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Monkey Island Heardle - iMUSE yourself


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God almighty.


Monkey Island Heardle #347





I knew what it was on the fourth try, but I couldn’t figure out the right name. When ‘phatt island guard’ failed (which is obviously the wrong island but my brain had melted) I gave up.


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Monkey Island Heardle #347




The first few seconds are the sound of Woodtick on the Amiga. 😑


After that I failed in exactly the same ways as Thrik... with a brief spell of associating it with the fancy dress shop thrown in.


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Monkey Island Heardle #347




Everybody who got it right in one is a secret robot.


Me while guessing: "What the HECK is this?!"

Me when seeing the answer: "Oh yeah, that makes sense actually"

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Monkey Island Heardle #349



No idea if Romão is right or not, but if he is I would have got it in 1 😇😇😇


One of the few MP3s I bothered to download from the Scumm Bar back in the 56k days and it's sat on my hard drive getting occasional plays ever since.

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Monkey Island Heardle #350




Listening to Monkey Island music makes Heardle harder, actually, since it just makes me go "Oooh, I KNOW this one! But what's it called again.......".


Also it's just Escape music so me not guessing it isn't a big deal at all :p


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