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Largo Embargo?

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no one knows if he's dead or not.

he might as well have died in the explosion.


the carribean is a big place, you cant expect to meet the same people over and over again.





Always check for insurance salesmen before sitting.

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Guybrush also has an unbreakable 5 game contract to, he says so to Meathook in EMI. Maybe Largo got hit with the Ultimate Insult in the past and is to scared to come out! Erm, no. Maybe he met Stan and Stan kept tapping his foot annoyingly until Largo :explode: No....


Have you ever let Guybrush die in the first one? When you are tied to the idle of many heads, if you stay in for over 10 minutes, Guybrush turns green and dies. Then the options change to 'Buy Hint Guide'. In MI2 If you wait to long when you are tied up over the acid, evenually you will fall into the acid and the hanging scene starts over again! :edeaths::lightning

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Originally posted by Guybrush M-T

Have you ever let Guybrush die in the first one? When you are tied to the idle of many heads, if you stay in for over 10 minutes, Guybrush turns green and dies. Then the options change to 'Buy Hint Guide'.


I'm new around here, but I've been a fan of monkey island since it first came out. I was 6 when it first came out and I loved it (even though I probably didn't get *all* of the jokes, but regardless.. ^_^;; ). With the Idol, I couldn't figure out what to do...like I said, I was 6 and I was too dumb to realize...pick up the Idol...but Guybrush died right there as I played it. It was traumatizing!!!! I restarted, finished...I even played MI2 when it came out...then MI3...but when I got MI4, I decided to refresh myself on the old games. I went back to MI1 and when I got to the Idol, I couldn't believe how scared I was...I knew what to do, of course...but it had effected me that much when I was little. (What added to my trauma was the fact that I was playing on a saved game of my mom's and when I killed Guybrush she sort of went postal on me...oh well...). That's a fond little memory I have of our bloated green floating pirate want to be. ^_^

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