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The dark jedi who i dont know the name of


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This jumped up ***** tottin a saber (if its a woman)/ pony tail arse bandit (if its a bloke) is obviously the fore front of the dark jedi faction. Lets refer to it as "IT" from now on.... IT will probably be comparable to Maul in its role within the dark side. The guy who makes the most contact and is the lower of the group. As Yoda said "there are always two, an apprentice and a master" or something along those lines. I reckon there will be a cloaked master in the background of the plot like dath sidious and the emperor. Then again, "IT" looks about as intimidating as a green dwarf that lives in a mud hut on dagobah...so looks can be deceiving. The true power of "IT" will only be know when u face "IT" in battle......but ffs "IT" really doesn't look intimidating....suppose it'll have to growl more than the other dark jedi's from JK to make it more intimidating.

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Originally posted by GonkH8er:

<STRONG>It's a guy.


Just wait...... save your typing strength just a bit longer. News cometh soon. Mucheth to talketh about soon.



Rest now. Answers will be coming :)</STRONG>


After what he said here i think he can.


we all know that i know that he know that he knows!

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We debated this for weeks after the lightsaber battle screenshots were realeased and we deduced that it was a guy. From a distance with the long hair it did look like a girl, but when we zoomed into the face, i think it was thanks to Gonk8her, we could see that it was a guy. Also to support this fact was that concept art etc from episode I had male Jedi with long hair.


The reason it looks like a girl is also because of the poor quality of most of the screenshots we've had. When we play it best graphics and maximum resolution im sure we'll see its a guy (if the jedi is included).

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