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Hanging on Ledges


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There are a few reasons why i think this would be necessary for both single player and multiplayer: For single player, it could be used for stealth. In Multiplayer, if they make they fall damage like JK and MotS, to save your butt from falling to your doom. There are times when I just didn't force jump far enough and wish I could've grabbed the ledge, only to find myself killing myself. Of course this doesn't happen all too often, but seeing as most third-person games have the ability to grab and shimmy across ledges, why not add it to JKO. Just another little thing I think could improve gameplay. What do you guys think?

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just look at the reviews about JK2.. especially the gamespot/mania ones.


maybe if you drop onto a ledge and you haven't holstered your gun or saber you drop it onto ledge/ground in front of you so that you have to crawl back up and pick up your weapon, thus giving your opponent the opportunity to pull your saber away from your grasp. As we saw in EP1 when Darth Maul force pushed Obi-wan into shaft and then proceeded to kick obi-wan's saber into shaft.

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I still think it would detract from gameplay overall. On paper, this is an idea that should be utilized.


But in real gameplay, you just can't have it. Say you have a Briar or something like that, and the dude behind you is chasing with a conc rifle... you turn around to run off the cliff (of course there's ground below :)), but you hang onto the cliff instead. And you can't afford to jump in the air, as the fall damage would be much greater.


It just won't work, unless you pres a key to have it happen, which in that case would probably not be utilized to its full extent.

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Guest Kurgan

It would be great and fine for Single Player, but whether or not it would "fit" in multiplayer, or just be annoying, who can say.



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Originally posted by Jedi Bib:

<STRONG>I agree that it would be fun, but not totally needed and it could prove damaging to gameplay.</STRONG>


I dont see why it couldnt work, Heretic II had a similar thing for those REALLY long jumps. It could be assigned to a key that you hold down while in the air when you want to catch the ledge, if you dont want to catch the ledge you dont use it so it woudlnt hurt gameplay.

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Hey Jedibib, give me one example how this could prove damaging to gameplay. I don't see how. If they do put it in, I suggest they make it so you can flip up on top very quickly(like Obi-Wan in TPM), in case there's a rail detonator coming at your back and you need to get out of there quickly.

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Instead of throwing questions at him, read the thread. He was replying and agreeing with me. I told you exactly why it cannot work in MP. The rail detonator has splash damage--if someone shoots at you and you're still on the ledge, you are going to be nailed, no doubt. Concussion, you're dead. Saber, you're dead.


In an earlier post I said something about holding a key down. That would be the only way to do this. And if they did use a key, I doubt the feature would be used to its full extent.


I never played Heretic II. Did it use the feature in multiplayer? If so, was it utilized?

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The climb feature was utilised in multiplayer yes, and yes you could be caught but thats the price of realism, dont do it when someone is watching ;-)


It worked well in Heretic II where you had to get up ledges that were bigger than you could normally jump, and you could jump and climb through holes in the roof etc.. but with the force jump you wouldnt really need it.

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It wouldnt need a button, it would just require you to push forward. If you didn't want to do it, then don't push forward, that simple. And in regards to splash damage, like I said, if they put it in they should make it so you are able to flip up on top of the ledge VERY quickly like Obi in TPM. I think they will put it in, it just makes sense, a Jedi should be able to hang on a ledge.

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Hmmm, the activate Key.


Best way to do it. Activate u need to have bound anyhow, and u might as well designate 'activate' as 'grab' on certain 'grabbable' surfaces.


That'd save u from falls, it would allow for some interesting sneaking abilities and interesting acrobatic movements.


To pop off ledge up hit jump, to drop u hit duck. If its a climbable surface jump is up duck is down.


I'd say u need both hands to climb with, so no firing while hanging. I'd save that for a grapple hook, and make it an item u have to find.


Trick to this is making it smooth and easy to do. Also thinking of a *reason* to do it. Why would u climb when u can force jump? Why would u hang onto a ledge, even if u were trying to circumvent fall damage?; u'd be a sitting duck and get nailed.


I can't think of a reason to do it off the top of my head, not in regular deathmatch. Would have to be a specialized aspect of dm. Mebe force jump then grab.


oooh, mebe a belt hook. U could force jump, grab, then hook yerself and use both hands to shoot. Would add to sniping ability.


Come to think of it, so long as u could flip yerself up with say, a force jump, it wouldn't slow u down enough to be a disadvantage.


If u missed yer jump by a lil bit u could lunge for edge and then immediately hit force jump to flip yerself up.


So thats 2 uses, climbing/grabbing could add to the ease of long force jumps, as well as save u from fall damage occasionally. + u could use it to get to certain spots for sniping.


Think of some other ones and mebe a raven coder will take a liking to the idea and chuck it in the game. prolly not tho, they're prolly halfway thru sp now.



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Guest ZeroXcape

One of the main focuses of JKII seems to be being stealthy. I think certain types of hanging would be a great addition to a list of jedi features...

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