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In some ways pointless


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Now that I think about it, all this agruing over forces, weapons, character, what whatever else is pretty pointless. No one outside LEC or Raven knows much about it. If you read through some of the offial material, you find that JK2 is pretty much already planned out. Though there are a few things left to work out.


Save your agruing for when you actually have something to argue about.


Now I know Raven reads these board, so posting here might help a little. For instance there have been many who say the STs don't look quite right. Things like that can still be worked on, but the major gameplay elements (forces, guns, blah blah) are already set.


Just a thought.

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Guest digl

I dont think Its pointless

Most of the game may be already planned, but Its not developed yet

And all the force/weapons balancing hasnt probably started yet

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Whoa whoa whoa. What's all this about owk.net closing? Last time I went there, less than a week ago, it was still up. I thought Kurgan was keeping it up for Obi-Wan for the X-Box. What happened to that? Did he leave some kind of message up for a day or two? And surely the forums are still up. I know numerous sites that left the forums up a few weeks after the site shut down and the page was gone from the address. Anyone have the address directly to the forums?


Here's the address for the <a href="http://www.obi-wankenobi.net/cgi-bin/forums/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&forum=Obi-Wan+Hub&number=10">Obi-Wan Hub</a>. Let me try it here and see if it's still up.


:( :( :( :( :( :( :( It's not. :(

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We all did. I don't think that I had any bad times at that website. Accept when I was doing my news rounds for the Obi-Wan Network and I saw that they had gotten the scoop from LucasArts before we did. And the Obi-Wan Network was the first, and the best, IMO, Obi-Wan website out there.

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Well, I just thought it a little funny for us to be arguing over something as if WE had control over it, which we really don't. The forces and weapons were prolly decided by LEC when they made the deal with Raven. If you read through the info from the disigners, LEC did give Raven a detailed outline do follow.


Posting will prolly help, but in minor (not necissarily unimportant) ways. If they release screen shots and people don't like then, then im sure they would work on it. But I don't think they will add or subtract forces (or whatever else) due to a few opinions on a message board. They are more or less following the direction of LEC.


[ June 06, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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Well, I think that giving ideas is entirely different than trashing the devs and saying that they suxor and that they don't know anything about SW or what made JK cool. I've seen a little bit of both going on here and seeing as how I NEED to play this game, let's not ruin it by trashing the devs and making them want to stay far away from our message boards.


If the game comes out and it sucks and we find out that they didn't listen to any of our best ideas, then I say we trash 'em. :cool:

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