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Scripting an Animation

Fallen Guardian

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Alright, so I know how to get an animation to work via a script, however, what I need is an animation number to insert into the script. What I'm looking for is the animation of a character standing up after they have been knocked unconscious. I've searched nwscript for this, but there is nothing named to make it seem like it would relate. Can anyone help?

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Two things.


First, there is a knockdown effect:

// 134: Create a Knockdown effect
// This effect knocks creatures off their feet, they will sit until the effect
// is removed. This should be applied as a temporary effect with a 3 second
// duration minimum (1 second to fall, 1 second sitting, 1 second to get up).
effect EffectKnockdown();


So if you did something like this:

ApplyEffectToObject(1, EffectKnockdown(), oTarget, 12.0);

...the target object would be knocked down and get up after ten seconds. That way you don't have to mess around with the animations.


If you do want/need to use animations, though, this should work seamlessly:

DelayCommand(5.0, AssignCommand(oTarget, ActionPlayAnimation(10085, 1.0, -1.0)));
DelayCommand(6.0, AssignCommand(oTarget, ActionPlayAnimation(10079, 1.0, -1.0)));
DelayCommand(14.0, AssignCommand(oTarget, ActionPlayAnimation(10086, 1.0, -1.0)));
DelayCommand(15.0, AssignCommand(oTarget, ActionPlayAnimation(10006, 1.0, 1.0)));

The is the knock down animation, second is the knocked down loop, third is the getting up animation, last is just the default idle animation - I've put that in there to prevent any glitches. Feel free to adjust the delays, of course - just make sure there's exactly one second between 1 & 2 and 3 & 4. And you can break it up into two scripts, if you need it during dialogue and don't know the exact length - get rid of the delay on 3 and change 4's to 1.0 and have that fire on the getting up node.

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