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Will sabers stop all fire?


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I don't believe that you will be able to block everything that an opponent can throw at you. At least I hope not. If they want to have BALANCE, they won't make the Lightsaber as unbalanced as many of you think that the Concussion Rifle is. Being able to block EVERYTHING, could possibly make the game unbalanced.


I'm hoping that there will be a variety of weapons that will force the person with the Lightsaber to evade using movement, instead of just blocking. Flips and/or jumps could easily be inhibited to allow Lightsaberists to dodge what they can't block.

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Guest Kettch

Jedi can block all incoming blaster bolts, or have you ever seen Obi-Wan or Qui-Gon missed to block a bolt? They can even protect others with their saber (in EI, it was Queen Amidala in the Naboo Hangar). The lightsaber can't block projectiles, but Jedis are able to use the force to guide such projectiles away from them.

I hope in JKII there will be no automatically block-system, so it depend on the skills of the player, how many blaster-bolts he can block...

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Yeah, Wilhuf, I sort of agree - except there has been no word on the conc being in the game as yet.


Congrats on your promotion, BTW. :D


We should be given the choice of a manual system for blocking blaster fire. I've just started playing MotS again, and I noticed the problem again from the very first level. I wade into the Stormies, ready to take them out with a few slices of the saber - and it refuses to do anything, because it's autoblocking all the laser fire, so I wind up dead. Why can't I just choose to take some blaster hits so that I can cut down those troopers? It's annoying.


So, as far as blocking all blaster fire goes - sometimes I don't want to. I like to side step, and get in close with the saber to take out an opponent (where possible).


As for a Force un-grip - I don't see the need. However, I do think you should still be able to use other Force powers while being gripped - like absorb, push etc. And you should still be able to use whatever other ranged weapons are at your disposal to shoot your opponent.

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I don't see why you have to balance guns and sabers in multiplayer. Sabers balance with Force powers in Jedi-style games, and guns balance with other guns in non-Jedi games, but mixing them just doesn't work. A concussion rifle and a stun blaster are the the only weapons I can think of that can hit a Jedi, but even then, they can just sense it with the Force and Pull it away. An enormous clone army might kill a Jedi, or a vehicle, or a Phase II Dark Trooper, but that's all.

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