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Force power power......


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I know there's other force posts, and i did a search, and we havent had one for a while.


im not in the mood for a thread revival, so i thought i'd start a new one about this, because im not sure we've touched on it.


What made me think about this, was someone talking about force push in another post, and it reminded me of playing spork at valley of the jedi tower.


now being force pushed off a high ledge was all fine and dandy in spork if you had good reflexes, as one could grapple onto a wall and get back up before you could say 'im a monkeys uncle'


we all know there will be levels in multiplayer with long drop offs into nothingness. its star wars, there' cloud city etc. its inevidable.


now we all know whats going to happen in a full force game on a level like that. we'll have goons force pushing eachother around like radioactive tumbleweeds on a gusty winters day.


one way i see to avoid this is to have force push as a buildup force power, as in, the longer you hold the button, the farther they are thrown, and the more force 'mana' it takes.


that way, you'd have to keep your focus on the person long enough for it to build up power if you were going to do this, which could prove to be difficult (which may be a good thing)


maybe a quick tap of the force push would move them say...... a few feet back? and only soaking up a small amount of force resource.


on the other hand, a full throw would chuck them back say.... 50 feet maybe? this could soak up almost all or even all of the force resource pool.


this might work, providing force doesnt regenerate too quickly, which, from which we say in the jk2 demo, it did. i know its just a demo and probably not what the final product will be like, but we cant be sure. it was probably just set like that for the demo so the displayers wouldnt have to wait a minute for it to regen to show the audience a new force power.


i guess its something we'll have to get our raven friends to clear up for us.


the 'the longer you hold, the more powerful it is' thing worked with force jump in jk. perhaps it could be incorporated into a few force powers.



i for one dont want to be dueling someone then have some jackass watching to go "oh, i'll be funny and push him off the cliff. ha ha ha"


what do you guys think?

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Your Jedi Powers were useless against him as he would block your throws and pulls.


That is from the Shacknews interview. I dont see why Jedi should be immune automatically but they should have some counter. Perhaps with the ability to block, you fears will be somewhat calmed Gonk.

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The problem with dueling will be that real hardcore players play to win, not just for fun. If you are looking for a good duel, you will need to play with a hardcore player, but unfortunately he will be playing to win. What I mean by this is, Jedi in the movie (even Dark Jedi when facing a Light Jedi) always had a sense of honor. That's why they DJ didn't choke the LJ in the middle of a battle, etc. Sort of the mentality when Yun in JK sacrificed himself because "He's a Jedi. He deserves a fight." In multiplayer most people just want to win, so they have no problem pushing you off the edge in the middle of a fight, etc. :mad: It kind of ruins the mood, and I don't really see any way around it, but I just thought I would bring it up.

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Moses: In multiplayer most people just want to win, so they have no problem pushing you off the edge in the middle of a fight, etc.


In the final duel between Darth Maul and Obi-wan, Maul force pushed Obi-wan into that tunnel, then kicked his saber down the tube. Honor didn't have anything to do with why Jedi didn't use force powers like grip against other Jedi; Maul was perfectly happy to knock Obi around with the force when Obi gave him the opening.


[ August 18, 2001: Message edited by: [eVe]DeathBoLT ]

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well, maul was probably honorable until obiwan got too close, if you remimber, not long before that, obiwan caught maul off guard, and sliced his saber... maul was probably figuring he had better not toy around any longer, and dispose of him quickly, his face didnt show it,but i'd bet that was what he was thinking...

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Originally posted by [eVe]DeathBoLT:



In the final duel between Darth Maul and Obi-wan, Maul force pushed Obi-wan into that tunnel, then kicked his saber down the tube. Honor didn't have anything to do with why Jedi didn't use force powers like grip against other Jedi; Maul was perfectly happy to knock Obi around with the force when Obi gave him the opening.




but maul knew he was playing for keeps. he knew he had to kill obiwan coz if he didn't, he wasnt just going to respawn and be able to fight again. when the going gets tuff, jedis get ruff.


hey, its not as if anyone was going to know that maul pushed him off. noone was watching, except for a few million movie goers :) but they dont count.


if some filthy little jedi scum was trying to stop my evil plans, and i had the choice of pushing him off a ledge and being rid of him, or actually fighting him, i think i'd just push him and get on will my evil plans :)

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It's gotta be that they are having unseen battles with the force. I'd say they should keep u on yer toes and require u to actually do somthing to counter offensive forces like push, pull and grip, instead of just deciding that jedi can't do it too well to eachother.




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I'm glad Gonk brought this up, I have been thinking about this for a while and it saves me from doing it. :)


I would also like to see this introduced for example when there's a group of people and one of them is a civvy. You obviously don't want to push all of them back as the innocent will get hurt so thats why I think that


one tap of the key should throw everyone, while holding it down will have the reticle home in on someone (a la JK) and then when you release, that person should go flying..



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slightly off topic, but isnt it funny how the thing that i hate has been incorporated into my alias, and despite my loathing of them, i am referred to purely as 'gonk' 90% of them time, here and on the zone.


maybe i should consider a name change. a slight one perhaps. maybe I should just call myself gonk and grin and bear it :)

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I think that the major problem we'll have with the force powers is with the lightsaber throw. I can just imagine many people in MP running around constantly using force saber-throw and basically make it their only fragging technique. From the video I've seen I think they had it set so that the saber-throw would only take away 10 mana points (I also noticed that these points regenerate very quickly). Although that was only footage of a demo, I doubt it will be changed drastically. The only way I can think to solve this inevitable problem is to increase the mana at which is used when using force saber-throw (say 20 or 25 points), or to decrease the rate at which the mana regenerates.

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Alot of the people that post on here seem to have a problem with the force "mana" coming back quickly.. I found in JK (single player) that I would just wait around sometimes for my force to regain. And found it dumb that I am supose to draw my powers from the things around me.. (Like yoda said I think) So I like the idea of getting it back quickly! yay! And having more than 6 force powers would be nice.. As for push..

Two good points , Force pushing single , or alot of people .

And the idea Gonk (:p) had about hodling it down to build up power would also be nice.. :D

m3 2 centz.

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