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Monkey Island Heardle - iMUSE yourself


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Monkey Island Heardle #377




By elimination, I usually know its from “that” game whenever I don’t recognise it right away. And it sounded like some village music. However the only thing that turned up was “SE 1 cannibal village”, which I knew it wasn’t - or it would have to be really differently arranged for the SE. Only after reloading the page, it would suggest the other village.



Well, it also sounded like the theme from Peter Gunn, but that was not an option either 😁 


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Monkey Island Heardle #378




My subconscious really let me down here. I slept on it and my dream brain still coughed up the wrong answer.


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Monkey Island Heardle #379




One of my favourite tracks. And correctly named this time!



10 hours ago, Didero said:



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I was listening to the Monkey Island 2 soundtrack, and this is exactly "Captain Kates Boat - Booty Island"  (link to the MP3 file on ScummBar), which threw me way off. I did eventually get it after noticing the wind noises in the background though!


Not entirely identical: the MI2 melody is played a semi-tone higher 😁


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16 hours ago, Huz said:

Monkey Island Heardle #381




Hey this looks familiar


Monkey Island Heardle #381




I'm just glad I got it more quickly than I usually do.


Even if it IS music from Escape :p


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Monkey Island Heardle #382




AH GREAT my favourite musical suite of identical-sounding tracks


Somehow I actually chose the right one this time!!


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