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Jedi Outcast Beta

Guest Celestial

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Beta means they have a working game. This does not mean there aren't any bugs left in it. Tracking down and fixing bux is time consuming work. Even one bug can sometimes take several weeks or even months to fix, so don't expect the game to be ready tomorrow.

Also "beta" can be a lot of things. Sometimes it means the game is finished except for a few minor things (like a couple of details in some levels or adding a couple of voices). Sometimes it means they have the engine running good enough to walk around in a level, but they haven't made all the levels yet and haven't done the voices etc. From beta to final version can take years sometimes, although I don't think (and hope) that will be the case here.

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Aah,crap.I thought you were going to say there was an open beta.Anyway,no game is ever going to have an open beta,and even if there is,they'll be limited to like...100 players...?They won't have so many people,simply because the beta might cost money,you know...

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Firstly, alot of games have open betas, some games have 100,000 beta testers.


Secondly, a beta test is no indication of how far along production is. Sometimes a beta can last for a month or two and then the game comes out, and sometimes it can last for about 5 months and then the game comes out. It depends how many bugs there are, and how few they want on the final version.

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Yeah i'm with Celestial on this 1...i mean lets not forget that these guys are experts when it comes to the Q3 engine and all it "moods". :D

And basicly all Q3 engine powered games are the same (code wise i mean)....more or less.

In other words i can imagine that its indeed a pretty solid beta...hey a man can hope right?? :D


[ November 26, 2001: Message edited by: Darth Sarcastic ]

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Originally posted by Wacky_Baccy:


Who's your fave Ghostbuster, and why?



Rick Moranis, just because.


Originally posted by Wacky_Baccy:

<STRONG>Do you look anything like your (partial) namesake in Voyager: Elite Force??</STRONG>


The texture was based on my face, sans moustache, but the facial/head/hair structure was more caucasian in shape so it ended up looking more like Keanu Reeves than me.

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