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Chicken is Best

Angry Drunken Ewok

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I like Star Wars but not as much as I like girls....girls are good...Boba Fett is the best Star Wars Character ever with Vader and Maul tying for second and following it up would have to be Kyle Katarn...the best Jedi in the Star Wars universe would have to be Qui-Gon Ginn...and remember ALWAYS that chicken is the best meat in the world and that its the best except when it comes to girls and Star Wars.


"He's no good to me dead."

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im not much of a red meat person myself. i eat a LOT of chicken. in fact, i believe i'm eating that very hormone pumped substance right now...


mmmmmm :)


and i'd have to agree with you on the girls comment. girl ARE good. i find young women to be better than girls though. i'd swap this chicken and coleslaw sandwich for a young woman right now if i could. hrmmmm on second thought..... it is a pretty good sandwich... i think ill keep it :)

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posted by: Angry Drunken Ewok


"I like Star Wars but not as much as I like girls....girls are good...Boba Fett is the best Star Wars Character ever with Vader and Maul tying for second and following it up would have to be Kyle Katarn...the best Jedi in the Star Wars universe would have to be Qui-Gon Ginn...and remember ALWAYS that chicken is the best meat in the world and that its the best except when it comes to girls and Star Wars."




I don't know if he's Angry...but he's defenately Drunken. ;)

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Originally posted by Tre Lightshadow:

<STRONG>Luke Skywalker is the best Jedi ever, he brought the Jedi back to order from complete chaos. And being a vegetarian, I must say, soy is the best meat there is. :D</STRONG>


Er, weren't most of the Jedi extinct? He didn't really have much to do, in that sense, except rebuild on the shoulders of the great Jedi before him.


Qui-Gon was misguided, Obi-Wan hid himself away and let Vader run rampant through the universe, and so did Yoda - who was far more powerful than any of the other's except the Emperor.


The only Jedi who stands tall is Kyle Katarn, because he took out seven Dark Jedi, saved the entire galaxy from a hideous fate, and restored order to the Force.


Glad he's back... ;)

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I will have to argue about Katarn being the best Jedi in the Star Wars universe....sure he did all those things, which were awesome, but as far as him being a Jedi are concerned he wont qualify as being a good one..I mean he couldnt CONTROL the Force ,which a Jedi is supposed to be one with, which is why he decided not to become a Jedi because he was afraid he wouldnt be to master it and fall to the dark side.....oh and Qui-Gon was not misguided, his views and philosophies were different than the Jedi Council's which is also a major reason Qui-Gon was not on the council.

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