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Thank you for your support Matt-Windu,

but wardz i don't see anything offensive in that but it's a joke... I'm sure all the mods have a sense of humour, i mean it's only comedy.. for example: 2DTV, George Bush didn't quite go upto them and sue them for evey penny they got even though it's one of the msot offensive progammes ever........

You see my point and i don't see any reason for me to be banned unless they're really offended which is half impssible... THERE IS NOTHING OFFENSIVE IN THAT UNLESS YOU'RE REALLY TOUCHY!!!!

Only lec maybe offended but i'm sure they'd realise it's A JOKE and i mean it's not everyday u get to have a lugh by making the mods evil satanic people..

ID Software done this sort of crpa with Hitler too so i don't see what u find so bad about it...

Unless your Jar Jar.

Look back to let's make a stpry and JFA-Fear or summat...... he didn't get banned after posting what he did!!!!

Wardz reconsider what u said.................

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