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20 days since last update.


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It's now been 20 days since the last update. Is it JediknightII.net's fault? No, we're just information starved. Blizzard updates their page now and again, so does Bioware... so, LucasArts? Throw us a bone here, please? 20 days without even a word from the developers or no new information(screenshots, texts) whatsoever can shake even the firmest foundation of fans!


*takes out his LEC banner* Go, LEC, go! :)

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At this rate they'll loose most of the fans that are waiting for the game.


Dont think so Rave. In comparison to OB1 we have been flooded with info. I think some of us have been a little spoiled with info perhaps of we cant manage 3 weeks?



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. Lucasarts are the biggest tightasses when it comes to releasing NEW info on new games.

LOL, how true.


In my opinion the world has changed drastically over the past few years in terms of info on the web. I don't see what would be so hard about updating their page AT LEAST once a week if not more.


It only takes 5 minutes to upload some new info or a screenshot or 2.


I can understand them not releasing A LOT of info all the time, because it would spoil the game, but a few screens and some new info every week would only help things.


The world is rapidly changing and our friends at LA should be no exception.


Look at the Star Wars Galaxies website, they are constantly chatting with the Forum members and are constantly updating.




[ October 24, 2001: Message edited by: SlowbieOne ]


[ October 24, 2001: Message edited by: SlowbieOne ]

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Originally posted by WinterJedi:



It's now been 20 days since the last update. Is it JediknightII.net's fault? No, we're just information starved. Blizzard updates their page now and again, so does Bioware... so, LucasArts? Throw us a bone here, please? 20 days without even a word from the developers or no new information(screenshots, texts) whatsoever can shake even the firmest foundation of fans!


Well...last time I checked, BioWare didn't even have anything on their site regarding Knights Of the Old Republic, except the official announcement. That's not exactly keeping the gaming community up-to-date either. :rolleyes:


Also, we did have the recent PC Gamer stuff (we've only just had the JK2 special in the UK).


I've followed the development of several games via the Net over the years, and some managed to get the info release right, while others got it totally wrong. The problem is trying to find the right balance - you want to keep the fans updated, but you don't want to give away everything in the game.


Personally, I don't think there should be weekly releases of screenshots and new information - because there is probably 6 months or more of development time left.


Perhaps they should release a few screenshots a month, with a few more titbits of information, and then start doing a shot of the week over the last couple of months of development time. I think that would be enough for me...as long as the screenshots are from current builds of the game. ;)

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Uhhhhmmm, twenty days? You're complaining at twenty days?


Pardon me, I just find that a mite shocking given the amount of time it can take to get any real noteworthy news out of developers.


Umm... all I can say is, if this is your idea of a long wait, folks, get used to it while you can. I'm sorry I can't put that any more politely, but... :)

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Originally posted by Darth Lunatic:

<STRONG>Try and get used to this. Lucasarts are the biggest tightasses when it comes to releasing NEW info on new games.



I don't think so, compared to id, Valve and 3D Realms Raven/Lucasarts have been flooding us with new info on their upcoming game.


I think some of you are just a bit too spoiled to be satisfied with anything less than information overkill.

Trust me, you will get all the screenshots, videos and news when the game is closer to release (meaning well into 2002).


[ October 25, 2001: Message edited by: X-Vector ]

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It'll be near christmas anyway. OK, it is just a rumor, but that would be the time information would be released anyway. Lucasarts are very annoying though. They released lots more information for JK. I just hope we'll have a demo to play before the game comes out, or have some kind of trailer.

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I'm guessing we'll get a demo before the release. This is not LEC we're talking about. Perhaps with JK1, they were so busy that they just took a level from the full version and made it a demo, just before release.... or after...... whatever it was.


I think Raven will have had time to make a demo, and LEC will have harnessed this opportunity.

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