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Hi.... im new here...

Wraith 8

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Hi there....


Im new here...

I heard from my friends at RS.net and at XWA.net that a lot of people come here... so i tought i should to...


Im Wraith 9 and here and at XWA.net

And im Wraith 5 at RS.net


Im from the Netherlands, so dont mind my English because it is very bad.


I believe some people from RS. net are here right....

Like rogue 15?? HI.


And a guy from my school is also here... he made some smilies here i believe...


SO ALL....




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A dutch guy who made some of the smilies here? You give them to manny clues ... that can only be me :) (Leon never made a smillie as far as I can tell)


Nice to see you here (I forgot to tell you @ school that wraith5 is already a member here ... sowwy). A fellow same-age dutch SW fan who studies the same at the same school (but just a class higher)


Enjoy your stay.


Boba Rhett will come here shortly to hand out a gift basket

Parogon_Leon will come here shortly to welcome you in dutch (welkom)

Shereck Nahr will come here shortly to move this entire thread to the off-topic forum.



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Guest Boba Rhett

Yoink. Wrong forum Wraith9, this isn't GB related. :)



Hello Wraith9! Welcome to the Gb.com forums.


*Hands Wraith9 an extra large welcome basket containing a book written by Rhett entitled,How to Post in the Right Forum* :D



*edit* LOL Leon moved it at the same time so it made quite the little mess! :D

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Guest Tie Guy

Hiya Wraith


I think i left RS.net before you came, but i've seen you there and you amy have caught a couple of my posts over there.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Hey, I was supposed to move this, as Young David said!


Anyway, welcome to the board, Wraith 9! Tip: Choose an avatar that's different in color to Wraith 5's. It'll be less confusing that way.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

welcome, Dont double post! Dont spam! Oh great I sound something like Leon, not to say thats a bad thing... lol :p No I hate people who double post... but I posted 5 times in a row once so learned my lesson...

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Well thank you all..... :D

I must say i feel very welcome here. But this forum looks VERY different then at RS.net so i have to get used to all the new or other stuff here...


For instance the pictures or ectra sigs beneath you names..

and that you can not use HTML here.


But with some questions and some answers i will find out. :cool:



BTW Wraith 5. I was planning to use my name at Rs.net also but i messed up and accidently used Wraith 5. But then ill be Kell tainer there and Graik Loran here. :p


But euh... is the avatar that little picture beneath your name??

(maybe this is a stupid question!)

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Originally posted by Wraith 9

But euh... is the avatar that little picture beneath your name??

(maybe this is a stupid question!)


Yup, it is. Look under the 'user ip' button on top of this page and sneak around there. You'll find some standard avatars there (half of wich I made :D), but I'm sure that EVB experience (Insiders language) will be enough to create your own. (In andere woorden, heb je weer wat te doen als je je verveelt bij meneer Zwiers achter de mac)

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hehehe :D :D



(Ik zit me elke week 8 uur te vervelen acher de MAC bij Zwiers. DUS!! hehe :D)


For the people that did not understand this.....(or maybe you do)

This was just a little thing DUTCH, between me and YD.


But i will look in to it and i am pretty sure i will get . :D


Thanks all.


For some other congratulations look here:


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hmmm... lets try that out. Imagin this being a chat window in GB:


Leon, Als jij met troepen en strike-mechs geel aan de zuidkant aanvalt dan dek ik je wel met anti-lucht units en mech-destroyers.


hmmm ... we need to translate some of the game language (mechs, troops, jedi ...) in a cool dutch word for the full effect.

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