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Power/Gonk Droid NPC

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File Name: Modder's Tool: Power/Gonk Droid


File Submitter: newbiemodder



I give you the Power Droid!! Also commonly referred to has the Gonk/GNK droid. The model itself was part of the damaged Ebon Hawk module at the beginning of KOTOR2:TSL. I ripped the droid model from the room model. I gave him limited animations which I borrowed from the protocol droid model. The power droid can walk and stand/pause/at rest. After all, it is only a power droid. He looks good. An essential NPC for any new area!!!





Open the .zip file and follow the Readme instructions.




File contains the necessary .mdl/.mdx files, .2da entry, .utc file, .dlg and voice files.




I hope you find him useful.









Click here to download this file http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/783-modders-tool-powergonk-droid/

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