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[TSL] SW:TOR Training Sabers


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During the Old Republic, your Jedi-in-training uses a Training Saber for most of the duration of Tython & I thought to myself: My character in TSL could use one of those while searching for a Lightsaber! So if it's not too much trouble for anyone could you make these?


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No textures yet, aside from some basic glowy bits, but how about this (click for bigger):




I modelled it after the TOR version, with some minor alterations, but I kind of forgot about the whole Pringle can hilt thing, so I may need to scale that down a bit.


Haven't tested it in K1 yet, as my install is apparently completely borked (can start a new game, but loading any save game results in a freeze).

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I had a poke around the GTN and noticed there's another training saber variant. Comes with either 2 strips of glowy bits or 4 (click for bigger):




I think that's the one that Sith classes start with.


There's also the Sith Warblade you get as the first quest for the Sith Warrior, which is kind of like an épée or foil:



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Got the second training saber variant and the Sith warblade done, sans textures (click for bigger):




The warblade looks pinkish because I was trying out a method to get a glow on it similar to the TOR version, but trying to find a good compromise between level of glow and level of transparency didn't really work out, so I might have to try a different approach.


I've also scaled down the first training saber to make it about the same size as the second one.

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OK, I'm releasing these untextured as a modder's resource. They are all set up ready to go with basic UTIs if you want to add them to a game with a save editor for testing purposes.




Download here: https://dpmods.wheb.org/files/kotor/misc/DP_Training_Sabers.7z




  • Included texture files are the UV maps. There is some tiling and overlaps for optimal space utilisation.
  • Due to MDLOps' ever persistent mangling of shared edges/boundaries between UV islands, I had to detach certain polys in an undesirable manner, breaking smoothing. Unfortunate, but unavoidable. I tried to hide it as best as possible, so hopefully it isn't too noticeable.
  • The Sith Warblade's glow opacity can be adjusted by altering the brightness of DP_SithWarbladeG.tga. It uses the same additive blend mode as lightsaber blades. The darker you make the texture, the more transparent it becomes, and vice-versa. It also uses self-illumination, but note that this becomes progressively less effective/noticeable the more transparent you go.
  • I have only tested these in-game in TSL. I've provided files for K1 which should work, theoretically, but you'll have to test/confirm yourself. Worse case scenario, the models may need to be recompiled.
  • If you make a public release using these, make sure to credit me for the models.

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For K1, I'd suggest having Bastila and the player use them in the training cutscene instead of vibroswords, and having some in the enclave and the Sith academy. For TSL, have some in the hidden academy on Telos, the ruined enclave, and the ruined Sith academy.


Btw, the variation IDs used were:


K1 - Sith training saber 147, Sith Warblade 148, Jedi training saber 149


TSL - Sith training saber 174, Sith Warblade 175, Jedi training saber 176


I'm not sure if there will be ID clashes with other mods, but if there are problems with testing that is one thing to check (if you use my UTIs).


EDIT - OK, I reinstalled K1 and ran a quick test, seems to work fine. Here's Mullet Man in action (click for bigger):




I also tried a quick and dirty test for the training scene at the Enclave, which seemed to work out OK, although Bastila seems to have the familiar gimped hand helper thing going on (click for bigger):




I did it simply by editing dan13_practice.uti and changing the type to "Vibro Sword" and the variation ID to "149". The only thing is there are no sparks on impact, as I seem to recall the original had. I'm not seeing any emitters or anything in the original models though. You do get the glows and such from Power Attack, etc. (or at least I did when testing in TSL), so maybe it is something to do with the class, using vibrosword as the class instead of longsword (which the original training blade is), although I though vanilla vibroswords sparked on impact as well. I guess I'll leave that for others to experiment with.


EDIT 2 - Just checked the vanilla scene, and no sparks. Either I was imagining it being there originally, or I have something going on with frame buffer effects. Also, Bastila's hands are gimped with the vanilla longsword as well, so it's not a specific issue with my models.

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So I watched a video of the sparring scene on Youtube and there were no sparks. So I'm just senile I guess?


I was thinking it would be more interesting to give Bastila and the player a different training saber. I had a poke through the scripts and discovered k_pdan_cut01.ncs and k_pdan_cut01.ncs is where the training weapon (dan13_practice.uti) is added and equipped for the two different sparring sequences. So I swapped out the UTI references, recompiled, and voilà!





Scripts are available here: https://dpmods.wheb.org/files/kotor/misc/DP_Training_Sabers_K1_Sparring_CS.7z


For any scripting gurus, it would be interesting to add an alignment check and give the Sith Warblade instead if the player is DS.


Btw, I forgot to mention it before, the type 1 training saber has a slightly greenish glow in the pics because the self-illumination is set to white, so the colour of the glow will be determined by the texture colour (which is currently white with a green UV map). The type 2 has a yellow glow because its self-illumination is yellow, as the TOR version has white "emitters".

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Qui-Don Jorn made some TOR training sabers in the past but I don't see any current download links. I would suggest sending him a PM to see if he might still have a copy on his hard drive.


I do have those TOR saber mods still, Deadman did the light textures and made them turn on and off and the models were made by me - although I didnt really follow the TOR ones and just made up my own.

I could try to reupload them to Deadlystream once I reinstall TSL and test the mod again and make sure everything works right, if ya want.

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So I watched a video of the sparring scene on Youtube and there were no sparks. So I'm just senile I guess?


I was thinking it would be more interesting to give Bastila and the player a different training saber. I had a poke through the scripts and discovered k_pdan_cut01.ncs and k_pdan_cut01.ncs is where the training weapon (dan13_practice.uti) is added and equipped for the two different sparring sequences. So I swapped out the UTI references, recompiled, and voilà!





Scripts are available here: https://dpmods.bg2redux.com/files/kotor/misc/DP_Training_Sabers_K1_Sparring_CS.7z


For any scripting gurus, it would be interesting to add an alignment check and give the Sith Warblade instead if the player is DS.


Btw, I forgot to mention it before, the type 1 training saber has a slightly greenish glow in the pics because the self-illumination is set to white, so the colour of the glow will be determined by the texture colour (which is currently white with a green UV map). The type 2 has a yellow glow because its self-illumination is yellow, as the TOR version has white "emitters".


After seeing the in-game pics, I'd advise you to scale the hilt's width down a bit, as it seems to clip badly with Basila's hands.


That could also jusr be the model's angle when rigged in Max...


Also might want to move the model horizontally away from the player's hand in Max, as it seems that the lower portion of the hilt isn't gripped at all...

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