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Women of Star Wars

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I'm surprised that so few would have joined. I would think the women are among the greatest aspect of the Star Wars universe.


My favorite is obvious, but I do rather like the other twi'leks as well. I think there have been too few female jedi in the series. I would think that Aayla Secura was the first female to make a real appearance... but she never spoke a word in the films!


I think the Exile was the first female jedi to be a main character. Come on!

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I like twi'leks mainly for the skin tones. My favorites are all jedi, but not all jedi twi'leks are my favorite. Mission's the only exception to this.


Disliked Zhar and Boc... males, but jedi twi'leks. Darth Talon... intensely uninteresting character and I disliked the tattoos.


Yuthura Ban... love the tattoos and the pale skin was flattering to the eyes. Tamera Phillips was the perfect voice actress. Her back story was believable and is my favorite character. Aayla Secura... most everyone likes this twi'lek jedi. Alora... Jedi Academy's red twi'lek was impressive with dual lightsabers. Really no backstory or any character attributes other than aesthetics.


Almost every other twi'lek has little interest to me.

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Ferc Kast is one of the few to list a KOTOR character that isn't Bastila. Although she's easy enough on the eyes, I don't find her to dominate every other woman in the SW universe. I like more exotic females like Shaak-Ti and Aayla. Human females with strange cloths and hair are not very interesting.

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