod. The additional robe is a reskin of the Star Forge robe. I also have two heavy armor reskins I will be adding. These will all appear in the TSL Loot & Immersion Upgrade, as well as their respective releases, along with some additional content from the SUPER content mod.


I will come back later with some kind of sneak peak. All this should be coming up fairly soon. Once I finish the appearances, I will start work on the recruit.

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  • 2 months later...

Please, send me your ideas.

I have been hard at work with the TSL Loot & Immersion Mod. I've been attending to an emergency in my family for a month now, but I will be back to finish things up and maybe post a few screens of what's new.


In the meantime, expect a great deal of mod compatibility, and emphasis on unique appearances. I will be back with screenshots as soon as possible.


In the meantime, post links to mods you want to be compatible with the TSL Loot and Immersion.

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Is this compatible with any mod that adds on items to the game? And is it compatible with RCM? sorry for the dumb questions. I just saw his post and have to leave so I don't have e ough time to read through this thread

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The mod is in beta form and overhauls the very low effort vanilla TSL item appearances. The current beta version is incompatible with other item mods and acts as an upgrade to the vanilla appearance. It is also not reccommended for beginners and is not recommended with the TSLRCM and M4-78EP.

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The mod is in beta form and overhauls the very low effort vanilla TSL item appearances. The current beta version is incompatible with other item mods and acts as an upgrade to the vanilla appearance. It is also not reccommended for beginners and is not recommended with the TSLRCM and M4-78EP.


with all due respect... kinda wish it was TSLRCM + M478 compatible..



..unless you're talking solely of the beta, in which case, disregard this post.

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  • 3 weeks later...



My update for TSL Loot&Immersion Upgrade is live, pending approval.

I have neatened up the textures and added an all new set for the JS/ZS armors with VarsityPuppet's armored robe model. I removed the robe for Females which works nicely with some of the new textures.


I made it all one archive, you will see the Onderon characters but the Nar Shaddaa merchant is removed due to a glitch.


The padawan robes are all reskinned cloaked KotOR tunics, and the master robes have been completely reskinned/redone. The JS/ZS are based off the previous replacements with some new additions, including a texture that originally started out as a glitch.


I also included seam fixes on Atton and femaleC03, and the star forge robe has been replaced with something more relevant.


This mod should be compatible with TSLRCM&M478EP, and other robe mods will override parts of this mod meaning that they're compatible but they do not add.



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The new update includes two parts, the 1st part is the super content mod without glitches and TSLRCM/M478EP compatible, and the 2nd part is the tsl loot&immersion upgrade features that patch in to the super content mod. So it's all the content from before, but the appearances have been improved and there are a lot more of them, and the old ones have been upgraded.


the amount of content is formidable and it doesn't look like there are many glitches. works great with TSLRCM and M4-78EP. Keep in mind this is the full content from SUPER content mod, only with a lot lot of updates and compatibility:


-Vogga the hutt provides both light and dark jedi robes for the vogga's hoard quest, also many new ZS themed heavy armors.

-There are also ancient sith lord armors on Korriban.

-comic book Mandalore mask

-new masks

-intact dancer outfit

-poster art Nihilus mask (but classic icon)

-ZS armors are now cloaked and uncloaked (for female) heavy armor including new body armor type of prefab armor in 8 verieties

-Darth Malak's armor is improved and perfect for females

-the master robe selection has been redone with new textures, and the padawan tunics are original k1 style cloaked.

-the star forge robe is now the assassin class of tunic, and there is a special tunic in Vogga's hoard.

-there is a NPC on Telos who you will find again later on Dxun.

-HK, the HKs, T3, and G0-T0 have improved and metallic hq textures.

-Mandalorians are also metallic

-new hidden loot

-powerful items placed in-character

-TSL style dark jedi appearance for mods like NEWBIEMODDERs Korriban expansion

-tan Bao-Dur


Future updates will include alternate dark side Bastila uniform, and Mira and PC as Darth Talon / Crazy Mission


The Darth Talon project has now come into the front of my work, since everything with the new TSL Loot Immerison upgrade is set. If I can get her to work, I'll add to the release I just did and also make a new page for it. My goal really all along was to achieve Crazy Mission as Mira, and I think the character will twist nicely as just an appearance change. I honestly can't wait to get that too because I know I can get it working, and now everything is taken care of with the SUPER content/TSL Loot Immersion merge, which has given me no problems in testing it. Most of the work was already done, I had to remove quite a bit to get the two to work but no content was taken out and now I am running at full content and all content accounted for.

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  • 1 month later...


I have reworked the downloads, the full version with the updated SUPER content is now on gamebanana for those of you who wanted to see that. The dual install folders have been merged, but I am recommending the Loot&Immersion mod on DeadlyStream.




My next mod is a heavy armor version of the Baragwin Shadow Armor to replace Mira's default clothes. I have the male texture all set, but the image is trapped on my old harddrive so it will be a little bit before I can get it online.


As it happens, I was ironically further with my textures until my computer fried itself, I had to start from kind of scratch with the updates I recently released, so there's potentially a half built version of the same thing on my other harddrive and one of things is that armor, whipped it up a few months ago over a night, this one came out much faster than any of the others but the idea for it is also very old and somewhat obvious for lovers of KotOR treasure (xoxoYavin Station)

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Woooo! Downloading. Could you maybe list the files one would have to delete out of the Override to keep Mandalore's original mask?


Good luck with Mira's defaults. That bandeau always made me a little uncomfortable.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Back to work on the Darth Talon appearance. No idea on ETA I'm just troubleshooting, but I do plan on having multiple color varieties and also the option for Mira.





Also please confirm here that if using the Loot/Immersion mod, you are using two versions of the face mask. I had an issue where after a while the mask would revert to one or the other, I thought maybe because the Hex editor I was using expired.

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