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Monkey Island Heardle - iMUSE yourself


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Right, novices. Let old Thrik show you how it’s done.



For GOD’S sake.


Monkey Island Heardle #355





My first guess was Elaine’s bloody mansion Mardi Gras music. When that failed I basically span out of control trying to think of adjacent music.


I don’t think the spitting competition even had its own music did it, just the town music? Which I thought I’d tried with ‘Booty Island’ but maybe that is the map music.




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At least you were all in the right game, I started with the Fettucini Brothers :p

Though I also thought it could be the Mardi Gras party.

Eventually I remembered that the spitting contest had some odd-sounding music, so it was kind of a lucky guess.


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Monkey Island Heardle #357




This just seems cruel.

Monkey Island Heardle #357




This just seems cruel.


So at some point we'll be finished with this season.


I'm tempted to rebuild the entire site to fix the bugs, if I do, should the next season include more LucasArts adventure games?


What games and what new features would you like to see?

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Monkey Island Heardle #357



11 hours ago, Mintopia said:

What games and what new features would you like to see?

Selection of the game and title separately, where you would get some feedback if you got at least the game correct.  Or something like getting a hint in the form of a blurred subsampled screen if you’re getting close in where/when some music is heard in the game?

Other games: as long as they’re Lucasfilm/Lucasarts adventure games: yes please! Preferably only the original releases (that would be the C64 version for Maniac Mansion and Zak and pretty much PC only from then on). But the addition of Tales and Return would already be a huge new challenge!

The most difficult part, for me, is trying to guess what a tune is called, which sometimes make it more of a guess-the-parser game.

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Monkey Island Heardle #357




It sounded very familiar, but I couldn't place it.

Never would've gotten it though, since I didn't even slightly think in the direction of the correct answer...


11 hours ago, Mintopia said:

I'm tempted to rebuild the entire site to fix the bugs, if I do, should the next season include more LucasArts adventure games?


What games and what new features would you like to see?

Sometimes the song suggestion list 'forgets' some songs, which makes guessing a lot harder. Refreshing the page fixes it, but it'd be nice if that could get fixed somehow.

Other than that, adding the music from Tales and Return would be a fun addition, though I don't know how much work that is.

Regardless, thanks for running this game, it's the fun kind of challenging! :D

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I don’t think it needs much change to continue being fun, just more variety of at least Monkey Island games would go a long way.


It could become less fun for those not into the broader LucasArts ecosystem if it didn’t stay focused on Monkey Island, but I don’t know how many people play it beyond this extremely knowledgeable audience. 😅

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