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Our Holiday Gift To You...

Guest Aristotle

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Guest Aristotle

In the spirit of the upcoming holidays... it's evident that YOU, the forum goers deserve a holiday gift. Your continued loyalty and enthusiasm for this site has done nothing but make it stronger by the month. As a result, we're happy to offer a holiday gift to our readers.


What kind of gift do you ask? Here's the scoop...


Think about what you as a community would like to see provided (within reason) from this site, for Jedi Knight II.


For example, would you like us to run a contest with LEC, (trivia on the history of Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, etc) where LucasArts would provide one or two winners with signed copies of the game?


Or would you like to put together 10-15 very well thought out questions to present to LucasArts and Raven where you, the readers would put forth your own interview, which we would publish.


Would you like to see a few exclusive new screenshots? Perhaps from a particular angle, or displaying a particular move or force, weapon, etc?


Obviously these are just a few suggestions.... and no, don't ask for ALL of them.. you know what Santa does with greedy children. :p


Once a majority of you come up with what you would like to ask for your holiday gift, and once it's presented to us, we'll work with LEC to try to make it happen. Odds are very good that if it's reasonable and possible, you can look forward to it.


We're going to try to put something similar together for GalacticBattles.Com as well... so keep an eye out over there as well for details.


Discuss this among yourselves.. and please try to use this opportunity wisely...


Hope everyone has a happy Turkey Day.

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Once again, you know what I do with greedy children. ("Anybody hungry for some Forum-Goer-Chunkies?")


Personally, I don't know what I want to see. I don't care about previews or screenshots or new news or anything. It just adds to my expectations, and could ruin the game for me later on.


What I want is a real "Screen of the Week". I know I've mentioned this to the Jedi Council once, but for some reason, it still only gets changed once in a blue moon.


And maybe we could get a models page and the LucasArts' concept art somewhere in here too, maybe in the screenshots section.

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Guest Vagabond

Well, this is kind of outlandish, but it would be really cool: have a random drawing of forum members, and the lucky winner gets to appear as an easter egg in one of the Jedi Outcast levels. That would be pretty cool, wouldn't it? :cool:

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Yeh nice one VagaBond but AGGHHHHHH i can't choose...

But to be kind to us all i'd woudl choose osmething that everyone would enjoy!

what'd u guys think... the top one is abit much as only 1 or 2 people get the game and it'd be said for others..... LEt's think carefully!! CAREFULLY!!!

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Or draw 5 to 10 randomly and sent them a free copy of JK2.


Anyways new screenshots are always welcome....but seems somewhat lacking....i wouldnt call that a present. :D


How about a new vid-clip?? that would be nice.

Perhaps showing how "this and that" gets designed....for example a piece of a map we havent seen yet and then show how its being build from the ground up and perhaps show how you add enemies....which is a good way of giving a little sneak preview for some of the models being used...etc etc. (doesnt have to minute by minute nor does it have to become a huge vid, but you get my drift right)


Well just some thoughts. :)

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Hmmm...some really good ideas there, and I'm really torn between them. :(


So I'll come up with another one to throw into the mix... :D


How about releasing a prequel story to Jedi Outcast, detailing what happens to Kyle inbetween MotS and JO? The story could be released in chapters all the way up to the point the game is released, so you'll have a nice little novel on Kyle's exploits?


That would give every gamer a good solid background to the events preceding the game.


Just a thought. ;)

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Hows about u put all our names on the credits :D

But i guess lec wouldn't be too happy.

So what about u give out a high res vid..

yeh u know what i mean..

And i used to be a lurker at OWK.net and Galactic Plumberman would be a great Easter Egg!

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Guest Aristotle

Full "in-game" high res vid of JKII in action is already a done deal... so don't waste your request on that one...


***that's all I'll say on that front***

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I wouldn't be fussed either way. The signed copy sounds good but that wouldn't be much of a team effort. Forget questions, they will be answered in the videos. A picture tells a thousand words



mmmm. For once I can't think of anything to say.




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Guest Vagabond

Good one, Wilhuf - Galactic Plumberman as an easter egg. If it can't be one of us, then no other is more deserving than he, may his immortal soul rest in peace. Never have so many owed so much to so few...

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Here's what I think; I think the JKII.net administrators should get some nice tees printed up with the jedi knightii.net insignia on em. It would have to contain original art and such, but it would be a cool thing for the forum members to be able to purchase. Then you could draw names and give a few of em away for free. :p

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play the game with a Lightplunger!

and use Force Unblock Lavatory.


slaps stormhammer


How could you forget, it says you are from the galactic plumberman alliance. tsk tsk


; )





[ November 21, 2001: Message edited by: wardz ]

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I don't think I'd want this as our only option, but consider this...


We could have a JK tourney (controlled by the veteran of this, Wilhuf) and the top 5 players (or however many) would rightly win the chance to play against Raven once the game has been released. Then if a forum goer would win, he/she would get a free copy of JK2... uh wait, they would have already had that. :p Uh, something special, if playing the developers isn't enough.


(PS - Is demo recording [call it whatcha like] confirmed for JK2 yet?)

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Hmm, tough decision.


Personally I think a gameplay video would be great, so we get to see a little of the flow of the game.


I like the easter egg idea too, a little Galactic Plumberman can never go wrong. Or even a forum member.


It would be nice to see him somewhere in the game...and maybe unlock the ability to play the game with a Lightplunger!


Hey, when Canoli and the guys over at the TFN Games Forum can get a Force Boat into Galactic Battlegrounds, I think we should get our Plumberman in JKII. ;)

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We could have a JK tourney (controlled by the veteran of this, Wilhuf) and the top 5 players (or however many) would rightly win the chance to play against Raven once the game has been released


I definately would NOT want to try to get into a JK tourney.. JK is truly hack ridden these days..


hacks are made faster than the ahp(anti-hack patches) can be developed to counter them. and the hacks im talking about are barely detectable.


between that and the whining about rules(which have grown to become pretty thick) it'd really be no fun and not be worth even a free copy of JK2.


since a hi-fi video is on the way im not sure what to ask for..


maybe there could be questions to ask(that aren't covered by the video), covering the balancing of the force so that there are counters to potentially devastating powers(i.e.lighting and grip) in mp, multiplayer hosting(zone or dedicated servers), etc..


[ November 21, 2001: Message edited by: DeathBoLT ]

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