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dealing with lag...


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hey, i was wondering, with the old JK engine it was that you pretty much had to hit a bubble around your target rather than the target himself, regardless of ping, now, with the quake engine, does that directly affect how lag will be compensated for? i have broadband (real nice one too) and lag doesnt bother me per se, but if really laggy people come on all in all how will it affect the overall gameplay? how will it be compensated for?

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The new engine should help with the JK MP format, as most games are 3-4 players at a time. Although connection and sever is the main factor, the new engine will help leaser connections in the smaller games. Q3 Games, to my knowledge, usually have large player counts, so connection is more important here even with the more powerfull engine..


Bottom line: Lag will be better for JK2 MP games, but not entirely elimnated...to say the least. :D

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It also depends on what server you are on. If you live in a large city, you shouldn't have problems finding servers with pings of under 300, even if you have a 56k slodem.


I live in Kansas City MO (communications hub BTW) and I have 1500k DSL. It's easy for me to get on servers that have a ping of under 100 to me.


[ July 03, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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lol...yeah alot of newbs play with a slodem dial up connection..its just the way it goes...the good news is, hopefully more and more players will have options for dls or cable, by the time JKO is released....with more availble servers as Torment stated...but all theese factors will benifit everyone and the lag issue....time changes everything...

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Guest Kurgan

Tweak their modem to add lag so they'd have an advantage??!


Are you serious? How would a person do this?


Would it really give you an "advantage" though? I never heard of such a thing...



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Ya, people with lag in JK get an advantage. In JK, the other players see you after your computer sends to theres. So if it takes you 800 msecs, which is a lag of 800 (duh), it would take longer for the other players to see you than it would someone who would send in 400 msecs. Ok, that's probably not the best wording, but whatever.


[ July 04, 2001: Message edited by: Tre Lightshadow ]

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LAG is important. I hate it. In the half-life engine I find that I have it allmost never. When I play Counter-Strike we are up to 32 players in total and I get not a single slow down.


HOWEVER! When I play SeriousSam I get too many TimeOut problems. It frustrated me a lot.


I hope lag issues are fixed with the Q3 engine for JK2 (I wouldn't know since I never played Q3)

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ok heres the deal in JK/MotS there were and still are people that open programs behind the game while they are playing to lag themselves *winamp or any program they can use that uses an internet connection* they were so use to playing with that lag that they knew how much to aim off and all that jazz where as people that werent use to playing with lag had a hard time hitting them.. anyone that has ever played scouts knows that you have to hit an invisible target (lag spot) with a high speed projectile while you are moving around.. it has to be a direct shot too non of this splash damage bs.. so anyone thats played it knows how much of a pain in the rear it is to play someone who lags themselves. ive played people in australia that were easier to hit than some of those people. anyway with JK 2 like most quake or UT powered games will have weapon lag more than likely.. so anyone that runs programs behind their crap will run into serious complications and their fun will be ruined.. hehe. even in tribes if you dont have at least a 56k running the best it can playing can be a pain 1second of lag is a great deal in JK/MotS it can be even worse for the person lagging in Tribes/UT/Quake/et cetera because they have to wait 1 second before their weapon fires after they hit the button.... not fun believe me i played tribes on a 33.6 with 3seconds and it was damn near impossible. but broad band users shouldnt have any problems with lag.. if they include scouts gameplay in JK2 like they did in MotS things will be interesting.

now that i get 3mb down 1mb up everything is more interesting.

anyway happy fourth.. hope everyone got as plastered as i did

*edit* holy geeze did i not seperate this into seperate paragraphs? HAHAHAHA oops too lazy to go back too, sorry


[ July 05, 2001: Message edited by: Confed ]

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Ya, people with lag in JK get an advantage. In JK, the other players see you after your computer sends to theres. So if it takes you 800 msecs, which is a lag of 800 (duh), it would take longer for the other players to see you than it would someone who would send in 400 msecs.


This isn't how the netcode works in JK/MotS. It's a peer-peer network code. If you ping someone at 500, they ping you at or around 500(if you were to ping one another at same time). 300-500 ping in JK/MotS is considered average.


"Ping" is similar to the sonar that bats use. Bats send out a pulse that will hit obstructions and then return to that bat, telling it how far away the obstruction is. Your computer sends out a pulse to the server and/or all players and it returns a signal letting you know how well your computers are communicating with one another.


I've heard about these modem tweaks being used for cheating in JK/MotS, but I've never really looked into it much. I suspect, if it is indeed true, that they somehow purposely lose packets. If you are losing packets left and right, only certain information is getting to the server and it can cause you to skip around(on opponents screen) like they're having 1 FPS or something. It's sort of similar to the Winamp cheapness. Certain soundcards don't allow you to use more than one program at a time that uses sound. If someone opens up their programs in the correct sequence, they won't hear their own sounds and this also causes the opponent not to hear the sounds as well(only on certain soundcards). Just another cheap method that people use in JK. Hard to know how bad you've damaged someone if you can't hear the hit-sounds.

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That's correct. It's not really the ping, it's the % of dropped/corrupted data packets. You can 1) mess with the settings in JK (I won't say which one or how) 2) Have programs that use net connections (such as napster) 3) Play with the setting of you modem/NIC (bitrate, baud, protocal exc...).


On the other hand, making lag for high pings can have advantages if you are host.


I've seen many "elite" players who have pings of under 500 but they constantly do short teleports all over the place. I could also talk about warping but that is a topic unto it's self.


Regardless, JK2 will make lag cheating a thing of the past (along with many of the NF saber "elites"). Trying this kind of thing with a q3 engine will get you killed before you saw the person who hit you.

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Yes, you can create low ping bastard (lpb) or high ping bastard (HPB) only servers with Q3 tech.


Server admins can set the minimum and maximum ping allowed to connect to your q3 tech server. So, if you want a modem-friendly HPB-only server, you could create one by capping the minimum ping (/sv_minping) to a higher value. E.g. players with a ping of 200 msec or higher only may connect.


Likewise, admins could cap the maximum ping (/sv_maxping)to create an LPB only server. E.g., players must have a ping of 100 msec or less to play.


Q3 tech also allows server admins to restrict the maximum transfer rate at which clients connect. For instance, a Q3 or Elite Force server can cap the client download rate per player, so that a high bandwidth player can't suck up all of the server upload bandwidth, making the game more friendly to low transfer rate modem players.


I usually cap the transfer rate on my server to be friendly to modem players.

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Well, as I said I try to make my servers modem-friendly. :cool:


But you're right, if an admin wanted an lpb-only server they could easily cap the maximum ping to create an lpb only server.


Of course, admins could just as easily be high and mighty in favor of the modem player and cap the minimum ping.


Separating players by ping isn't necessarily a bad idea, btw. In theory, by creating hpb and lpb only servers, you put people on equal playing fields.


By separating into lpb and hpb only servers, ping for all players will be somewhat similar (hpbs v hpbs on one server, and lpbs v lpbs only on another server). You're less likely to find a 'ping disadvantage' on an lpb- or hpb-only server.


When hpb whiners complain about ping, one answer is to set up an hpb-only server so they can play with other hpbers who don't have a hypothetical 'ping advantage.' And, hpbers don't have to put up with being whooped by lpbers if they play on an hpb-only server.


Likewise, lpbers who play on lpb-only servers don't have to listen to the incessant whining about 'unfair ping' from the hpbers. Everyone's happy.


In practice, I haven't seen very many q3 or elite force hpb- or lpb-only servers. They do exist but not in great numbers. I'm not really worried that there will be some kind of 'ping division' that fragments the community. I doubt that there will be a huge number of lpb-only servers, and only a few hpb only JKO servers.


More than likely, most admins will just use default settings to allow both lpbers and hpbers, as they currently do with Q3 and Elite Force.


[ July 05, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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Tweaking your modem is just bs. You "tweak" it with a prog that smacks down the packets that tell you your gonna get hit. Its called a 'packet sniffer' and they have all sorts of uses. The prog does nothing to your modem.


People also 'tweak' with framerate, but thats just jibber jabber, cause they lose a lot of fine control when they do that and its utterly certain death in anything other'n nf sabs.


People have been known to induce lag into a game, or run a prog that interferes with their soundcards, because they either play better with the lag, or they play better mute and deaf.


Actually, the whole 'tweaking' thing came about back in the days of TweakDUN, and some folks still do that, tho not many cause it makes it difficult to play with. You can change the size of your packets, but it increases the interval on which they're sent. Good for d/l webpages, bad for somthing you need a constant stable connection to, like JK. And you obviously can't do it with a cable modem, so its pretty much died out, tho i know a few kids who try and slip it by.


TweakDUN aint gonna be no thang like a chickenwang in q3, cause its for dialupers and it'd prolly just make the server decide yer modem was retarded and boot you.


Framerate on the other hand has a factor in melee combat, I know it affects things in rune. So mebe, they'll fix that fer q3, tho I'm not even sure it would make a difference with the q3 engine.




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