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Monkey Island Heardle - iMUSE yourself


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I guessed today's (Mar 18, 2025) Monkey Island tune 🎵 in 1 try.


pretty proud I could hear the rest of the melody in my head from just that one note


Still had to scratch it to remember which scene it belonged to


Edited by SushiStrikesBack
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I guessed today's (Mar 18, 2025) Monkey Island tune 🎵 in 4 tries.



Another case where the melody sounds very familiar, but I couldn't quite remember the exact location

The first skip was me being too unsure of myself, and the first guess I kind of knew was wrong but I guessed anyway for some reason.

So the lesson is that I should trust myself more :p

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I guessed today's (Mar 19, 2025) Monkey Island tune 🎵 in 4 tries.



Man, I don't remember the first part of the melody at all. I got it by working through locations in Escape with lots of atmos. I could've saved a couple of guesses if I'd been more certain it wasn't Planet Threepwood or Starbuccaneers though!


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I guessed today's (Mar 20, 2025) Monkey Island tune 🎵 in 5 tries.



I thought I would be skipping 5 times and then give up. So I figured it must be from Return, but haven’t heard this. Then a familiar theme set in and I got it in 1! (Or so it felt  😋)


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