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What's wrong at LucasArts? What right?


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I say its about time that LucasArts went looking to the outside for help. After "Battle for Naboo", "Epi.1 TPM", and other obcenely bad games, it'd good to hear that they're licensing out the Star Wars title to the likes of Raven Software and Wizards of the Coast. Is it in time though?

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How can you say that? The developers could have turned TPM into a good game. A bad movie doesn't make a bad game. A good movie doesn't make a good game either. GoldenEye, for example, was a sub-par Bond movie, but it became the best console fighter for a looong time.


LucasArts in the past two years has been having trouble. Most of their old programmers and designers left. They lost a lot of talent and experience. A big problem was churning out a ton of Episode 1 games. Combined with absolutely no communication with its fans, LucasArts was begging for trouble.


But I think they're on the right track now.

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I agree that they seem to be on the right track now. They are hosting webchats with developers and welcoming feedback but most importantly the have aligned themselves with the experts in each particular genre to produce the latest games. Why compete with Age of Emipires, Quake III etc when you can build on them with the SW licience?

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I agree with OnlyOneCanoli. LEC barely communicates with fans at all. In the most recent LEC chat with Haden Christiansen he said that he visits JK.N and Massassi every day, and yet he never posts in any forums or sends any e-mails complimenting on the good work. He said the same about other LEC members. I don't quite understand it, but I guess it's their choice.

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LEC employees have a strict non-disclosure agreement. If they were to go to message boards and post regularly, the questions would start rolling in. So to avoid that kind of situation, they just avoid showing themselves in the first place. That's my guess, anyway.


But official chat events and *gasp* message boards at LEC sites don't hurt.

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I also think LEC is on the right track. They may not post regularly on forums, but at least they have been reading those forums, and for the most part, taking on board some of our opinions. It makes perfect business sense to do so, too, because then they can find out what they did right, and what they did wrong, and try to improve on things in the future.


They also said in the chat log that they are not ruling out doing more games in the Dark Forces series.


As for NDAs, I think they are perfectly reasonable, and help to safeguard current projects.


I'm glad to see LEC working in partnership with other developers in order to make the games we really want.


Thanks LEC! Keep up the good work! ;)

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Guest digl

They were great a few years ago, lets hope they get back to that quality with the line up of third party developed games they have.


It was known that they read the forums, and they may be changing their NDA gradually, or at lest they let the Raven guys post in our forums, and that is a very good thing


Their homepage has changed a lot in the last months, but we are still far away from official forums there(specially after they got scared because of some death menaces ;))

I think they are talking over with the owners of the LG network so this sites and forums become a source of communication between the fans and LEC

Of course this is just something elusive I sense

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they just did select a very good developer this time, and i never saw a bad raven game before!


star trek had a lot, i mean A LOT of crappy games through interplay... (thats why i dont buy ST games) but raven's ST:voyager is sooo cool that i managed to get one myself! :)


heheh all i see is a one really cool JK game here! :)

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