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Hello All!


Okay, so I know I haven't been here in a while, as I've kinda become notorious for cancelling projects and getting me a** out of there before I regret it. (See Bonds of Destiny movie, The Shadow's Wrath, and Dark Resurgence.) And as such, I fell obligated to do something helpful to make it up to you all.


Anyway, I know most of you out there who make mods on a larger scale are in need of voice actors, but you may be unsure how to manage casting your roles with so many people, and it all gets really confusing. Thus I have a possible solution. That would be Behind the Voice Actor's Casting Call:




This will allow you to post your projects and all needed roles associated with it to one place where people can come and freely audition, and you can then just go through and decide on which of the voices you like best. And it also allows for a lot more people to audition for the role they want.


This should save you a TON of time with casting and hopefully make things a lot easier. (I've even auditioned for a few things myself *cough*http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/members/onewingedcaius/*cough*)


At any rate, I really hope this turns out to be helpful for you guys, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of theses projects.


Oh, and I'm also looking forward to being more helpful. ;)


Until next, take care everyone.

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Thanks for the other suggestions.


The thing I like about BTVA Casting Call is that it allows you to just create a page and post what characters you need voiced. Then people can just uploaded their auditions. It's a lot faster than forums or PMs seem to be.

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