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Drunken Time Travelers of StarWarsKNights.com

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*Stuck in a void of nothingness...floating...in the dark*




F: Where are we?


M: *checks Tardis* The Beginning of time...God should be speaking in 3...2...1...


*All the planets and galaxies suddenly appear*


F: I think we have some ought billion years before we get back to where we came from..


M: *Adjusts Tardis and disappears into thin air*

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@Alkonium Well, the Blinovitch Limitation Effect has rung a bell, but no worries, nothing of that has completely happened..um...yet...oh, Chev's comp must be destroyed, otherwise he'll flood our group with a deadly nuero-toxin.:D


@Chev M and F: *Roll eyes and laugh*:D

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You mean me, don't you? I wonder how the other me is handling herself.

*rigs the TARDIS viewscreen to look into the TG world, and sees that his other self has turned herself into a guy, and is admiring himself in the TARDIS wardrobe's mirror*


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M: Wait...who gave him the Fax machine for Christmas again?


F: *Shrugs* I don't know....wait....the EVIL CHEV!!!!!


M: Oh no...it cannot help Chev...it only has the power to destroy!! Chev...LOOK OUT!


F:*Completely Entranced* Oh...so heroic...


M: Thanks Babe *looks at friends* Erm...I mean female me...heheheheheh

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*Chev's fax machine looks on in Confusion and begins printing a message*

First Of All Chev Bought Me At Office Max I Was 39.99 And Secondly Chev Is. Combating Entity Zero Zero One Chev Is Not Here


*Chev's Fax machine begins printing a message*

You. Two. Are. The. Same. This. Cannot. Continue. If. You. Continue. These. Actions. You. Will. Create. A. Paradox. I. Would. Rather. Not. Seperate. You. By. Force. But. I. Will. If. I. Have. To.


*Chev's fax machine looks at the regular CQ

There. Will. Be. Many. Women. In. Your. Life. Women. That. Won't. Cause. Paradoxs. You. Are. An. Attractive. Enough. Clone. You. Need. To. Break. It. Off. Before. The. Damage. To. Space. Time. Becomes. Irrepairable. I'm. Sorry. But. It. Must. Be. Done.


Chev's fax machine looks at the alternate CQ*

I. Don't. Know. You. That. Well. But. There. Will. Be. Many. Men. In. Your. Life. By. Staying. In. Our. Universe. You. Risk. A. Paradox. That. May. Destroy. Our. World. If. You. Truely. Value. Life. You. Will. Break. This. Off. Before. It. Is. Too. Late. Please. For. The. Sake. Of. Our. World. End. It.

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