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Triumvirate Lords Of The Third Dimension

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Well, it seems to be real sensitive.


I think the following steps need to be correct.


1) Model you're thing, UVW map it, make sure it gets Resetxformed.

2) Link the whole thing to the Aurorabase of an imported weapon. Don't change the name of that base. I've done tests on a w_Lngswrd_001 , I changed it to w_shortswrd_190, that somehow kills it.


3) When its all linked, add the animation , don't forget the Root name, one of my biggest errors :lol:


4) Export out with animations.


Anyway I've been fighting with my Max to make my blade spin; though I think I got it figured out now.

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Hi guys,


I am working on modeling out the middle city of taris. I have started playing around in 3dsm trying to see how my lightwave skills will transfer over, getting a feel for 3dm ect. I have run into a weird quick though.


When I am modeling, I seem to run into situations where I am selecting edges and polys, and then I will attept to select a new edge, and it will not let me. I click the edge tool, and try to click an edge and it just does nothing. It usually happens after I mess up on building something and hit undo. Is something being stored in memory and not letting me select a new edge?





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what would you fellows say is a good size for a city block? In my vision you have stores, shops and alleys to your left as you walk down the block. The height of the block will be tall, and you will be able to see the upper city floors above you.


what would you say is the size of the upper city scene with the bridges? If our manbox is 50cmx60cmx180cm?

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I shall try importing them and seeing what size it would be. So far its not big enough:)


I am going to link a pic to my sketches so you guys can finally see what my vision is, and give input.


I am slowly moddeling things. The slowest part is finding my way around 3ds as I have never used it before. I downloaded q'd video tutes and they were helpful (he sounds like a funny dood:)) "now lets detaaaaach dis bastard" haha


I do have one question I am not sure of. Since my city block will have structures you can enter off of the street with no doors needed, do you model the outside of a building, and then inside of it create another "room" and model the inside?


Im looking forward to seeing your final Shely. mod, who knows maybe we can release both of ours at the same time; )

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When you say no doors needed, do you mean completely connected, or having a trigger transition?


If you're wanting them completely connected, then I would model the outside of the building, and then create your room on the inside, but use a different Aurora base to export it out, for ease of positioning, put the Aurora base at the same spot as your main one. And also put the name of the new room in the layout file.

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You tell me:) I know nothing about kotor modding, scripting etc. I am just building a city block that is appropriate for the KOTOR engine, and am going to ask for help in actually making it a real living breathing thriving area.


How do you put doors on your models and have them open and close like doors in kotor? Can you point me to a tutorial? Do you actually model the door in 3ds, or do you model a hole in the building where the door will go and put some script or something in it?


Basically I am not familiar enough with kotor to understand how certain area features get made. Do i model a building with a homemade door, or are preexisting ones ready to use?


thanks man, when this gets done it will be because of you guys in this group.

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Okay, working with doors is module editing. This means adding stuff like placeables, doors, NPC's, .etc. You will do that later on once your area model is finished. Here is a tutorial on that if you need it.



If you want to create a room/inside of a building, I would model a small corridor, or you can use one from the existing Taris area models for consistency (make sure that it's modeled to your door's size) and you can either use existing Taris doors, or you can model a new one, and there's a tutorial that I wrote on that.



Once you area is done, then you will add the doors and transitions, and all that pretty stuff.

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Well, to do that you can use the whereami cheat in the upper city, and it will tell you the module (tar_m02ab for Upper City North), and you can double click and extract all of the m02ab_xxx model files. Then, import them and position them in the right spots to get a general idea of the size.

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On a side note about Taris middle city:


As you all are painfully aware, life gets in the way. I live in a townhome with my wife and 2 kids, been in this house for 4 years. Well we have trash renters who moved in next door with a yappy dog they let bark at all hours. I called nimal control on em, and now were fighting a legal battle about that. 3 weeks ago 10 houses down a man broke in at knife point an attacked a 17 year old girl. I hate coming home and worry for my family.


I work as a senior web developer during the day, and I make good money. But suporting 4 people its not enough to save the now required 3% for a downpayment on anew house in a better neighborhood. Which stinks. I am now forced to either live in a bad neighborhood, or get a night time crap job just to make money. So I am now workin at a warehouse in the evenings and am always tired :/


I want to finish this mod though, so stay tuned:(

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