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Juhani Catlike Cathar head mod


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A Quanon, RedRob41, jonathan7 production


I am pleased to announce that the mod is complete. I want to thank Quanon and jonathan7 for all their hard work and especially their unique touches: without them, this mod wouldn't be as awesome as it is :D


This mod changes Juhani the Cathar to have a more cat like face. The head model has been modified to give her mouth, nose and ears a more pleasing shape. There are seven different skin color variations,


including standard yellow (similar to her default look), Siberian white tiger (based on idea by Redhawke), cheetah, lioness (with choice of gold or silver hair), tigress, black panther, and a blue one


similar to (but more cat-like than) a Na'vi from the movie Avatar. This mod will change her face, underwear (it's really just fur), normal clothes, second set of clothes, and all icons and portraits.


This mod also includes two new double bladed lightsabers and two sets of clothes for Juhani. The clothing (Juhani's Predatory Stealth Mesh) can only be worn by Juhani, since it requires Force Camouflage


feat. The other clothing (Juhani's Light Armor) is just a uti file that adds some stats, but they will look the same as her basic clothes.


Standard Tabby:

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Blue (Na'vi-esque):

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Variant white hair, much like Sylvar:



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Black Panther:

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Cer'xos Fang:

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Cer'xos Wrath:

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Juhani's Luggage (this will spawn after talking to Juhani on the Ebon Hawk):

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Before and After 3D modeling:

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- the idea: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=199748&page=2

- cheetah and lioness face textures



- w_dblsbr_063 & w_dblsbr_064 models, textures, icons, uti

- P_JuhaniBB63.tga (clothing areas) & uti



- P_JuhaniH head model, textures (standard, Siberian [inspired by Redhawke], Na'vi blue, Tigress, Panther)

- fixes for cheetah and lioness textures face, neck & hairline to match uvw map seams

- portraits: PO_pjuhani, PO_pjuhani2 & po_pjuhani3

- P_JuhaniBA01 fur underwear textures (all seven)

- P_JuhaniBB body model (slight edit on back flap), BB01.tga textures (all seven)

- P_JuhaniBB63.tga (skin and fishnet areas)

- ia_cloths_063 & 62 icon textures

- w_dblsbr_063 & w_dblsbr_064 uvw map fixes, compact (re-pack) the textures

- TSLPatcher setup


Thanks to Zhaboka for grammar tips on the item descriptions.


The file can be downloaded at Deadly Stream

or it can be downloaded at FileFront (If you get "The following error has occured: Invalid File ID!", then you may need to refresh their web page a few times before the proper page comes up)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Finally, a proper Cathar head! They look amazing!


I especially like the lower ponytail; it looks like her hair is tightly pulled back rather than weirdly bald.

Thanks :D

Yeah, my goal with the ponytail was to make it look like her stripes flowed into longer hair, because that top knot just looks like she bought a clip on at a mall kiosk.


I like it, Would there be a way to make more Cathar spawn so that juhani Isn't the only one, I mean that probably cause a need for a vo and stuff, but is it possible?

Can anyone suggest some female NPCs that would be better as Cathar?


Genius, as usual. Downloaded! :)

I'm glad people are finding it :)


Zhaboka, can you perhaps voice a deeply voiced female Cathar? :)

That'd be interesting to hear :raise:

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Just noticed this. The cheetah one looks pretty sweet. Nice work.


I think a mod adding Cathar NPCs certainly wouldn't go astray. Rather than having to do all new VO though, how about applying a filter to the existing VO? You can't change the accent obviously, but I wonder if you could maybe tweak it enough to give it a more animalistic tone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is this compatible with Chainz.2da's Juhani Dark Robe?


I did make it somewhat compatible. Here is part of one of the Read Me files in this mod (it's in a folder called 8 - Items in Locker):


This mod uses k_hjuh_dialog.dlg file and amends the script k_hjuh_GiveLugg.ncs to be used during conversation with Juhani. If any other mod uses the same dlg file, and has a script in the same slot of the dialog tree, then that mod may not work. I have tried to accomodate the one mod that I know of (Juhani's Sanctuary Threads), so that it can work with this one. See the Read Me file in the compatability folder.


Here is that Read Me in the compatibility folder:

This is how to make our Juhani mod compatible with ChAiNz.2da & Svosh's Juhani Dark Robe mod


FIRST - download and install Juhani Dark Robe (v1 I think)


- this will install copy of k_hjuh_dialog.dlg file that uses their script called "give_jsr"


SECOND - install our Juhani Cathar mod as per instructions.


- by using the TSLPatcher, it should modify the k_hjuh_dialog.dlg file that was installed by ChAiNz's mod so that it uses our new script "k_hjuh_GiveLugg" instead of "give_jsr".


THIRD - in this folder (For compatibility with ChAiNz's Juhani Dark Robe Mod) manually copy and replace the file k_hjuh_GiveLugg.ncs into the Override folder.


- this compatible script has an added line, so that it spawns Svosh's Juhani Sactuary Robes into the Juhani's Luggage along with items from our mod.



The only thing about it is that Chainz's mod only has the default tabby skin color peeking out from under her hood, so it will look a bit off with any of the other skins (like Tiger or Cheetah).

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