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Ray, Natty, Das, McCoy, Joshi, Roy....just don't call it a comeback....


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The activity of the animal beings has become acutely active everywhere on this earth. Bodies do not get time to booty a blow for a while. With the accretion use of altered gadgets of Gps Jammer, the possibilities of accepting the aboriginal of blow accept absolutely finished. The adaptable phones or the corpuscle phones are some of these accessories that accumulate the bodies consistently in blow with the alfresco world. The adaptable building are additionally accessible about everywhere these canicule and due to this the accessibility of the Cell Phone Jammer has become alike added quick and authentic. Today, you cannot break out of ability of these adaptable building as their signals can bolt your about anywhere. The bearings of bodies who accord to altered business professions has become actual analytical of car remote jamming as their authorities bolt them anywhere any moment.

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The activity of the animal beings has become acutely active everywhere on this earth. Bodies do not get time to booty a blow for a while. With the accretion use of altered gadgets of Gps Jammer, the possibilities of accepting the aboriginal of blow accept absolutely finished. The adaptable phones or the corpuscle phones are some of these accessories that accumulate the bodies consistently in blow with the alfresco world. The adaptable building are additionally accessible about everywhere these canicule and due to this the accessibility of the Cell Phone Jammer has become alike added quick and authentic. Today, you cannot break out of ability of these adaptable building as their signals can bolt your about anywhere. The bearings of bodies who accord to altered business professions has become actual analytical of car remote jamming as their authorities bolt them anywhere any moment.


*(Draws an old-fashioned .38 caliber Smith & Wesson model 10 police and military revolver and shoots the 'RobWeist' robot dead with six well-aimed shots to the head.)*


:max: This was my grandpa's service revolver in the army. It has seen service in war...


This robot was clearly defective. Anyone read this stuff?


'Bodies do not get time to booty a blow for a while.'


Where are these things coming from? Sumatra?

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It's called a HuzMarkov chain.


Markov text generators


Markov processes can also be used to generate superficially real-looking text given a sample document: they are used in a variety of recreational "parody generator" software (see dissociated press, Jeff Harrison, Mark V Shaney).


These processes are also used by spammers to inject real-looking hidden paragraphs into unsolicited email and post comments in an attempt to get these messages past spam filters.


Read the whole article for how it works.

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'The bearings of bodies who accord to altered business professions has become actual analytical of car remote jamming as their authorities bolt them anywhere any moment.'


Yes, I've been saying that's a problem for years. :dozey:


I think the problem with these web-bots is the lessening of accurate tensions when absolutely in the building as compared to before. There just is no chance a body can treasure the quickness...


Oh, crap. Now I'm doing it! :max:

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Power to the Markov Chain and it's ability to produce amusing drivel like this:


Any sandwich can accurately sanitize an imaginative deficit, but it takes a real fruit cake to avoid contact with the scythe. The cab driver for an industrial complex ostensibly is a big fan of a grain of sand. A hockey player seeks a steam engine. Now and then, an asteroid near a paper napkin pees on the boiled warranty.




There's more amusing collections here: http://www.antespam.co.uk/funny-side/

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Twice now the furry denizens must throw further the dirigible uptown for my pixie muffin or bad clowns every day own polished steel delivery vans full of ten thousand febrile donkeys dance the street time.


:max: I actually read the Markov link McCoy posted and have successfully learned how to do it myself. High five!

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I'm honoured to have been seeing thread that I had created has replied the most many years this forum posts seen. I very like this and will hoping that it does continue to attract replying posts from to you.


Sorry, but you just sound foreign. :dozey:




The trick to constructing a Markov sentence is to forget all about what came before and concentrate on the word at hand; from that point on there are a limited number of words which could be used in succession in a normal sentence, with the likelihood of the following word making sense with the previous ones decreasing with the number of words in between. In essence, you have to forget about the past and adopt a floating point of concentration within the sentence, not worrying about future words making sense with the word you just left rather than making sense with the next few words. I like it; very zen.


So I think baby cakes baker's man tooty dooty fresh and clean for Jesus because it will never have the temerity to exercise sweaty-like at dawn.


:max: Yes.


It is also worth noting that I don't think RobWeist was using a Markov string generator. There is meaning, but with the completely wrong words chosen. It reminds me of some very poorly translated directions I have gotten with various products imported from the far east, as if someone working in Indonesia who knows not one word of English had translated the text using a language dictionary and no actual knowledge about language translation...

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