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Triumvirate Lords Of The Third Dimension

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@Sithspecter: That would be pretty awesome and I'll get back to you on that idea in a week or two when we get a break. Though we might just slap sellotape on whats not done and ship her off :xp:


@Quanon: Well I did nag Magnus for him to get emitters done and you haven't used em at all -.-

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Sigh looks like I"ll have to do Coruscant Jedi Temple, room of the thousand sprinklers :lol:


All by all, emitters are used sparingly, their mostly short effects.

Well, we'll get there eventually.


Though I have the feeling everything sucks again what I made...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok pshyco's !


Merry Chrismas, bit late :D


And I found a new thing to do, making maps for Dawn of War: Soulstorm.


Goodbye K1&TSL modding ^_^

Well almost goodbye, Glovemaster made me use Emitters:

my cantina is now an amazing fog fest dancing hole :lol:


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Well the heavy smoke is enlarged and slow downed Ebon Hawk steam puffs.

With a color change ofcourse :lol:


The ground fog I got from Malacor V; instead of using the "Fountain" it uses something called Billboard Z and the texture Fx_sand.


There should be more emitters visible, but somehow, rotation of'em get lost while exportning or KAE doesn't get it.... or I am in the wrong somewhere, which is more likely :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Guys,

I wanted to shoot you all a few questions. I am in the planning stages of my middle city modeling and wanted to get a better understanding of how things need to be made for KOTOR:


I am going to model a street area that is unlike anything in the game. A walk area with shops, and an area where ships are traversing to your right through a lane in the middle city (as per wookipedias description). The buildings will rise to the bottom of the upper city, and in the area where ships traverse it will drop down to the top of the undercity(So if you looked down you would simply see maybe the darkgreen roof of the undercity). There will be a bridge over the shipping lane you can traverse that will take you across to more shops, apartment complexes etc.


The middle city is suppse to be the biggest area of taris. So I am going to make it very big. My questions however are these:


1. Can I simply model the entire main area at the same time in 3dsm so I have a virtual city in the program, or do I need to model each building to become its own module int he game? For your Shely. project SS, are you modeling the entire street area at once?


2. How do you get the photoshopped backgrounds in? Is this something you do once it is in KOTOR or do you import it into 3dsm? So as an example for Shely. you see the skyline of buildings and a setting sun. That is an image. I will need an image of taris in the background, as well as an image for the bottom of the shipping lanes.


3. How do you factor in buildings you will be entering? Do you simply model the building with an opening for a door, and then scripting activates a load screen when you enter it and then loads the interior of the building?


That is it off thetop of my head. I am sure I will have more as I have never done any work for KOTOR, and have never used 3dsm ( I miss lightwave haha).


Thanks guys

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Ahoy disbeliever, welcome to the club.


1) Yes model you're entire area first in Max, if its large, then its best to "cut" this area up in rooms.


The kotor games don't like big chunks of 3D, so we kind of slice the thing up in smaller parts. In the game it'll still look like one area.


2) I guess this is about skyboxes, their just textures, like any other texture.

Though these need to be the right image file type: Targa or TGA, tga...


Prefered in these kind of sizes 256x256 pix, 512x512, 1024x1024


The bigger you go, the more details, though Kotor and TSL are old games so don't go overboard.


If you take the classic approach for the sky, a box, you'll need 4 textures, one for North South East and West. Sometimes you'll need one for the top/up aswell.

Make sure they blend nicely, else people will notice that its a box :p


An other way would be to use a Cylinder, again makes sure that beginning and end blends; else you'll see this hard line somewhere in the sky.


3) You're on the right track to make the detailed interiour areas ( an example would be the Taris apartments) into seperate area models. Ofcourse if you just have a small shop, you could opt to include it into your bigger outdoor area.



Though about your moving traffic in the street, I'm afraid you'll have to scrap that.

Its not yet possible to include animations of meshes into area models.


Though perhaps you could make an animated placeable, SithSpecter made that spinning mini-gun. I don't now his secret technique, I only get game crashes :'(


Anyway, I'll be fair, its a hard job making areas. Perhaps the fastest way to get good info is to post in Holowan Labs forums ;)


They got a section with tutorials and don't be shy to use the Advanced Search function of LucasForums.

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I have gotten animations to work in area models, my Sleheyron landing area has those little ships that fly everywhere. Once you've finished the model, I could do the ships for you.


Edit: Also, like Quanon said, you should split up sections of your street. For instance, on Tattoine, you can walk through the main street, but each building you can go into is a separate model and module. If you did all of them together, the walkmesh would probably contain far too many polies to export.


Edit2: The flying ships would be done in a placeable model. You could animate them to where they seamlessly loop where you want them to go. If you need help with this, I would be glad to work on it with you.

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SS, does this animation thing follow the same rule as with the doors ?


I've seen you're new tutorial, you mentioned 3D Max could export animations... though I find no clue how to do that.... Somehow I keep missing an important step :confused:

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I think that if your only having a small street and a few shops, depending on the size of your shops then I don't see why you couldn't add them into a single module. Like the shops on Taris; by "shops" I mean the medical center and the droid shop. Ofc if its a large shop such as the size of the cantina then its best to have a separate module.


One thing you should probably consider. As far as I understand, walkmeshes don't like to overlap on the z-axis. So if you intend to have another floor in the shops then they will have to be side by side, if you get me :p


Though don't hold me to expert modeling advice. I'm just the programmer :p

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